Category: Republicans

Newt schooling the masses…

Newt schooling the masses…

Well, I am really shocked. I’m about to say something I thought I’d never say again. Newt Gingrich is the best we got right now. Newt maybe the best hope we have of turning this country around. Somebody slap me!

I have stayed away from NEGATIVELY opining on ANY Republican candidate and to that end I will stay on task.

Newt was on a panel last night in Iowa (The family focus something or other) He was with all the other candidates (Except Romney) I came home last night and watched the replay on the only place I could find it, at

This was a stage that favored Santorum and Bachmann. And they both did extremely well. Cain and Perry also did well. Ron Paul… Well, he had a few supporters there. But Newt proved he’s a man among boys last night. I am the epitome of undecided. I’m an independent voter in the truest sense. IF I thought Obama was the best man, I’d vote for him. (Cough, cough, hack, sneeze)

There were the religious questions, and all did fairly well. The meat of the night was when Newt was asked “where have you failed” and he went on a long explanation, without mentioning each failure by name. He told the story masterly and vaguely and won some hearts and minds with the explanation.

Now the attack dogs are coming out on Newt. The attack dogs have sharpened their teeth on a few very young bucks who were crippled by their inexperience. Newt is an old buck who has been through this before. Newt as is evident by last nights event, has LEARNED a lot from the past. The attack dogs need to take heed. They are messing with someone who is very intelligent and extremely ruthless when called to action. To me, those two qualities alone set him apart from EVERYONE else.

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Democrats and the KKK…

Democrats and the KKK…

Since this 2012 election will be about race more than about character/performance/ability and experience, perhaps a lesson in history is needed… Mrs Garafalo and Mr Freeman should listen and learn why they are being lied too…
HT to The Macho Response

We have the Democrats excuse for this phenomenon: “Well the party’s switched places, now the Republicans are the democrats and republicans have became the Democrats”… Um, yeah when did that happen?

Probably about the time Democrats decided it was pointless to continue to fight to keep blacks from voting republican by killing them. They devised a plan that is working to this day.  USE them to vote Democrats in power by MASSIVE giveaways and programs that kept black folks in need of GOVERNMENT.

Perhaps that was the way?… Just sayin.

Get off the plantation the Republicans are running the railroad to freedom and all you got to do is get on board.


Congratulations Democrats You Win….

Congratulations Democrats You Win….

Which is really sad on it’s own. Why do I say they win? Very simple…

The democrats have succeeded in taking the entire discussion away from the real issues. Which is something Democrats do regularly. They have put all the talk on radio and TV about the Debt. The debate is over spending and who did what to whom and why… Is anyone paying attention to our JOBS data? Our economic disaster that the Democrats have brought on us?

Nope we’re worried about this arbitrary debt limit, this “Ceiling” that has been raised 70 times, this “Oh MY GOD We’re all gonna die” crisis that is entirely the Democrats meme… But whatever happens in 6 days, our unemployment rate will continue to be over 9% and it very likely will go UP in the near future. There is NO discussion as to WHY we are at 9% unemployment. No plans on getting Government OUT OF THE WAY so our jobs can start materializing…Lets spend every waking moment talking about debt limits and who spend who into this mess. Lets use vitriol to demonize the opposition. Lets not do the obvious thing. Which is this:

The house past a bill in bi-partisan fashion that would raise the ceiling. Crisis solved. Harry Reid blocked it. No Vote. The house should go into other business until that CC&B bill gets a vote. PERIOD.

The house should be working on repealing Obamacare, that would help in job creation almost immediately. OBAMACARE must be repealed and replaced with something workable for all…


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Ron Paul, GOP’s best chance to Beat Obama?

Ron Paul, GOP’s best chance to Beat Obama?

WOW! Okay, that’s a damn shame. GO HOME Ron Paul!


CNN Poll: Still no front-runner in the battle for the GOP nomination

Greenville, South Carolina (CNN) – A new national poll indicates the race for the Republican presidential nomination remains wide-open, with none of the probable or potential GOP White House contenders above 20 percent, according to a new national poll.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey’s Thursday release comes hours before the first Republican presidential debate of the 2012 election cycle. The debate is being held in South Carolina, which holds the first southern primary on the road to the White House.

The poll also indicates President Barack Obama is ahead of all probable and possible GOP candidates tested in hypothetical general election matchups, but the person who comes closest to Obama may surprise you.

Okay here’s my two cents on Ron Paul.  And I will say this as clearly as possible for all to understand.

Ron Paul can’t win. Ron Paul is NOT the President our nation needs. Ron Paul IS NOT the man to beat Barack Obama and if he did WE WOULDN’T BE ANY BETTER OFF!

