Category: Religion

Radical Christians Killed 3,000 innocent people.

Radical Christians Killed 3,000 innocent people.

The year is 2013, the date is December 15th:

Recently, Christians radicals have risen up and became very violent, across the globe Christians have began reverting back to the old testament as a guide. They have started terrorizing Islamic countries abroad.

August 2012, in Mecca a Christian suicide bomber detonated himself in a crowd at the holy site killing hundreds. In Syria Christian radicals took people off a bus and decapitated the women wearing hijabs and burned the men alive because they wouldn’t renounce Islam.

On December 3rd 2013, 19 Christian radicals who were members of a tea party hijacked an air plane and crashed into a club full of concert goers watching a Laday Gaga show. ALL people on the plane and in the venue were killed, the death toll number reached 3000. A preacher from the mountain region of West Virginia named Bobby Smith has taken credit for the plan and execution, he invokes the bible passages in the old testament that justify this action.

Bobby Smith and his Christian extremist group number in the thousands, and they are believed to be hiding out in West Virgina’s mountains. A nation wide manhunt is underway. The president of the United States issues a statement of condemnation and urges restraint because all Christians are not radical. Celebrations of the terrorist act are seen in places like Georgia, Florida and Tennessee… Several high powered preachers take to the air waves blaming the Countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria and the United States for allowing the Islamic faithful to impose it’s will on Christians.

Meanwhile; Many Churches are criticizing the governments actions of targeting Christians for their religious beliefs, Protests are planned in every part of the world. Catholics in Italy are calling for calm and for the USA not to prosecute all Christians as this is but a small group. Video is shown of Christians burning Koran’s and burning the King of Saudia Arabia in effigy, More terror attacks by Christian radicals have been seen all over the globe. Thousands of innocent Muslims have been killed over the last 3 years just for being Muslim.

The tea party has renounced the action, but also derides the actions of middle eastern Governments and the United States foreign policy as the reason these things happen. As of now the Tea party is trying to build a Christian Outreach center a couple of blocks away from the site of the terrorist act. They say they are just trying to reach out to those people that harbor hate against the Christian religion for the actions of a few.

Of course this is all fiction, but what if?

IF this type of action happened, do you think the liberals/Progressives would be “Sympathetic” to the “Christians” or the “tea Party”? DO you think we would have the same backing of the Mainstream Media? Do you honestly think the rules of engagement would be the same? After 9 years do you think we would still be dealing with murderous Christian radicals?

I’m betting Christians would be relegated to back room prayer meetings in this nation and the tea party would have the stigma of the KKK. (I know they are trying that now, but it’s not yet close)

Just a “what if” for you on this day.

Separation of Church and State?

Separation of Church and State?

Well, I’m not an overly religious guy, I believe in GOD, I pray on occasion and I believe EVERYONE has the right to worship or not worship in their own way. Lately though, I think religion has been under fire from the liberal/progressive douchenozzles. And it’s not ALL religions that are under fire, it’s basically the CHRISTIAN religion. You don’t hear liberals/progressives talking or writing bad things about Islam though, wonder why?

This video found at Chicks on the Right is a pretty good history lesson. Give it a look:

So with all that knowledge, do you feel any different about what’s been happening in our nation? To me it says, the minority have dictated our path away from the golden rule, they have succeeded in removing the most basic concepts of goodness (Along with the bad parts) from our every day lives. This is a true case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I’m sure there were some really bad parts of all that religion going on in our capital, and instead of removing the bad parts,  from our culture we have destroyed the entire belief system and moved away from GOD.

Time to move that dial again, we have a fight. We have an opportunity to regain our culture, and we damn well better do something quick or else we will have nothing to get back too.

Islamization of America…

Islamization of America…

Found at PC Free Zone

Now, before you check out Part 2. I need to ask a few questions.

Geert Wilders, is a marked man. Entire Organizations, countries, gangs and groups are actively trying to silence him. He has been branded a “Hate Monger” and “racist” and all the other monikers the Islamic followers can come up with. WHY?

The criticism of the Catholic, Christian, and Jewish faiths are blasted across the television screens daily. They are the butt of jokes, Jesus Christ is often portrayed in Movies and plays in a very unflattering light and NOTHING is done or said. That alone should beg the question WHY is Islam so sacred? WHY must no criticism of it’s belief structure be leveled on it? WHY does the world tap dance around the destructive nature of it’s followers?

The solutions Geert comes up with are bit extreme. But at the current rate of Islamization WHEN will those “Solutions” be the only way out?

I ask folks to look at this Ground Zero Mosque issue. I ask you to objectively think about WHY this is even a topic of discussion. I ask you to look back and ask your father, grandfather what the chances would be that 9 years after Pearl Harbor the Japanese would build a monument to Hirohito 2 blocks from the Arizona’s hull. This is exactly what the Mosque is. It’s a symbol of victory over a conquered people. It’s a thumb in the eye of the victims. And it’s a very telling indicator of the contempt Muslims have for this nation and the world as a whole.

