Category: Tea Party

Students FOR taxing the Rich.. But NOT themselves…

Students FOR taxing the Rich.. But NOT themselves…

Pretty interesting how this works huh? Talking points from talking heads brings about “Change” in Government, and great sound bites for the lefty’s. But put into practice… Um not so much.

Big tip of the stetson to Moonbattery


So to recap, Tax the rich! (unless I’m rich). Spend (unless it’s my money).

When the students are confronted with an exact analogy of what and who they are voting for it seems they are “PRO-Conservative” ideals. How can that be? Why would they not give up a little bit more to help those less fortunate? They want people to work in fast food joints? They want to starve those less fortunate? They want people to die in the streets broke? IF people don’t graduate college they will die? Same arguments are being thrown about during the tax the rich mantra…

How many students do you know that would be happy about dropping a 4.0 to a 3.5 GPA to help someone who is struggling?… NONE, I didn’t even hear ANY of these students offer to HELP the less fortunate by tutoring them.. Sad state of affairs we have here.



Unions, Socialists and Marxist… Hand in hand.

Unions, Socialists and Marxist… Hand in hand.

All you union folks that are supporting the “Union uprising” in various states. Do you know your friends? Richard Trumka and his cronies do, Hitler did too…Obama does…

Videos found at Green Mountain Homesteading

I’ll give this guy credit, he speaks his mind and tells the truth as he sees it:

So do you know your friends? Look who is standing with you. Look at your supporters and look back in history to see how it turns out. IF nobody stops your “Temper tantrum” your demands are met, what do you think the nations future is? You believe all will be terrific? Everyone will live in peaceful bliss? History tells a much different story and that’s why YOUR SIDE IS LOSING BIG TIME!

Soviet Union ring a bell?

So as you are carrying your signs about Walker being Hitler, realize you are much closer to ushering another Hitler than Walker is. Realize YOUR CAUSE is closer aligned with every mass murdering government in the history of the world than the governor of Wisconsin is…. Just sayin.

Tea Party goes Violent….And What if Palin were POTUS

Tea Party goes Violent….And What if Palin were POTUS

Sorry, had to put that in the title to get the progressives to see it’s NOT the tea party..

Now that is just the recent vitriol from the LEFT. There are NO Constitutionalists, Conservatives, or TEA PARTY members at any of those pro-union hate fests…

Funny isn’t it? I mean just a couple of weeks ago the left was all in a tizzy about the “Violent tea party rhetoric” I am looking to find some tea party events that even come close to the hate filled, racist, sexist, homophobic vitriol being shown in Madison and elsewhere… But that’s okay with me. I’m absolutely fine with moving the scale that direction. Just don’t try to act like the victim when you are 10 times worse than those you accuse. That makes you look like a wimp…

As far as I’m concerned lets up the ante, lets get in the streets and lets go head to head. I’m tired of all this talking. I’m sick of all of this “Victim” crap. I’m sick of the lack of a standard. If there are no rules then I’m good with it. But if there are rules there should only be one set of them. Not one set for the left and another for the right. I’m keeping track of all of the liberal/progressive “Peace” so should EVERYONE else.

2012 is going to be interesting. Once “Duh Won” is removed from office and we get some ADULTS in charge, the children of the unions are going to go apeshit. The little babies of our nation are going into meltdown and they will have the media scum to back them… Just imagine if Palin got elected to POTUS and did half of the shit Obama has done to advance our agenda.. (Substitute Palin for whoever you want, it’s the point that matters)

Now can you imagine the vitriol? can you imagine the outrage in the liberpuke media? they would be screaming about the constitution, about democracy and about fairness.. But Obama does it and crickets chirp… ALL DEMOCRATS HAVE LOST CREDIBILITY and since the alphabet networks carry his water, they have lost it too…


Wisconsin outrage…Marxist Unions as usual.

Wisconsin outrage…Marxist Unions as usual.

Well I’ve been trying to keep up with all the Communist, Marxist dang it… Union protests, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the unions and their supporters, are nothing more than children having a temper tantrum.

I can surely relate to their plight. Over the last 2 years my health care contributions went from 17% to 30% and my pay has not increased at all… However; I understand that times are tough, my industry is struggling and if I have to pay a little to keep my job perhaps when things get better, my pay will go up and make up for the shortfall.. Not likely, but unemployment sure seems a lot worse.

I could be out protesting because my company is making profits. They are not investing too much because they don’t know what the future holds. I do understand that, I am not buying anything other than that which is needed.

One must ask themselves WHY are we in this mess?  Could it be the policies of the current administration in DC is to blame? I say YES. Reagan came into a worse economic environment and it took 16 months to recover. Obama has gone the other way and because of it, unemployment rates have stayed VERY HIGH. What happens when unemployment is high? That’s right children, government revenue drops and it’s out going cash increase..

Perhaps the idiots, dang it, Union protesters should look at themselves for the reason they are being asked to contribute. IF Unemployment rates were lower because our economy was thriving as it would if CAPITALISM was allowed to flourish, cuts wouldn’t be necessary.

Oh and one more thing:

If they call us “tea bagggers” does that mean they are the “Tea Baggey” ??? I hope they choke..

