Category: Ideology

Gay Marriage is Now Legal in New York…

Gay Marriage is Now Legal in New York…

I guess this means all of the problems in New York have immediately ceased to be a problem. They have spent countless man hours determining that same sex marriage should be granted the same rights as traditional marriage. Okay, fine move on.

But I have to ask a few questions:

1. New York has the most stringent gun laws in the nation. They have one of the highest crime rates in the nation. Will Gay Marriage reduce the crime rate?

2. New York is the least free state in the nation. Will gay marriage make it more free?

3. New York is the most corrupt state in the nation. Will Gay Marriage make less corrupt?

4. New York has one of the highest tax rates in the nation. Will Gay Marriage lower taxes?

5. New York has more bans in place for more things than any other state. Will Gay Marriage fix that?

I guess what I’m saying is gay marriage is a special interest agenda. Most Americans don’t give a damn. We care about our freedoms, our rights and our future. Gay marriage is not a civil rights issue, it’s a choice issue. It’s an agenda driven reduction of moral values that fits New York to a T.

You have the right to have sex with anyone willing (not children) You are FREE to live with the same sex person of your choice. You even have the same rights as married people through civil unions but that wasn’t enough. What will the next step be of the gay agenda?

Remember the debates over the “Civil Union” legislation? there were celebrations in the street too. What’s next? It’s going to be the churches and the schools. Acceptance will never be granted fully because most Americans know it’s a choice to be gay not a birth defect. AND YES I SAID DEFECT.

I am not one of those folks who pander to the gay agenda. I don’t give a damn if you want to smoke pipes or eat peaches in the privacy of your own home.

Perhaps sharia law in New York may be a good thing huh? I mean can you imagine the wonderful Islamic culture’s take on the Homo’s?… Can’t wait for that culture clash. Just one little reminder to all you homosexuals.. Islam hates gays.. Islam kills gays. And if they started cleansing in New York I’d have a tough time mustering a GIVE A SHIT.

Rotweilers and Wood.. Simple Solutions.

Rotweilers and Wood.. Simple Solutions.

Gotta love it when folks wake up to reality. This man GETS IT!

Found at the Jawa Report


Yep. but in order to be truly a fix, you must fix the court system first. The crazy lady would sue the owners of the dog, the dog would be put down. Spank a kid in school get fired and sued. However; IF we fixed the court system, the Rotweiler and Wood theory would put our nation on a fast track to success.

Wienergate is coming to a head…

Wienergate is coming to a head…

I know that’s a terrible headline….BUT dang, how often can you use something like that? :rotfl:

Allyson Schwartz says Anthony Weiner should resign

The dam is breaking on Rep. Anthony Weiner as he battles to save his career from a sex scandal made for the Internet age.

Several prominent Democratic officials, including two former chairmen of the Democratic National Committee, have called on him to resign from the House.

So you have an abortion clinic operator saying that showing picture of your junk to women is a bad thing? Only in the liberal/progressive mind can that happen. Allyson Schwartz ran an abortion clinic that operated without consent of parents. Hows that for “Moral Fiber”…Whew… Hopefully America will soon wake up and see what rampant liberalism does to a nation. It felled Rome, it destroyed many nations through out history.. But this time will be different right? 🙄

Anthony Wiener (D-lyingsackofshit) has been lying since he stepped in DC and many years before. Just look back at all of his “debates” in the house. Think back to the heated debates over Obamacare, the 9/11 funding and pretty much anything else. He’s been a liar his entire career and NOW we are shocked he lied? Not hardly.

I’m absolutely enjoying the spectacle though, the double standard on display for the world to see. No matter how the liberal media spins it, it’s coming up STINK EYE for the democrat party. This one little incident has huge implications. WHY?

Well for one, the way a democrat handles scandal is very different from the way Republicans handle them. Foley, Lee and several other Republicans that found themselves embroiled in scandal resigned with huge pushes from their party’s leaders. If you’re a democrat, you get 9 lives I guess. You can lie, you cheat, you can steal, you can dabble in porn.. It’s accepted.

That’s the crux of the matter. Do you believe your leaders should be better than yourself. Do you believe your elected officials should maintain a level of professionalism, common decency and a moral center above their constituents? I do. And WE MUST. We must have leaders that put in the extra effort to be better than the rest of us. IF not, what’s the point of making the right choices? How many former drug dealers, burglars, carjackers, gangbangers do you know that make it to congress? NONE and when they start to make it there WE’RE DONE.

What Anthony Wiener did was stupid but forgivable. What he did after he was caught was STOOOOPID and UNFORGIVABLE. Once you are in office your constituents must have trust that you are telling them the truth about issues. What Wiener has done is put all of his prior messages in doubt. Let’s just take the recent example of “Paul Ryan’s plan is to kill seniors” MOST people knew it was a lie, but Wiener’s folks trusted him and believed him…. Now what guys? do you think he may have lied there? HELLO?????

