Category: Economy

Charlie Rangle: What Would Jesus Do?

Charlie Rangle: What Would Jesus Do?

Man, you gotta love the liberal mind.

HT Weasel Zippers

CNN — Veteran Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel made an impassioned plea to religious leaders Friday, calling on them to lobby members of Congress and the Obama administration to remember the “lesser of my brothers and sisters” during this weekend’s debt negotiations.

“What would Jesus do this weekend? Or Moses. Or Allah. Or anyone else,” the New York congressman said at a press conference on Capitol Hill. “I don’t want this book (debt negotiations) closed without the clergy having an opportunity to forcefully express themselves as well as I know they can do.”

Let’s see you rat bastid, Jesus wasn’t real fond of abortion, in the BIBLE it’s stated “Give to Caeser that which is Caeser’s” Meaning PAY YOUR TAXES. Jesus wasn’t real fond of liars, frauds or murderers.. But go ahead and use religion when it suits you… WOW…

I find it absolutely amazing that nobody on the left side will call this hypocrisy. I find it hilarious that Charles Rangle, the most infamous liar in government NOW calls on Congress to have “Morals”…. Yeah good spokesperson you got there libbers.

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Nancy Pelosi DEMANDS a Seat at the Table.

Nancy Pelosi DEMANDS a Seat at the Table.

Well now, what could possibly go wrong with this?

Pelosi demands seat at debt talks

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will demand a seat in the table for the final talks on the national debt limit, putting a strong liberal voice in the room.

Pelosi and House Democrats were left out of the negotiations between President Obama and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) last year that extended nearly all of the Bush tax rates though 2012.

Pelosi didn’t participate in the final high-level talks over fiscal 2011 spending levels either.

Let us look at what Pelosi has brought our nation under her lead…9.1 Unemployment, Fiscal disaster in the form of 14 trillion in debt. 4 times what it was when she grabbed the gavel. Yeah give her a seat…NOT.

Pelosi took over speaker duties in 2007 after a disaster of an election to the Republican party in 2006. Republicans ruled the Government from 2001 until 2006. Pelosi presided over a House Majority of Democrats until the end of 2010.

If you look at Vote Smart for Nancy Pelosi’s record you will see overwhelming evidence of her tax/spend mentality.

Check out her record, this is under the “Budget, Spending and Taxes” search, the rest of her record makes me want to throw up a little…

You will see exactly where her heart and brain have serious disconnect. Nancy Pelosi is part of the snake that got us into this mess. She presided over a DEMOCRAT MAJORITY for 4 years. She and her minions quadrupled the national debt, they were in office for an entire year before the “Depression” kicked in.

I submit that data doesn’t lie. We as a nation were doing fine in 2005, we were fighting in 2 wars, yes. We were dealing with a sluggish economy yes. in 2006: We allowed the MSM and lefty delusional rationale to sway our souls into a deal with the devil. We got what we deserved. Then in 2008 we doubled down with Obama and gave Pelosi a free reign with Reid…

We went from 4.9 unemployment in 2005 to around 8.1 (or so, many different sources have different numbers, I averaged here) unemployment in 2008.

TWO years of a spending spree by Nancy Pelosi’s congress and a less than conservative President. So we need her to be back at the negotiating table? Um, NO.

How about we let George Bush back into the negotiations too? How about we get Al Qaeda a seat as well… Why not?



Boeing Should SHUT DOWN!

Boeing Should SHUT DOWN!

Boeing is headed to court today in Seattle:

The NLRB’s Kangaroo Court & Boeing Employees’ ‘Insurance’ Option…

On Tuesday, the Boeing Company will be heading to the NLRB’s kangaroo court in Seattle, Washington to be prosecuted by an agency controlled by pro-union extremists. The outcome, as far as the NLRB hearing is concerned, is already a foregone conclusion. The hearing is a procedural nuisance that Boeing will have to endure to eventually have its case heard in the federal courts—which is likely where the case will end up, barring any “face-saving” settlement negotiated with the union and the NLRB.

What this boils down to is the right of a company to be profitable. IF a company decides it’s too expensive to do business in one state and decide they can move and make more money, the government can stop them. Um NO. This is not the American way.

Boeing should say fine. And shut their doors on ALL of their plants. Move to Mexico or Europe or wherever. Boeing employs about 76K and about 150k directly related to Boeing in the state of Washington. It’s time for business to say okay, enough. Shut Down. The government can’t tell you to stay in business. Shut them down.