Geert is right about a lot of this, and what I’d ask is that people understand the fight we are in. It’s a two pronged attack and it’s going to require a lot of sacrifice to fix it. We are torn, between an Invasion of SOUTH AMERICANS (Catholics mostly) and the Muslim invasion. White Christians can not keep up with the population. We are not having enough babies to even the field. We need help and that’s where the south Americans come in. We can stave off the Islamic infestation if we can get the Immigrants to assimilate. IF we keep allowing ILLEGAL immigration and do not require the assimilation into our culture, WE will cease to have a culture.

This is not a pressing issue. This is not an election issue, this is an issue that will have to be dealt with at some point. And I’d really like to know how the “Elite” “Intellectuals” will deal with the “Overly Religious” likes of Islam when they take over their arena’s. Right now it’s all about tolerance. Islam has very little tolerance when it is the dominate culture in a given area. So tell me, how will the gay and lesbian community handle the change? How will the Feminists handle the change? How will the Journalists handle the change?

I know the answer now is “Your are just afraid” or You are fear mongering, or the ever faithful “Racist” cries…But what if? You can look at France, the UK and Geert’s home country for the answer….It can happen.

Mosque at Ground Zero, Gay bar?

Mosque at Ground Zero, Gay bar?

This may well be a joke, or just a shot at the idiots that support the Mosque being built on the site of MASS murder. But it’s kind of humorous.


So, the Muslim investors championing the construction of the new mosque near Ground Zero claim it’s all about strengthening the relationship between the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque – after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law – who can stop them?

Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I’ve decided to do the same thing.

I’m announcing tonight, that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also Islamic gay men. To best express my sincere desire for dialogue, the bar will be situated next to the mosque Park51, in an available commercial space.

This is not a joke. I’ve already spoken to a number of investors, who have pledged their support in this bipartisan bid for understanding and tolerance.

As you know, the Muslim faith doesn’t look kindly upon homosexuality, which is why I’m building this bar. It is an effort to break down barriers and reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world.

The goal, however, is not simply to open a typical gay bar, but one friendly to men of Islamic faith. An entire floor, for example, will feature non-alcoholic drinks, since booze is forbidden by the faith. The bar will be open all day and night, to accommodate men who would rather keep their sexuality under wraps – but still want to dance.

Bottom line: I hope that the mosque owners will be as open to the bar, as I am to the new mosque. After all, the belief driving them to open up their center near Ground Zero, is no different than mine.

My place, however, will have better music.

For investment information, contact me at

I have mixed feelings about this. I am not interested in seeing a mosque at that site NO MATTER what is next to it. I sure as hell couldn’t give a damn about a gay bar. But if we can not stop the Mosque being built, then the next option would be to make it so uncomfortable for the Islamapukes as possible, The gay bar idea would help in that end.

Another couple of ideas for the area around that mosque:

A dog park…A bacon cafe…A Synagogue…. A Brothel….A Museum dedicated to Muslim Atrocities like the Holocaust Museum (Would require a very big building)

Fact is we need to consider the fact that this middle finger will be extended to all of us in the near future. The Mosque may actually be built on that site, and there is little we can do to stop it. Our elected officials will not listen to us nationally, so the ones locally in NY sure as hell are not listening to us.

Our next move as Americans against Sharia needs to be decisive. It needs to be as harsh and brutal toward the religion that spawned the attacks of 9-11, as the attacks themselves.

The best way we AMERICANS can effect a change of heart is through our wallets. ANY contractor, business, food delivery company or even anyone that sells them paper needs to be boycotted. IF there was ever a UNITING cause to boycott an entity it would be this.

Here’s another HOPE:

I would support any worker in NY or Nation wide that refused to lift a hammer or nail to build this disgusting show of victory. The Muslim faith has been known throughout history to build Mosques on conquered lands. The Islamic faith is trying to show the victory of 9-11 for Islam. And once it’s in operation it then will become a rallying point for all the wonderful Islamic radicals that are so tolerant of others…

Stop the Mosque!
Here’s another example of the wonderful religion of peace that is at the center of all the destruction, past and present: HT to Ol Broad

6 American Charity Workers Killed

6 American Charity Workers Killed

Where’s the outrage? Where’s the liberal animosity toward a group of RELIGIOUS fanatics that would kill those there to help?

6 Americans among 10 Killed in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Six Americans and two other foreigners on a medical mission were shot and killed by the Taliban who ambushed their vehicles in a remote part of northern Afghanistan, a charity said Saturday.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Pakistan that they killed the foreigners because they were “spying for the Americans” and “preaching Christianity.”

Dirk Frans, director of the International Assistance Mission, said the eight-member medical team, which also included one German, one Briton and two Afghan interpreters, was driving to Kabul from an eye clinic in northeastern Nuristan province when they were killed in Badakhshan province to the north.

The group had decided to head through Badakhshan to return to the capital because they thought that would be the safest route, Frans said.  Read the rest HERE

These are the same religious fanatics that are building a mosque at Ground Zero. Since a lot of idiots have forgotten, 3000 innocent people died on September 11th 2001. A large part of them died at the world trade center, when a group of people led by a man in AFGHANISTAN crashed a couple of planes into the buildings. I thought I might remind those of you that seem to have forgot.

