Category: Tea Party

How do you like the “New Tone?”

How do you like the “New Tone?”

Remember when Congresswoman Gifford was wounded and Six others were killed in the shooting in Tucson by a deranged right wing, tea party loving Sarah Palin fan loser? The immediate response from the liberal group think was “We need to stop the rhetoric and set a new tone”… Now after Wisconsin went into complete chaos over Scott Walkers BOLD COURAGEOUS move, the “New Tone” has given way to Bully, intimidate, riot, lie (As always) and basically do what ever it takes to win.

Angry MoveOn Mob Threatens to Kick Down Boehner’s Door

One woman kicks the door to the screams of “kick it down” behind her. More than a 100 protesters showed up at Boehner’s Ohio office. The protest just happened to be organized by and the person they interview here is from the SEIU.

Now besides the HYPOCRISY of these morons (No protests against Nancy Pelosi who held the gavel for 4 years and drove us into bankruptcy and huge unemployment rates) I wanted to point out something that I think is being missed.

Where were the SUPPORTERS of Boehner? Where were the supporters of the people WE the PEOPLE put in the house of reps in 2010? Whether or not you are pissed off at John Boehner, whether or not you are pissed off at the house of reps as a whole. This type of protest can not go unchallenged. We are in a fight right now. We need to be visible in defense of the guys/gals on our side.

Let me tell you WHY it’s important that this little temper tantrum by a bunch of idiots should be challenged face to face. Because if you let them get away with it, in 2012 its going to be WAY WORSE. If this type of thing is happening in your area and you don’t agree with it. STAND UP! Grab some friends and STAND THE HELL UP.

IF you are pissed about what some Republican did on one vote or another and decide to stay silent that’s one thing. IF you have RISEN to support them ONCE. It’s very important that WE the PEOPLE be IN IT TO WIN IT. Meaning quite simply, OPPOSE the MORONS face to face. Bring it at least once so the guy in the office will notice you missing next time.

Riots are coming here folks there’s no doubt. The class war is about to get pushed into main street because of one reason. Obama is losing public support at a rapid rate. The blame is being pushed away from him on to you. The opposition is setting the “NEW TONE” and its them against us. We want our leaders to show courage. They aren’t going to if they face this kind of “MoveOn, SEIU” thuggery alone. AND they shouldn’t.

The plan from here on out should be led by local tea party folks. (Something they should actually have been doing since inception) COUNTER THE ACTIONS IN PERSON! Organize within your area, get emails and phone numbers of people willing to STAND and do something other than complain and make phone calls.

Some of you may think I’m upset because this happened to Boehner. Personally I’m not a big fan of Boehner at the moment. But NOBODY in elected office deserves to be protested in this manner. It’s a sign of the times and if we don’t challenge it, it will grow into an SOP for the left. Stand up or keep whining and we will watch this place burn. Your choice.

Enemy’s of America… The Tea Party?

Enemy’s of America… The Tea Party?

Let’s see, I’ve been listening to the news and it seems a universal truth is now; The Tea Party is bad. The Tea party caused our financial mess, The Tea Party are terrorists, the Tea party got us downgraded. The tea party is a bunch of old angry white people, the Tea party is not a real viable grassroots movement, the tea party are racist, the tea party will never have any weight… I think that sums up most of the labels the left has given the Tea party over the last year.

Now I’d like to ask you to put it in perspective and look at WHO is calling WHO a “Terrorist”

1, Liberal elites like Ex Weather Underground members, Far left ruling class members, Code Pink who destroy Marine recruiters buildings. Loony Left folks that parade with signs against the troops, calls the POTUS Hitler, has many supporters and marches with such true Americans as ANSWER, La Raza, The Communist party of the USA, Socialists of America and many other far left groups. Almost exclusively vote Democrat (The only ones NOT voting democrat in those organizations DON’T VOTE at all or vote Green party)Their rally’s consist of communist flags, images of Hitler, Images of violence, many speeches given by known terrorists to America are common… There’s more but you get my point.


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Tea Party Downgrade… Um NO.

Tea Party Downgrade… Um NO.

After listening to the Sunday morning show recaps, it appears the liberal/progressives have their talking point memo well in hand.