Now, before you ronulans get your panties all shoved up in your wetness, let me explain AGAIN since I did it in 08 too.

Ron Paul has some valid points in SOME areas. He is DEAD WRONG in others and has refused to alter any of those beliefs over the years. He complains about “Pork” then adds “Pork” on bills he’s sure that will pass without his vote. That’s not INTEGRITY, that’s a politician. His stance on foreign policy is DEAD WRONG. He is of the same mind as Obama in that regard. So I say again I will not for Ron Paul. If he is a third party candidate he’ll assure Obama of 4 more years, IF he is on the “R” ticket he will assure Obama of 4 more years. Ron Paul is exactly where he needs to be, just like Sarah Palin.

I am not going to rehash the “Ron Paul” debates with the “Paulinista’s” we did enough of that in 08. This time, a comment from a Paul supporter will be trashed before it sees the light of day here. I’m done with the B.S.

The ONLY candidate that can beat Obama was not on the debate stage tonight. His name is Allen West. And if any of you so-called “Americans” can’t see that then BOHICA 4 more of an Obamanation…

Ted Nugent: ‘Obama White House Is ‘Mao Zedong Fan Club’

Ted Nugent: ‘Obama White House Is ‘Mao Zedong Fan Club’

You gotta love Ted Nugent, tells it like it is and leaves no doubt where he stands on ANY issue. You want to see how to give an interview? Here ya go:

Ted Nugent: Obama White House Is ‘Mao Zedong Fan Club’

President Barack Obama and his followers are “anti-freedom, anti-gun, anti-Constitution and anti-Bill of Rights,” gun-loving rocker Ted Nugent blasted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.

“And I’m anti-them,” he added. “But we’ll be clearing house soon, so it’s merely a bump in the road right now.”

Nugent spoke to Newsmax.TV at the NRA’s annual convention in Pittsburgh, where he gave a speech titled “I Still Believe.” He described the Obama White House as “the Mao Zedong fan club.”




My favorite part of course was TRUTH:

“If Allen West became president of the United States of America, we would be on the fast track back to that Shining City on the Sea and I pray to God that we can elect this man.”

Allen West is the one and only hope we have of righting a sinking ship. There was another time we were in this position. We got Ronald Reagan for our efforts. Then in typical American fashion we forgot the lessons learned from that era. NOW we have a chance apologize for our errors and fix it. Very few get this chance without bloodshed. We must take this opportunity and not let it pass without action. Please for the love of GOD, sign the petition to draft Allen West to run in 2012.


Ron Paul supporters…. Idiots.

Ron Paul supporters…. Idiots.

You want to know why I’m going to have a tough time backing Ron Paul? This is one reason:

We on the “Right” of the aisle are supposed to be better than the code pink crowd. This type of B.S. is typical of the lefty’s not something I can support in anyway. Cheney and Rumsfield may have not done somethings right. Iraq was (IS) a questionable endeavor but this was totally disrespectful and childish.

Ron Paul loses votes based on his supporters actions, that’s true with ANY CANDIDATE and Ron is already on the fringe. Be careful Paulinista’s you will do more damage than good for your boy.

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Obama will focus on Jobs in his speech…. Um, yeah same thing he’s done every time he speaks, but the actions don’t match the written word. You can speak about how great you are and how you are christian, or how you were born here or whatever, but until some action is seen your words are uselss.

I’ve also heard that congress will be sitting next to each other rather than split by party. For me this is totally ridiculous. This all came about because of the shooting in Tuscon. Media and liberal elitists two minutes after the shooting blamed “Heated Rhetoric” for the shooting. Sitting side by side with the very same people that made that claim lends credibility to that claim. So unless you are going to sit with your party’s opposition so when they stand up to applause you can yank their ass back in their seat, keep your dumbass on YOUR SIDE OF THE AISLE.

There is a reason the party’s are separated, it’s called checks and balances. IF you are all going to sit together and sing happy songs, then one of you are unnecessary.

We on the “Extreme Right”  AKA “Unapologetic, truthful, unafraid AMERICANS” have become disenfranchised with the idiots in Congress. We have pretty much determined that the two parties are too closely matched. Which makes a lot of sense when you look at where we are now. NO CHECKS, NO BALANCES.

IF the R’s and D’s sit together in the SOTU address, I personally will consider it slap in the face of our founders. And I hope the D’s use this in their campaigns for 2012. And they will.

This sitting together shit is an admission of guilt by the Republicans, the democrats were not accused of “hate rhetoric” remember? It was the RIGHT SIDE of the aisle. And you will help them make their case by sitting next to the children of the corn….

Rant over.