Now we are going to allow a Mosque to be built in the shadows of the former World Trade Center?

What kind of world are we living in when murder is rewarded? To all the folks that say “This is a way to reach out and make peace with Muslims” I ask you one simple question. Would it have been acceptable to build a White Supremacist Militia Compound near the OKC Bombing site? Shouldn’t we try and coexist with White Supremacists? Shouldn’t we try to change their minds?…

The people that are capable of strapping bombs to themselves and detonating it in a crowd of innocent civilians are giving us the finger with this mosque. Hope you like this hopey changey thing…Obama could put a stop to this bullshit right now if he wasn’t so scared of upsetting his buddies.

Race, Liberals and the games they play…

Race, Liberals and the games they play…

Here we are in 2010, we’ve elected SCOTUS judges and Presidents who are black. Black Americans have achieved the same the levels of “Status” as White folks have made. I think Asians should be pissed, they are unrepresented on the SCOTUS, there has never been an Asian president…OVERCOME GUYS!

Here we are, we’ve progressed to the level of ridiculousness. Everyone is a racist now. Shirley Sherrod is a racist, Andrew Breitbart is a Racist, Fox News is Racist, the Tea Party is racist, the NAACP is Racist, the Black panthers and the KKK are racists…Oh new flash American Prisons are also racists.

So what do we do to get past it? Listen to Morgan Freeman:

Yep, Now I’m not a big fan of ol Morgan too much but he nailed it.

Funny thing about racists, they love to pull the racist card out in a flash. Lets take a look at ol Shirley’s statement about Fox News…Glenn Beck (Not a NEWS Program) actually DEFENDED her, stood by her side and demanded answers. Fox News, didn’t run the piece until AFTER the Obama admin forced her resignation. RACISTS!

How in the world will America overcome the racism? Easy, we must do as Samir Shabaaz says and kill whitey. We must have only black people in positions of leadership.

Then there is ol Shirley’s “Have vs Have nots” Okay this is where I really have an issue with this Obama class warfare.

We have essentially made anyone that makes money the bad guy. Anyone that has made the right choices through life to obtain wealth is BAD. The only good folks left are the ones in need, the ones that have to work hard for their money…I’ve worked my whole life, never took a dime from the “Government” and as of yet, no poor person gave me a job. No poor person paid for my healthcare, no poor person allowed my the ability to feed my family….Since the “Rich” are the bad guys now, do you blame them for not hiring anyone?

Here’s a hint:


That graph is dead nuts ON. The fact is Clinton did a lot when he was in office and gets praise for it because the last four years of his presidency, he had a REPUBLICAN congress. We’ve had a democrat controlled congress for the last 4 years. How ya like it now?

The “White Right” Conspiring against Obama

The “White Right” Conspiring against Obama

Here we go again…Obama is getting his liber ass kicked over his socialized Health Care plans, among all the other progressive ideas he and his cronies can dream up…TIME TO PLAY THE RACE CARD!

‘White Right’ Wants Obama to Be One-Term President, Farrakhan Says

CHICAGO — Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, boasting his divine stature, on Sunday predicted trouble ahead for President Barack Obama and urged him to do more to improve the lives of blacks and the downtrodden.

The 76-year-old leader said the “white right” was conspiring to make Obama a one-term president, and pointed to his stalled efforts to introduce health care legislation as proof. He said those opponents and lobbyists were trapping him into a future war with Iran that could lead to mass destruction.

“The word ‘prophet’ is too cheap a word. I am a light in the midst of darkness,” Farrakhan said at the annual convention of the movement that embraces black nationalism. “It ain’t ego, it’s my love for you.”

An estimated 20,000 people attended the heavily guarded Saviours’ Day event at the United Center in Chicago. Followers — men dressed in navy uniforms and women in white skirt suits with matching hijabs — cheered on Farrakhan with shouts of “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is great.”

Well played sir….

The very same Farakhan that called Obama the “messiah” is unhappy with the opposition, so you must shut them up, not with facts, or logic…just call them racists, then go have dinner….job done….. uh-Not exactly this time faradouche.

According to Farakhan, we are all against the government takeover of health care because Obama is black and we are all white, that’s the only reason….Oh well Clinton was white and we were against it then too… but that’s different huh?

This Farakhan clown is another one of Obama’s buddies just like Rev Wright or any of the other race baiting victim mentality having brothers that can’t debate facts… Read that article. The MUSLIM crowd of over 20k, calling the opposition to Obama “RACISTS”… Does that not bother anyone? Lets take a look at a few facts shall we: 91% of all BLACKS voted for Obama in 2008.

Were they all “Racist” for not voting for McCain? Nope. But by Fararacist’s standards all opposition to Obama is racist. How can that be? And by his inference ALL blacks that did vote for and currently support Obama are RACIST as well.. Glad that clears it up.

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This is a serious wake up video that should be watched by EVERY AMERICAN!

IF that don’t wake you up to the real issue we are facing with Islamic Radicals nothing will.