John Kerry (D-umbass) Said “This is a tea party Downgrade”.. David Axelron (Ex-Obama adviser) said it, DNC Chair Debbie Whatshername Shmuck said it, it’s a concerted effort to paint “ANYONE ELSE” as the blame for reality… Never will you hear “Yeah, I guess our policies have not worked” or “Yes, I think trying to tax rather than cut was a bad idea” or “Yeah over regulation of businesses, and making the people that HIRE people the enemy may have been a bad decision”… No that can’t be it…

Blaming the Tea party:

The tea party according to ALL the lefty polls they keep trotting out to the media, are only supported by between 15 and 30 percent of Americans. The tea party according to lefty’s is a “Fringe” element that really has no sway in politics… The Tea party according to lefty’s are just racist white old rich people who are terrorists….

The Tea party is NOT an organization that can be attacked as a whole. The looser left can’t get a handle on the groundswell of Tea party activists. They can’t pin point any leader (Other than Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann) and they are losing their minds trying.

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Tea Party to Protest against the NAACP in South LA.

Tea Party to Protest against the NAACP in South LA.

Well dang it. This is just about as bad as it gets for the anti-tea party race baiters…

Black Tea Partiers to Protest NAACP

The black-led South Central L.A. Tea Party (whose motto is “Power to the People”) is reportedly planning a protest against the NAACP at the organization’s 102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The group is headed up by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, president of BOND Action (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

Black Tea Partiers’ specific gripes about the civil rights organization include that it’s been “spreading lies” about racism in the Tea Party movement and promoting “black genocide” through its support of Planned Parenthood.

First off let me give a shout out to those involved in this protest. It takes more guts and courage to do this than most of us will ever know. This is tantamount to A Pro-Jewish protest in Tehran.

Now lets get to the heart of the matter. WHY must the article be labeled “Black Tea Partiers?” can’t it be “Tea Party protest in LA?” It could be if it wasn’t for the label of racism that was placed on the tea party from day one by ignorant race baiters.

I had a discussion with a blogger early on in the tea party movement about exactly this situation. His point was the tea party would never be a viable movement because the tea party didn’t actively target the black community. My point was WHY?

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The American Tea Party… Kudos to ALL.

The American Tea Party… Kudos to ALL.

Have you noticed the switch in DC? Did you notice anything? Before the election in November of 2010. The conversation switched from “Bush did everything wrong, and us Democrats are going to fix it” to “We screwed up the economy and we want to continue spending to get out of this mess”… FAIL

We have a very large movement that’s growing bigger every day. We have the American tea party. The unorganized, leaderless and active AMERICANS that have changed the game in DC. Did you notice?

Obama put up a budget proposal that NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted for in the senate. It would have continued the spending spree and actually destroyed our nations economy beyond repair. KUDOS to the Dems on avoiding that. Did ya notice that?

Now the TEA PARTY is the source of all anger when Democrats are talking about the house of reps. Did ya notice that?

The Tea party is the force for CHANGE. You don’t have to go to meetings, You don’t have to give money to any faction of the tea party. You don’t even have to associate with any leader of any faction of any state or city or towns tea party. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BE A TEA PARTY SUPPORTER! That’s me.

There are some idiots in the tea party. There are some HERO’S in the tea party. The most part of the tea party are AMERICAN ACTIVISTS. And I support them FULLY.

The tea party has kicked DC in the nuts for ALL of us. Regardless if you have an issue with anyone in the tea party or any chapter. The TEA PARTY AS A WHOLE HAS DONE MORE IN 3 YEARS THAN ANY LEFTY GROUP EVER!

We the supporters of the American Tea Party, the active members, those who have ever carried a sign at a rally, those who put signs in their yard, those who VOTE with a tea party principles in mind, ARE WINNING THIS FIGHT! Do not give up, keep the pressure on.

Now the caveat.

The tea party has a lot of seniors in it. This is why the POTUS said S.S checks wouldn’t be going out if a deal was not made. He knows SENIORS are the majority of Tea Party’rs. How did you seniors like that?

The real issue is for the seniors. Will you accept something that hits your pocketbook as a compromise? Will you accept NOTHING if it hits you? The seniors must be willing to take a hit and stand with those they help elect. The fact is the budget mess is going to hit seniors a bit. It’s going to cause some pain to some. Are you a hypocrite or an American? Do you believe we need to do it now to help our grand kids, and kids? IF the new Republicans want to reform medicare and medicaid and it costs you 20 bucks more a month will you drop support for those supporting that bill?

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You have the right to Remain STUPID!

You have the right to Remain STUPID!

I post this with no commentary. It says it all. Read it and plaster it everywhere.

by Ted Nugent

You have the right to remain stupid, and what you say and do can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion. Unfortunately, the court of public opinion is expanding into a stupid is as stupid does joke. And they have a president and gang of thieves in the United States government to represent them.