This is the same tactic I’d like to see EVERY Business use in this environment. I’d like to see MORE and MORE business shut down over the regulations/taxes and government over reach. Shut them down, lay off your employees and save your cash. Once we get a change from anti-business to Pro-business in our government, and institute some COMMON SENSE solutions to our economic woes, perhaps a grand opening of all would be warranted.

TAX the RICH!!! Um Wait, really?

TAX the RICH!!! Um Wait, really?

Again the cries of progressives from coast to coast is “Tax the Rich” especially here in California. I decided to look a little bit and check a few things to make sure I got the facts straight and I was dead on accurate with my earlier assumptions. The rich are not the enemy. The Rich are not the problem, nor are they the solution.

As far as Jerry Brown (Moonbeam Governor of Cali) is concerned, a “Rich person” is people making over 500k a year. The plan for California is to tax them more to pay for services in the state, which means Education. Right now 50 cents from every dollar the state takes in goes to education.  The teachers are outraged that Moonbeam is talking about laying off teachers, and want the rich to pay more.

The California Federation of Teachers supports a bill by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, which would increase the income tax rate from 9.3 percent to 10.3 percent on taxable income of $500,000 and up, union spokesman Steve Hopcraft said. A recent poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found that six in 10 likely voters favored raising income taxes on top earners to fund education.

Okay so let’s look again some facts of this dumbassery…

I’m not rich. This wouldn’t affect me too much I guess but here it goes. The tax the rich crowd is way off. (Again) The rich pay the most in income taxes, they buy a lot of high dollar items that they get hit for SALES taxes on. The use very few state services other than roads. They are probably the biggest group that are NOT using the public school system because of it’s incompetence. Rich folks want their kids to be prepared for life for the most part so I’m betting they enroll their kids in charter schools, private schools or if they are really on the ball they’ll send their kids out of state for education.

So pretty much EVERYTHING the Rich put in to the state doesn’t come back to them. It goes for pet projects, education, welfare  or whatever the state decides to do. Now let’s ask that question about the lower tax brackets. They are USING the systems education, and they get back money from the state in the form of tax refunds (I’m in this category)

Now we move on to charity, when you tax the rich (Again) and they are a custom to living the way they live, they will make cuts to their lifestyle just like the rest of us do when times get tough. Meaning: They might reduce their charitable giving, that absence means the state may have to pick up some of that. They will NOT buy high dollar items for a while, which drops the sales tax revenue for the state.

It also means they will look for other ways to keep or improve their lives. Meaning they may look to reside in another state. Perhaps the one they sent their kids to. They will also if they happen to be business owners and employ people, look to maintain their lifestyle by reducing overhead cost. Labor is a huge savings. They would pass on to the customer what they can and still be competitive, but they also may look at moving the business out of state, as is happening across this state in droves.

So what problems does a 1% tax increase present to the state of California? Well perhaps if that was ALL, maybe no problem. But it’s not. There’s the energy prices that are steady going up, the sales tax that is the highest in the nation, the never ending increases to health care costs and local taxes. So yep, if I’m making 500k a year and the state is going to take more from me, I’m going to make up the difference by doing some things different. Perhaps I buy my big ticket items in AZ rather than here. Perhaps I lay off employees or move my business, perhaps I just up and move all together. Then what happens? That 9.3% has turned into ZERO and how much does ZERO go into education funding? Yeah you were educated here in California if you don’t see the problem with Moonbeam and the state’s leadership.



Obama seeks to get re-elected.. Oops I mean Drill…

Obama seeks to get re-elected.. Oops I mean Drill…

Gas prices have been high for a very long time, the crickets have been chirping in the media because “Duh Won” is their guy. Any time the economy, gas prices or any “Negative” is mentioned in the MSM, it’s challenged with “What about BOOOOsh?”

How’s this for playing the American Public:

With Gas Prices Soaring, Obama Looks to Ramp Up U.S. Oil Production

WASHINGTON — Seeking to address mounting criticism over high gas prices, President Obama is directing his administration to ramp up U.S. oil production by extending existing leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska’s coast and holding more frequent lease sales in a federal petroleum reserve in Alaska.

Obama said Saturday that the measures “make good sense” and will help reduce U.S. consumption of imported oil in the long term. But he acknowledged anew that they won’t help to immediately bring down gasoline prices topping $4 a gallon in many parts of the country.