Personally I hope he stays in congress. We need someone in their that will be a front man for the democrat party. NOBODY can do that better than Wiener. From here on out every Republican that enters a debate can immediately call the democrat opposition a “Wiener” meaning a liar… Good stuff.


Wienergate, the Gift that Keeps Giving…

Wienergate, the Gift that Keeps Giving…

What a difference one word makes in hits. MAN, I had more hits today than I did when I posted Brooke Burke pictures here… Oh okay



Well, Let me give you my best guess as to where this “Wienergate” scandal goes next. I have two possible scenarios that I believe will be occurring Friday evening.

1. Anthony Wiener (D-ickflasher) will hold a press conference. His presser will be a shocker. Congressman Wiener will come out of the closet. He will announce to the world he’s gay and hid the “Scandal” trying to protect his lover and his secret. His lover sent the pic using Wiener’s twitter login on accident.

This scenario automatically gets him support from the LBGT community, galvanizes the democrats around Homophobia and demonizes the RIGHT side of the aisle. It also moves the discussion away from the picture. This scenario will require some tap dancing and a long term commitment to the gay lifestyle because one doesn’t get straight the next day…


2. Anthony Wiener (D-anglinleft) holds a press conference to say he meant to send it to his wife who was out of town. He’ll say that he and his wife were just messing around and he hit the wrong button. Nothing more.

This scenario requires the “suspension of disbelief” It would be a very tough sell because he WAITED so long, came up with so many stories and got aggressive over something that was innocent? Not likely and it will not be workable in any circles other than the die hard Wiener fans.

I’m going with Scenario #1 for a thousand Alex.

One more thing: I’ve had a few comments from “Wiener Supporters” and I gotta tell you, Ya’ll are sick. I can’t believe anyone even those staunch liberals would see this as acceptable

IF you would like to discuss your “Feelings” on “Wiener’s Package” and have a need to opine about your favorite congresscritter, feel free. Just don’t expect the comment to make it through unless you have a little civility about you.


Wienergate.. Story continues..

Wienergate.. Story continues..

So here we go folks, the glaring differences between left and right on  display.
Anthony Wiener (D-umbass) “Allegedly” sent a twitter pic of his “Package” semi erect in his “briefs” to a young lady in Seattle.

The immediate response from the “Wiener” was “My account was hacked”… Um Yeah.

Rep. Anthony Weiner Retains Lawyer Amid Frenzy Over Lewd Twitter Photo

Rep. Anthony Weiner attempted to quell the media frenzy after he claimed his Twitter account was hacked and a lewd photo was sent to a college student in Seattle.

“I’m not going to permit myself to be distracted further,” Weiner said. “The objective of the person doing the mischief is to distract me and I’m not going to let that happen.”

Weiner repeatedly refused to say whether or not it was him in the photo.

Then the good “Wiener” has since changed his tune from he’s been hacked, to lawyering up, now “It’s a distraction”… IF you were hacked and you are a member of congress should you not be calling the FBI, CIA, SS and NIS? I mean this is a serious breech of security of a ruling member (No Pun Intended)

The difference is pretty evident. Rep Chris Lee sent a twitter pic to a lady that showed him in the bathroom with his shirt off. He IMMEDIATELY RESIGNED. PERIOD. No Blaming, no whining, no drama. He screwed up, he took responsibility, he made an apology and removed himself. GOOD MOVE, MUCH RESPECT.

Anthony Wiener is a cry baby, a wimp, a liar, a loser and a slug. His views on the world are typical progressive meme’s and he’s more worried about his career than leading this nation. I hope the rest of congress HOLDS HIM ACCOUNTABLE since he won’t.

Do not let this story go away. Put this story everywhere every day. Show the nation the difference between the two ideologies. It’s a winner for us a wiener for LEFTISTS.

Others on top of “Wienergate” are: Ace of Spades, The Other McCain, The Daily Gator, IOW, Weasel Zippers, and a bunch of others… Stay on it, Make this slug either confirm or deny and if he denies (MORE) hold his lies/accounts to the fire of truth.

A Strategy Change is Needed.

A Strategy Change is Needed.

Best Article I’ve read in quite awhile.

A Strategy Change Needed From ‘Placate And Capitulate’ To ‘Force And Fear’

It is wise to keep this in mind as we peruse the deluge of reporting and Monday morning quarterbacking of the unfolding events following the demise of Osama Bin Laden.

The only truly wise thing I have heard from the typical news agencies and prognosticators in the past two weeks has come from an unlikely source. During Mike Huckabee’s show Sunday night, Ted Nugent was asked if he thought the removal of Osama Bin Laden from the roles of the living would have a significant affect on the war/unwar. His answer was definitive and without hesitation; No. Score one for common sense and understanding!

Now that’s the start of the article and it’s well worth the read. His final solutions for us against the “Islamic radicals” makes more sense than any I’ve heard in over 10 years.