Obama’s State of the Nation or State of Denial

Obama’s State of the Nation or State of Denial

I think this sums it up pretty well:

My impression of what I saw is pretty much that. Obama lied, progressives cried, the nation as a whole saw through his B.S. and the Republicans lost some serious respect. WHY?

If you heard the opening of “Duh One’s” speech, you heard, Tuscon shooting was first on the list. And the camera panned to the “Congress folks” showing “unity” among the elected body….. Sickening to say the least. Again you may ask WHY?

Let me educate you on the finer workings of the progressive mind. I’ve been dealing with the idiots on the left for a long time so trust me when I tell you this: This will be portrayed as an admission of guilt. They didn’t sit together after Ft Hood, they didn’t call for unity after the underwear bomber, the Times Square incident, or any of the other murders or terrorist attacks. They sat together AFTER the Democrats accused the Republicans of inciting violence.

Democrats NEVER admitted their part in the violent rhetoric, it was up to Republicans to deny the charge. We spent the majority of the week showing the truth in the NEW media outlets but it didn’t get ANY play on the Obama Media. Many Obama voters don’t get the “New media” nor do they search out the truth, so this little stunt by the Democrats is what is seen in the hoods, the barrio’s and the inner cities of America.

What do you think they saw?

Well Played Democrats, Well Played…Well except for this:

The new mantra of the Democrat party was unleashed during the speech. It was said a couple of different times and it was the central theme of Obama’s speech. The new Slogan is.. Drum Role please…. “Win the Future” And the acronym is – WTF, another blunder by the idiot in chief…

If the Republicans that used this as “Date Night” didn’t see this coming, they are too stupid to represent me and mine.

Ted Nugent: Media Jihad!

Ted Nugent: Media Jihad!

Aint this the truth. Liberal readers and Anti-Nuge idiots you may want to click off this site ASAP or risk a common sense infusion to your cranium.

It’s All Too Easy Spotlighting Cockroaches By Ted Nugent

Besides poisoning trillions of fire ants on my Texas ranch, balancing the herbivore population each fall with aplomb, debating liberals is the easiest thing I do.

All that is required to drive liberals batty is a modicum of common sense and a belief that Ronald Reagan was right when he said that government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.
This was the tactic I once again recently took on Anderson Cooper’s CNN program 360.  My simple, tried and true tactic drove liberal comedian Roseanne Barr bonkers.  Watching her spiral out of control was great comedy.  Lenny Bruce would have howled in delight. Richard Pryor would have set himself on fire.

When I stated my support for the Tea Party, Barr became visibly frustrated, angry, resorted to name calling, and then proceeded to hang herself with the common sense rope I provided.  All the while, your humble Motor City Ropeman remained his buoyant, gregarious, happy self.  Perfect. I barely had time to adjust my halo.

Liberals like Barr hate the Tea Party and the grassroots activists who compose its ranks.  The real reason for their hatred is that liberals are deeply scared of the Tea Party and wherever logic may be found. Liberals are scared of Tea Party because these grassroots American activists are a credible threat to the ultimate liberal dream of turning America into a socialist country where Fedzilla is in complete charge of all facets of our lives. Paraphrasing, Barr stated that Tea Party activists are stupid people who are being led astray by the billionaire Koch brothers who are supposedly behind the scenes funding the Tea Party and controlling its members.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Of the hundreds of Tea Party activists I have spoken to, all of them have been hard working, bright, and articulate, many are business owners, and all share a deep concern that our federal government has grown too large.   Not one has ever brought up the Koch brothers in our discussions. No one in the rank and file of the Tea Party knows who the Koch brothers are or cares.    This is a stark difference between them and the relationship liberals have with George Soros.

Tea Party activists don’t need the multi-billionaire Koch brothers, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck or even your humble Motor City Madman to tell them that less government, less taxes, much less borrowing and spending, and more individual accountability and responsibility is the way ahead if we are going to save America.
Liberals champion that they support free speech, the free flow of ideas, and healthy debates.  Don’t believe it.  If they did, liberals would welcome the Tea Party and tell them that they look forward to debating the ideas the Tea Party embraces.

But at their core, liberals like Barr hate open debate–are actually terrified of it–because they know their liberal agenda is not embraced by the majority of Americans.  On the battlefield of ideas, liberals are defeated time and time again and they know it.
Being defeated is why liberals are afraid of the Tea Party, which enjoys wide support among the American people.  Liberals like Barr will do anything they can to try and deflect a substantive debate including calling Tea Party activists stupid and claiming that the Koch brothers are the puppet masters behind the Tea Party.
Logic infuriates liberals.

The GOP had better be paying close attention to the juggernaut Tea Party and its growing numbers of adherents who openly embrace conservative ideas.  The Tea Party doesn’t need the GOP but the GOP desperately needs the Tea Party.  There are twenty million reasons why.  Got that, GOP?
The Tea Party is good for America.  If there was ever a stark difference between liberals who support Fedzilla and those who support putting Fedzilla on a crash diet it is the Tea Party.  Stark political differences are just what the political doctor ordered.

