Fast and Furious and Obama’s Dilema

Fast and Furious and Obama’s Dilema

I’ve been pretty busy lately. Just trying to keep our heads above water. We’re doing all we can to stave off the effects of this never ending recession and we’re losing the battle. We’ll survive and we’ll do it without the government. That’s what we do. Now onto the latest example of incompetent leadership.

Eric Holder was held in contempt and Obama inserted his “Executive Privilege” Which is HIS RIGHT TO DO. Presidents have exercised that option throughout history. However; If you spent the last year or so claiming you knew nothing about Operation Fast and Furious, claiming executive privilege makes you either a liar in the first part. OR a very good friend to cover up the lies in the second part. Either way, it’s now YOURS.

Now, the entire investigation has been blamed on Racism is nothing new. But what is new is the latest Pelosi reasoning: “There’s a connection between this witch hunt and the fact that Eric Holder is fighting against voter suppression” WOW How many yoga classes do you have to take to twist facts into that reasoning? Too stupid for words is she. (YODA)

Now the next excuse is.. Wait for it… BUSH’S FAULT. I love this one. And the uneducated believe it.. or are too love struck with king Obama to apply reason and logic to that charge.
Facts are miserable things to liberal/progressive/power hungry democrats.

The heart of the issue for me is simple: The underhandedness at which this operation was undertaken is a real problem. It shows the character of those in charge and it calls into question the lengths they will go to get their agenda through the American people.

Here’s a couple more things to think about:

1. Trayvon Martin looks like Obama’s son. Sandra Fluke gets a call from Obama after Rush correctly pointed out that she’s a slut. Brian Terry’s family has yet to hear from Obama.

2. The Media, the very people who are supposed to be watching the rulers for the people didn’t even run the story until months after it broke. And who broke it? Bloggers.

3. Can you imagine the actions of these agenda driven king complexed elected officials if BLOGGERS were silenced? Can you imagine the damage done to our nation with only NETWORK MEDIA to report?

Just a few things to think about the next time you watch the state run media and think they are doing their jobs.


5 Replies to “Fast and Furious and Obama’s Dilema”

  1. It’s ALL because Obama and Holder are kinda/sorta BLACK… This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the loss of 2,000 weapons and the MURDER of federal agents WITH some of those weapons…

    It’s all because WE don’t like Obama and Holder and because WE are RACISTS!

    Yeah, racists..

    1. Yep Fred, that’s it. Well that and if it were a R behind their names the dems would be screaming for justice but wouldn’t be racist for it. Ala Clarence Thomas.

  2. It’s often amazing to see how they turn things around. What kills me though is the very large part of our country that either go along with or believe this stuff.

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