Democrat Racism is Real.

Democrat Racism is Real.

We’ve heard for six plus years, opposition to Obama is racist. In order to believe that, you must first not know who Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton are and you must believe that the same people hating Obama love them all…. But I digress…

(Image stolen from Bloviating Zeppelin )


Here’s a scenario: You witness a man in a wheelchair struggling to get up a hill, do you just grab the handles on the wheelchair and push or do you ask the man in the chair if he would like some help? If you’ve ever encountered a situation like that and just grabbed the bars, you’re liable to get yelled at for it. Most physically handicapped people have a sense of pride, a need to do for themselves. If you ask them, they’ll likely take you up on your offer, if you just help without question, you’re saying to that person “You can’t possibly do this, you’re handicapped and I’m not”… That’s perception.


So, in the Obama error… (Yes, era) the media, the democrat party, even the RINO elites have since day one GRABBED THE HANDLES for Obama without asking. Media has covered for him, democrats have made excuses for him, RINO’s have compromised with him…. Why? Well, he’s black and he can’t possibly do this job and be measured the same way has previous Presidents. We must lower the standards, we must protect him and his job performance because he needs us to… Media/Democrats/RINO’s.

Independents look at results. Conservatives look at results. And let me tell you. IF Obama’s performance was measured the same way as every previous President, Obama would be Impeached and/or in prison NOW.


Think I’m wrong? Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blow job. Nixon was impeached for wiretapping and Lying. How many lies has Obama been caught in?

Every statement, the first statement Obama comes public with has been a lie. From “Shovel Ready” to “Highly unlikely Ebola will get to the USA” Yet media has been relentlessly silent in their questioning of the lies, congress has been legislatively impotent over the lies. WHY? Because to impeach the first black POTUS would be racist!


So when you hear voter ID is racist, what does that say? Yep.. Black folks need us to grab the handles of their wheelchair without asking because they can’t possibly be smart enough to get ID to vote.

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