So goes the sheeping of America. Welcome to Euro II.

With the level of dishonesty, fraud, abuse of power, corruption, rampant irresponsible and downright criminal behavior and their vehement refusal to be accountable, our government has clearly lost its collective mind, and its soul.

The braindead, zombie like nonsenses blurting out of democrats’ pie holes is mind boggling as they feebly attempt to rationalize raising the debt ceiling, scrambling mindlessly to explain how increased runaway, criminal spending on gluttonous, wasteful, superfluous crap is a good thing.

“Honey, we’re in debt up to our ass, let’s go shopping and increase our gluttonous indulgences. Yeah, that’s the stuff.”

Is there a Dr. Phil or an Oprah to counsel psychotic bureaucrats? Somebody has to put a halt to this insanity as quickly as possible. We the people of the Tea Party are trying with all our might, but there must be somebody in government that can stop this. Somebody?

The separation of Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government have turned into one big gang of complicit goons, scratching each other’s backs and scheming to increase their own dishonest teaming up on we the people. Oh how they have forgotten their oath to the US Constitution. Oh woe are they.

A nasty unclean gaggle of Americans read the nonstop reports of mass graves in Mexico, the mountains of dead bodies, the unending exhuming of slaughtered innocents and decapitated citizens and public officials at the hands of evil drug cartels, then nonchalantly purchase another load of the mind and life destroying dope that these subhuman heathens pedal. You have to be on dope in order to fail to admit how your illegal or “medical marijuana” consumption creates wanton death and mayhem in your own communities and country. Thanks for nothing idiots.

Freddie and Fanny and their complicit gang of America hating snake oil salesmen represent the most clear and present economic raping and pillaging in our country’s history, and instead of ending the tragedy, the perpetrators are given bonuses and hired by our already criminal infested government. And they call it “creating jobs”. Mao and Al Capone would be proud.

In the American West where actual inhabitants have been raising hell for twenty plus years how grizzly bears pose a serious and constant threat to people’s lives and livelihood, inept, ignorant bureaucrats force dangerous policy by calling these overpopulated bears an endangered species. A hiker gets killed by a grizzly again and these geniuses’ response is to remind people to whistle and bang on pots and pans.

In the middle of a war on terror, invaders invade our southern border with impunity, and instead of living up to their oath to protect America, soulless Fedzillacrats erect signs on American soil, not warning the invaders to leave, but rather warning American citizens to stay out of the invaded territory. Meanwhile, the feds sue Arizona for enforcing American laws.

Charlie Rangle, Tim Guitner, Tom Daschle and God knows how many other criminal tax cheats get caught red handed and none of them are brought to anything resembling justice. Are you kidding me?

Chicago Mayor Daley and now Rhom Emanual, along with NYC mayor Bloomberg, forbid their subjects to protect themselves, but charge their subjects increased taxes for their own heavily armed security detail.

Texas rightly decide to execute a convicted murderer rapist of an innocent little girl, and the president and secretary of state sides with the murderous, rotten to the core UN goons instead of with their own country. Are you kidding me?

I end up in a state of the art emergency room at a Canadian hospital with a serious blood gushing dog bite and wait six and a half hours to see a doctor. In Waco, Texas, I wait less than a minute. Our fearless community organizer in chief wants to fundamentally transform American healthcare into Canadian healthcare. Unless of course you qualify for a crony, payoff waiver of this diabolical scam otherwise shoved down the throats of we the people. Are you kidding me?

Food stamp pigs increase their fraud and criminal abuse of an already proven failed welfare slavery system, and our numbnut politicians let Obama increase it four fold. Are you kidding me?

Cloward and Piven write the ultimate America hating guideline on how to bring down the greatest quality of life in the history of mankind, and the Obama administration puts their ideas on the fast track in broad daylight, yet no one stops him. Are you kidding me?

Four so called Supreme Court Justices declare American citizens have no fundamental right to self-defense, and nobody makes a peep. Are you kidding me?

Unions continue to demand more compensation for less productivity or quality control. The list of jobs Americans are not willing to do gets longer by the day as soilent green foreigners continue to kick our ass because they don’t allow such a list. Are you kidding me?

With another glaring smoke and mirrors defiance of their pledge to government transparency, the number one cop in America, aided and abetted by the vehemently anti-gun president, knowingly break the law and their oath to the US Constitution by running illegally begotten guns to Mexican murderers, then try to blame legitimate American gun dealers. Nothing like a good backfire to spotlight the cockroaches.

