Easter Racist.

Easter Racist.

Gotta love the Google liberpukes. Honoring “Cesar Chavez” rather than the Risen Lord of Christians.


Lets see, let the illegals stay rent free, let them vote, let them dine on our dime, Cinco-De Mayo, etc. etc. etc… Then on Easter, lets not honor CHRIST, lets put ol Cesar up.. You know, Google got the desired reaction. Pissed off Christians.. I wonder will they be so bold as to piss on Muhammad too? Will they slam Muslims and laugh? Oh hell no, that would take courage.

I think it’s about high fuckin time Christians became more like Muslims.. Lets start burning the cities down, lets start blowing shit up because of the lack of respect. Fuck Google, Fuck Obama and his support staff… Happy easter to the rest of you.

God needs warriors now more than ever, arm up prepare and hope for the best.

6 Replies to “Easter Racist.”

  1. Too Cool … I saw this and I was amazed that they wouldn’t mention Easter. I guess it’s because only about one billion of us are Christian … and everyone in the world knows who Cesar Chavez is.


  2. Fuck religion. Fuck Easter and all the rest of the pagan-turned-christian holidays. But most of all, FUCK GOOGLE for alienating the American citizens with this Mexican cock-smoker that no one gives a shit about and for doing it on a god damned holiday.
    Since Google sure as fuck isn’t going to change their logo I’ll do it for you. Just install GreaseMonkey and slide this script in place: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/163685

    1. GBC I’m not an atheist, so “Fuck Easter” isn’t something I can agree with at all. HE IS RISEN. But the rest of your rant I fully agree with. Yeah, I got that script and yep I did that ASAP but the damage is done when on a HOLY day, you’re treated to Cesar instead of Jesus.

      Ceefour, it’s very much time for it. Riot in the streets a few beheadings, some nice suicide bombers… why the hell not? The muzzie’s don’t get this treatment because of their reaction. Maybe if we run fucking amok the cowards would stop the bullshit.

      Amen Deb.

      Wyatt, You are no where near alone man.

  3. It is a DISGRACE and another SLAP in the face that GOOGLE (or maybe their fearless leader whom they are in bed with) IGNORED Christ our Savior on this Blessed day!!! I will NEVER EVER “google” anything again!!!

  4. LOL, thanks man, made my day. I was glad to see I am not alone in frustration. God bless, and Happy Easter to you also.

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