People invariably ask what I would do then given my disgust for the current condition. Typically I haven’t answered the question because the answer is painfully obvious. But for those who can’t make the logical leap; here goes:

Take the two greatest weapons we have, out of the vault and place them back in the hands of the greatest military force this world has ever witnessed; Fear and Force!

Tell the “innocent” Afghan, the demonically inspired Taliban, the deranged Al Qaida operative, the corrupt government official, the Imam, the Cleric, the Tribal Elder, the “moderate” Muslim, the “Extremist”, the True Soldier of Allah, the coward, the patriot, the militant and any other name you have a fancy to call them and tell them we are there because we are through being their “mission field”. We are there to hold Al Qaida and all those who give them aid and comfort, accountable – we are going to find them and kill them regardless of where they hide. All those who choose to help may be spared; all those who choose another path, will leave children and women mourning over their carcasses.

This is war. It isn’t a war we started, and it sure isn’t something we can negotiate away. This is a holy war because the enemy has told us so. Just because our delicate western sensibilities can’t allow some within our ranks to wrap their heads around it doesn’t change that fact. So we can meet the enemy on a battle field of our choosing or we can wait for him to outlast us while we continue to fumble around trying to make nice with the devil.

One thing for sure, he is patient.

HELL YES SIR! We’ve been saying that for 10 years. We’ve been ready to do just that. However; in our increasing sensibilities we think killing millions over years and years is better than killing millions at one time and being done with it. You bloody their nose and they keep coming, you break their nose, they keep coming, you shoot them in the face they don’t come anymore. Simple stuff.

Here’s the really sad part. There’s only ONE person even mentioned in passing running for POTUS in 2012 that understands this “Strategy change” that is needed. His name is Allen West. And if he’s not on the ballot in 2012 It’s a lost cause.

TAX the RICH!!! Um Wait, really?

TAX the RICH!!! Um Wait, really?

Again the cries of progressives from coast to coast is “Tax the Rich” especially here in California. I decided to look a little bit and check a few things to make sure I got the facts straight and I was dead on accurate with my earlier assumptions. The rich are not the enemy. The Rich are not the problem, nor are they the solution.

As far as Jerry Brown (Moonbeam Governor of Cali) is concerned, a “Rich person” is people making over 500k a year. The plan for California is to tax them more to pay for services in the state, which means Education. Right now 50 cents from every dollar the state takes in goes to education.  The teachers are outraged that Moonbeam is talking about laying off teachers, and want the rich to pay more.

The California Federation of Teachers supports a bill by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, which would increase the income tax rate from 9.3 percent to 10.3 percent on taxable income of $500,000 and up, union spokesman Steve Hopcraft said. A recent poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found that six in 10 likely voters favored raising income taxes on top earners to fund education.

Okay so let’s look again some facts of this dumbassery…

I’m not rich. This wouldn’t affect me too much I guess but here it goes. The tax the rich crowd is way off. (Again) The rich pay the most in income taxes, they buy a lot of high dollar items that they get hit for SALES taxes on. The use very few state services other than roads. They are probably the biggest group that are NOT using the public school system because of it’s incompetence. Rich folks want their kids to be prepared for life for the most part so I’m betting they enroll their kids in charter schools, private schools or if they are really on the ball they’ll send their kids out of state for education.

So pretty much EVERYTHING the Rich put in to the state doesn’t come back to them. It goes for pet projects, education, welfare  or whatever the state decides to do. Now let’s ask that question about the lower tax brackets. They are USING the systems education, and they get back money from the state in the form of tax refunds (I’m in this category)

Now we move on to charity, when you tax the rich (Again) and they are a custom to living the way they live, they will make cuts to their lifestyle just like the rest of us do when times get tough. Meaning: They might reduce their charitable giving, that absence means the state may have to pick up some of that. They will NOT buy high dollar items for a while, which drops the sales tax revenue for the state.

It also means they will look for other ways to keep or improve their lives. Meaning they may look to reside in another state. Perhaps the one they sent their kids to. They will also if they happen to be business owners and employ people, look to maintain their lifestyle by reducing overhead cost. Labor is a huge savings. They would pass on to the customer what they can and still be competitive, but they also may look at moving the business out of state, as is happening across this state in droves.

So what problems does a 1% tax increase present to the state of California? Well perhaps if that was ALL, maybe no problem. But it’s not. There’s the energy prices that are steady going up, the sales tax that is the highest in the nation, the never ending increases to health care costs and local taxes. So yep, if I’m making 500k a year and the state is going to take more from me, I’m going to make up the difference by doing some things different. Perhaps I buy my big ticket items in AZ rather than here. Perhaps I lay off employees or move my business, perhaps I just up and move all together. Then what happens? That 9.3% has turned into ZERO and how much does ZERO go into education funding? Yeah you were educated here in California if you don’t see the problem with Moonbeam and the state’s leadership.