I could go on, but I’m getting sick to my stomach. As are an increasing number of American citizens sickened by the flagrant criminality of our government. I would like to go on record, that the US Government is now more offensive and in violation of self-evident truths and God given individual rights and liberties than the British government was in 1775. Make note bureaucrats- we have had enough, are completely fed up with the insanity, and we officially put you on notice; you’re fired. When we go to the polls in 2012, we are committed to give most of you a good dose of what unemployment feels like. And from now on, you will have to create your own jobs, because governments, especially a bloated, criminally abusive government like we have in the USA today, is unforgivable, unsustainable and will not be tolerated any longer.

I would highly recommend you all seek treatment for your allergies to logic, truth, goodwill, decency, accountability and The American Way. Because if you don’t get help soon, God only knows what will become of you.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Tea Party in fighting…

Tea Party in fighting…

Well the liberal/Progressives will have an epic orgasm over this…

Tea party groups clash over how to fight Obama health plan

A dispute over how to fight federal health-care reform in South Dakota has shattered an uneasy truce between two Rapid City based tea party groups.

Citizens for Liberty and the Tea Party Alliance are united against implementation of President Barack Obama’s health-insurance-reform law in South Dakota. But they strongly disagree on how to wage political war against the plan.

And Tuesday the undercurrent of animosity that has lingered since the two groups split last year erupted in charges by Citizens for Liberty president Barb Lindberg against Zach Lautenschlager, a lobbyist and leader for the Tea Party Alliance.

Lindberg said Lautenschlager was trying to sabotage a Citizens for Liberty petition drive on the federal health-insurance law by making calls to other tea party groups and supporters across the state urging them to avoid involvement with the drive.

“It was another cheap shot by Zach, and we’re not going to take that anymore,” Lindberg said. “We will not allow him to hijack our petition drive.”

The latest conflict between two factions of the same political movement surfaced Tuesday during a weekly meeting of the Wing Nuts, an independent, loosely organized group of conservatives who meet each week in Rapid City for coffee and political conversation.

In exchanges that ranged from humorous to hostile, Lindberg and Citizens for Liberty vice president Tonchi Weaver defended their approach to fighting the federal health-care law through the petition drive and criticized Lautenschlager’s characterizations and opposition of their effort.

Well, not that we didn’t see this coming, just like leftist groups you can’t cant a bunch of folks to agree with anything. Too many factors, too many closed/open minds. Too many inconsistent visions. When the tea party started it was effective because they stuck to one mission. NOW, we win the house (Kind-a-sorta) and the tea party’s have decided to change their mission (Not all of them) but some.

The most effective tactic the liberal/progressive idiots have is divide and conquer. They need to drive a wedge between tea party factions if they do, then the media can focus on that instead of the real issue. That dilutes the message. Someone in South Dakota needs to reign in this “Disagreement” by leading. We are supposedly conservatives, there SHOULD BE no shortage of leaders in any TEA PARTY…

Get it sorted out folks, all you are doing is giving ammo to the enemy.



Tax vs Spend the Age Old Debate…

Tax vs Spend the Age Old Debate…

The debt ceiling is going to be raised. I have no doubt about that. I also do not expect for the current administration to actually do anything to stop our decline into third world status. It’s the age old debate: TAX vs SPEND.

I am on record several times and several places as saying taxing the rich will not increase revenue. But I’d like to take a few minutes to explain WHY. And I invite the liberal perspective if you can counter my reasoning without calling me a racist, a hate monger, a fear monger or say I want to kill old ladies, and eat babies… Just trying to keep this civil and since those are the names/excuses we hear all the time, it won’t fly here.

Here’s why taxing the rich doesn’t work. Are you ready? It’s tough to comprehend for some but I’ll try and explain it in very simple terms and slowly.

C A L I F O R N I A.


California, the 7th or 8th greatest economy in the world is broke. Look at our tax rates. Look at our employment rate. Look at our crime rate.

Taxing the rich keeps the rich from hiring, NOT taxing them and then THREATENING them also keeps the Rich business owners from hiring. The Rich got rich by being smarter than the rest of us working stiffs. Now listen to this part very carefully.

In 2006, the friendly business environment of America changed. Business owners recognized that a class war was being started in Washington DC. Most “Rich” folks have a lot of “Lawyers” at their disposal and they have a lot of people watching out for their money. After the crash in 08 all the fingers were pointing and politicians danced and pandered.. The Rich kept getting Richer.

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