My political prediction is that in 2012 the Tea Party political massacre will continue with even more Americans, including even some liberals, recognizing that a gluttonous, unaccountable and irresponsible Fedzilla is actually working against the American people instead of working for them.  Come one come all to the Tea Party massacre ball.

When your opponent resorts to name calling, smile and know that you own your opponent. I owned Barr on 360 and she knows it. Now I must go wash up..

You can watch the carnage delivered by Ted on Anderson Coopers show if you can stand the whining of a fat liberpuke bitch that has her facts wrong.

With Age Comes Wisdom.. Happy New Year.

With Age Comes Wisdom.. Happy New Year.

Well it’s supposed to anyway. After this year, the prospect of a new start is compelling. However; if you look at where we are, and the foundation set by the 111th congress, 2011 doesn’t appear to have a bright “Hope” sign on the door.

The worst congress ever in regards to money spent, entitlements granted and shady mob like negotiations was the 111th. That congress was presided over by a progressive racists whose background was never vetted. Barack Obama was never placed under the scrutiny that other Presidents have had to endure, and the next POTUS will pay the price for it (Unless they have a “D” in front of their name)

I’d like to say I’m optimistic about 2011, I am not. I am hopeful that the purse strings for Obama’s agenda will have handcuffs attached. Obama won’t be able to ADD too many more IDIOTIC programs or dumbass deficit adding spending bills without a LOT of Republican help. We need to be ever vigilant and ensure the 112th Congress does as it is supposed to.

Ten Predictions for 2011:

10. Boehner will cry at some point.

9. Obama will Blame Bush for something

8. Biden will say something stupid.

7. Muslims around the world will kill innocent “Non-Muslims” and “Muslims” alike.

6. The USA/Mexican border will be a war zone and Big Sis will still look the other way.

5. More violence will spill over into the USA from Mexico and Holder will blame the USA.

4. Our soldiers in Afghanistan will still be fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.

3. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Liberal/Progressives will demonize the tea party again.

2. Some TV/Movie star will insult Sarah Palin and her family.

1. At some point within the next 12 months Obama will play the race card….

Perhaps those predictions are too easy?


CNN: Spitzer gets OWNED by Tea party spokeswoman.

CNN: Spitzer gets OWNED by Tea party spokeswoman.

No sure if she speaks for all tea parties but I’m a fan of hers. She’s well spoken and speaks with facts behind her. She was clearly the teacher in a room with short bus riding window lickers.

Now that the 111th Congress has come and gone… After creating more laws than any congress since the 30’s, we will see if the fruits of our labor are rewarded or scorned. the 112th comes in soon and so far I’m not happy with the R’s that are staying on. Some did fine, but a lot of them should be gone ASAP!

This is one thing I like:

New GOP Staffers Instructed on How to Cite Constitutional Justification

Someone sent me the text of an info packet being given to GOP staffers in a series of training sessions on how they are to comply with a requirement to cite exactly where in the Constitution is the justification for the legislation they and their member are writing during the upcoming 112th Congress.

We’ve heard that Boehner might institute this rule to force all legislators to justify their new laws by citing the clause that gives them the power to write the law. Let’s hope that this idea doesn’t die still born and that it becomes a new and long-lasting part of how our lawmakers write legislation.

Take a look at these guidelines. I like the idea…

TO: Members of the 112th Congress, Committee Staff Directors and Counsels; Member Staff

FR: Speaker-Designate Boehner, Majority Leader-Elect Eric Cantor, Rules Committee Chairman-Elect David Dreier, Transition Team Chairman Greg Walden

DT: December 17, 2010

RE: New Constitutional Authority Requirement for Legislation

The Pledge to America released by House Republicans in September of this year included a commitment to “require every bill to cite its specific Constitutional Authority.” To implement this proposal, the Transition Team and the Elected Republican Leadership are recommending a change to standing Rules of the House to require that each bill or joint resolution introduced in the House be accompanied by a statement citing the specific powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the proposed law.

As this requirement will apply to all bills and joint resolutions introduced in the 112th Congress — including those introduced on the first day — we are writing to provide early guidance for complying with this rule so as to minimize any disruption caused by its implementation. Our staff will also hold bipartisan briefings for your staff to assist in compliance with this new requirement.


The new rule will be a new paragraph of clause 7 of rule XII:

“(c) A bill or joint resolution may not be introduced unless the sponsor has submitted for printing in the Congressional Record a statement citing as specifically as practicable the power or powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the bill or joint resolution. The statement shall appear in a portion of the Record designated for that purpose and be made publicly available in electronic form by the Clerk.”


When a Member presents a bill or joint resolution for introduction and referral (when it is dropped in the “hopper”), the bill must be accompanied by a separate sheet of paper citing the constitutional authority to enact the proposed bill or joint resolution. Below is the suggested format for the citation:

Member Signature:____________________

(Bill Number Here)


Pursuant to clause 7 of Rule XII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the following statement is submitted regarding the specific powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the accompanying bill or joint resolution.



The blanks above are to be filled in by the sponsor.

It will be interesting to see how long it lasts and how many times the “Commerce clause” is used.