His announcement followed passage in the Republican-controlled House of three bills — including two this week — that would expand and speed up offshore oil and gas drilling. Republicans say the bills are aimed at easing gasoline costs, but they also acknowledge that won’t be immediate.

The White House had announced its opposition to all three bills, which are unlikely to pass the Democratic-controlled Senate, saying the measures would undercut safety reviews and open environmentally sensitive areas to new drilling.


So Congress’s Dog and Pony show the other day where they grilled Oil Exec’s over oil prices paid off? I mean what says “You fat cats are the problem!” more than doing exactly what they told congress needs to happen? The best line of that entire debacle was:

“I don’t think Americans want shared sacrifice, they want shared prosperity”… TRUTH. We believe in an honest days work for an honest days pay. What we don’t need nor do we want is class warfare based on flawed data, bias or jealousy…

Obama is using his almighty powers to see into the future and he’s seen the light. The light is on the exit door if he doesn’t stop his destructive policies. SO here’s his new plan…

Give the “Little People” what they want (Kind of) until after the election. Then when I have 4 years and can’t be re-elected, I can finish the job of destroying the great satan America.


Wake up Republicans..

Wake up Republicans..

A message to the MAJORITY in the US House of Representatives:

We sent you there to do a job. Your job was NOT compromise, nor was it only to pass bills that will pass the senate. We sent YOU to start the process. We sent YOU to get to work saving our nation. We didn’t expect it to be easy. We expected it to require courage of your stated convictions. You have so far disappointed many. It’s early in the game and you have a chance to make a comeback. Don’t let us down.

Here’s a start, a few DONT’s that will be a momentum swinger:

DON’T RAISE THE DEBT CEILING. Stand your ground, demand the cuts that are needed. Explain them without defending the Democrats charges. MOST Americans see the Democrat’s use of “Scare tactics” as just that.

DON’T believe the poll numbers, don’t worry about your jobs.

DON’T be more concerned about your job than the well being of the nation.

DON’T tell us you are getting all you can get passed by the Senate, that’s not your job. The American people will hold those senators accountable for THEIR Votes.

Now let’s talk about what you should DO.

Do stand up and fight for what America stands for. Fiscal responsibility, the rule of law and the facts. Show the facts often. The facts DO most of the work.

Do challenge the alternative message. DO it with vigor and get in their face with FACTS.

Do remember the people that put you in office are the same people that will see you removed.

Do realize that cutting peoples “GIMME’S” will result in SOME people getting face time in front of camera’s. You won’t see the MAJORITY in front of camera’s. Realize you will have to defend your solutions and realize if you can’t defend them, they are probably BAD solutions.

DO realize you didn’t create this mess. Realize you were sent in after the fact to clean up a mess that took YEARS to make. Realize most FREE thinking people understand that fact. Courage will be rewarded, cowardice and compromise against your values will be punished at the polls.

DO realize seniors are the most level headed voting block. Seniors are the most likely to vote. Seniors will see modest cuts in funding resulting in pin prick type pain now is much better than butcher knife pain later. Seniors will not abandon you over some minor cuts as long as cuts to the BIGGEST area’s of our deficit result in a viewed fairness.

I hope this helps a little. Now get to work Boehner and GOP.

A little more help:

See California for a look at the future if you fail. We have been under “Democrat” control for a very long time. We have the one of the worst education systems in the nation, although we spend the most money on it. We have one of the highest prison populations. We have one of the highest UNEMPLOYMENT percentages in the nation. We have one of the highest energy costs in the nation. We have one of the largest deficits in the nation. We have one of the worst crime rates in the nation…

Do you want to mirror that for the nation?

Businesses Bailing on California. Carls jr Gone to Texas.

Businesses Bailing on California. Carls jr Gone to Texas.

On the way home from the golf course yesterday I was listening to John and Ken on our local AM Talk Radio station. (KFI) They were talking with the CEO of Carls Jr Andrew Puzder (Not sure if that’s his name) about businesses leaving California. A couple of things we THOUGHT were happening around here ARE factually happening here.

Carls Jr wanted to build 350 restaurants in California. Now think about the JOBS that creates. Construction jobs, landscapers, employees, vendors, etc. Then look at the long term tax revenue for the state in the form of employees (Roughly 8,000 would be employed by these fast food joints) not so much income tax but SALES tax, car taxes, all the stuff surrounding an economy that offers jobs for those willing to work. Now understand WHERE these jobs are going? TEXAS.

