Farrakhan: “The Messiah speaks”

Farrakhan: “The Messiah speaks”

Clearly now we have some real facts. I feel much better, Louis Farrakhan is such a fine upstanding MUSLIM that he wouldn’t announce the “Messiah” unless it were true. So now will we hear Barack HUSSEIN Obama denounce Farrakhan? He has thrown everyone else under the bus (In public) I wouldn’t doubt that we will hear some sort of defense from the Messiah Hussein’s Camp.

Louis Farrakhan, the head of the nation of ISLAM, calling Barack Hussien Obama the “Messiah”?

OUR nation, the very nation that was attacked 7 years ago by MUSLIM TERRORISTS is about to elect this stealth Muslim to the highest office in the free world. NOT only that, BUT we will aslo have Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid by his side… I am sick to my stomach.

November 4th will mark the END of our nation if Barry Hussein Obama is elected.. Some say, “(Barack Hussein) Obama can’t do that, he will not have that power” I say look what he has done so far…

Barack Hussein Obama is leading in every poll in America, Foreign money is leaving our country, investments are declining because they know TAXES are going up on business. Democrats have been in power for two years, and along with the most inept Republicans ever to occupy space in DC, they have gave us Depression, Job loss, Fear, and Censorship. So what makes anyone think Barack Hussien Obama is GOOD for our country?

Big HT to OlBroad for the video

7 Replies to “Farrakhan: “The Messiah speaks””

  1. Ya know,

    If he isn’t the Anti-christ, he’s paving the way for him.

    This has been spoken about for a melinia… Better get ready.

  2. Can he make it happen?? You’re damned right he can, just look at what happens, supposedly, to people that say his full name, his LEGAL, FULL, GIVEN name, Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

    We’re fucked if this half breed son of a buck loving bitch gets elected, this entire nation will cease to exist, and we will have lost the Republic forever!

  3. This guy definitely has the makings of the anti-Christ. What saddens me more is that how many people (black, white, asian, hispanics) are duped by this slick smooth-talking individual. It proves that the inferior species that Darwin taunted is not relegated to the pigmentation, but worldview orientation. And any schmuck who believes that Obama is the Messiah or true Hope for America should be taken out of the gene pool!

  4. @NEO, SOC: Truth be told, if I wasn’t so much of a “Question everything” type guy I would probably be a lemming on Barack Hussein Obama’s camp…. He speaks well, he says what folks want to hear, he is fairly likable, and his message is polished to shine like a brand new ferrari…Once you remove the polish, the vehicle underneath is a ford pinto with no motor… The ability to go anywhere is relying on manpower, and that man power is Rev Wright, Farrakhan, Ayers, and Phlegar.

  5. There are very few people more hateful than Louis Farrakhan , and the fact that he identified obama as a messiah is more than disturbing. I can’t believe that Obama is ahead in the polls with all of his associations, we might be in for a long 4 years.

  6. Obama isn’t hard to figure out when you look at what is being revealed about him. He is a devil and he is smiling:devilsmiling:as he travels around the country decieving many.

  7. @Karen (nannyKaren): My feeling exactly. Unfortunately he has brainwashed many, and the lemmings that help him get elected will soon see what GWB has had to put up with for 8 years. I will be the most vile disgusting anti-Obama poster on the internet. I will go to all the lemmings sites like Ko’s Wonkette and CNN to post drivel and angst against the socialist Hussein Obama.

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