The reason the CEO gave for NOT building here in California is:

1. It takes between 8 months and 2 years to just get the permits to build finalized. In Texas the average is 6 weeks.

2. Laws regarding employee and managers. He mentioned that managers make about 45k a year but can’t work the cook line. Some law regulating managers percentage of work doing managerial tasks.

3. Class action law suits resulting from the law mentioned above. They paid over 28 MILLION dollars in defense of these law suits.

4. Environmentalists are causing major delays in building and operating new businesses. These delays cost a lot of money. These are not laws regarding disposal of hazardous waste, these are laws like a lizzard lives in the area so a study must take place… Sometime takes months to complete and then deny applicants based on FEELING not fats.

These are but a few of the reasons he listed, I can’t find the interview online and these are just from memory.

The CEO said he’s been talking with Sacramento for over 2 years trying to get them to see how much their policies are hurting the state. He finally said enough and went to Texas to talk with Rick Perry. After the decision was made, all of the sudden Gavin Newsome and Moonbeam decide to get involved… They take a trip to Texas too.

Carls Jr was founded here in California. Now they are moving BILLIONS of dollars in STATE revenue to TEXAS because of the DEMOCRAT policies here in California.

I say GOOD MOVE Carls jr. Well done and Good luck.

Here’s a little side bar on the state of Texas and Carls jr. 2 stores in Texas just recently set sales records. In past ALL records for Carls were held by California stores. The CEO gave the reason as folks in California are pinching pennies because of the states economic situation. He says there is 20% unemployment here. The “Government” says it’s only 12.8% the actual is closer to 20%. If you are stretching the state check burgers don’t make the list most of the time. He said California has LOST a million jobs, where Texas gained them. The answer is not climate, it’s laws, regulation and taxes that drive jobs away and take revenue for the democrat’s projects. (Well who knew?)


Tea Party Hypocrisy?

Tea Party Hypocrisy?

If this is true I have a real problem with it…

Poll: Tea Party Not on Board Medicare/Medicaid Cuts

The tea party is apparently not on the Medicare-Medicaid-cutting bandwagon, so reports The Atlantic Wire.

In a recent McClatchy-Marist poll, 70 percent of ‘tea party supporters’ strongly opposed cutting the healthcare plan for the elderly and indigent, compared to about 80 percent of registered voters.

This despite Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget which passed the House last week and phases out Medicare for those under 55.

A series of pundits have called Ryan’s budget a plus for Democrats, particularly if the party keeps slamming the cuts as worse than they are.

Now, I do believe in the power of the question. Here’s the way some of these pollsters conduct their study.

Poll Question: “Do you think cutting medicare and medicaid is a good idea?” Now nobody is suggesting cutting medicare or medicaid. But the question is vague.

How about this question: “Do you think medicare and medicaid programs should be part of the cost cutting efforts to balance our budget?” You may get far less than 70% against.

Then you might try this “Do you think starting those cuts to the programs at the age of 55 and under would be a good idea?”

The other thing that must be entered into the equation is:

Medicare is the national health plan that most people upon turning 65 years old, will qualify for it. It consists of parts A, B, C, and D. You will have worked 40 quarters in your lifetime in order to obtain it. Others below age 65 will qualify due to a Federal definition of disabled and then after 24 months after the declaration.

Meaning YOU HAVE EARNED your medicare benefits because YOU WORKED and PAID INTO IT. This is a HUGE difference from Medicaid.

Medicaid is simply welfare for poor folks who fall below a certain income level. It is administered by the state in which you live and the minimum income requirements vary by such. It pays the balance of what Medicare doesn’t.

Wait what? If you don’t work 40 quarters in your life and pay into medicare you get medicare, if you don’t, medicaid is there for you? See that’s the problem right there.

Here’s where the cuts must start. Anyone 30 or younger must understand that there is no “Welfare” for you if you are able and don’t work. You will be homeless and depending on churches for your existence. Those who have taken advantage of the system and DIDN’T pay INTO the system got lucky. We need to stop this shit right now.

Do not touch Medicare for anyone that WORKED and put into the system PERIOD. You want to cut, cut the leeches first, then ask for donations. Remove the FRAUD in the system and save a ton of cash. Liberals created this problem, we played by the RULES.