Category: Economy

Obama-care, the gift that keeps giving

Obama-care, the gift that keeps giving

Not only did the DEMOCRAT congressional MAJORITY give us Stimulus, and Obamacare it’s continuing to give us high unemployment and low GDP growth. Obamacare is continuing to give…

Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200-plus

Boston Scientific Corp. said yesterday that it plans to eliminate 1,200 to 1,400 jobs worldwide during the next 2 1/2 years to free money for new investments, the Natick medical device maker’s second major round of cuts since last year.

The company would not say how many jobs will be lost in Massachusetts, where fewer than 2,000 of its 25,000 employees are based. In February 2010, Boston Scientific said it would pare 1,300 jobs worldwide, but similarly did not say where.

Want to guess which industry this company is in? Yep boys and girls it’s the health care industry… The very same industry that Nancy Pelosi claimed would create 800k jobs the minute the bill was passed. The only it created was a few jobs for secretary’s to write WAIVERS for Obama’s friends.

I’ll say it again Obama and the Democrats are winning because nobody is talking about these things. GDP growth, layoffs, unemployment likely to rise in the next the month. Oh and don’t even think about that little SCANDAL in Mexico and elsewhere called Gunwalker and/or fast and furious…

Wake up America you’re being played like a fiddle and its planned from those morons in DC.


Congratulations Democrats You Win….

Congratulations Democrats You Win….

Which is really sad on it’s own. Why do I say they win? Very simple…

The democrats have succeeded in taking the entire discussion away from the real issues. Which is something Democrats do regularly. They have put all the talk on radio and TV about the Debt. The debate is over spending and who did what to whom and why… Is anyone paying attention to our JOBS data? Our economic disaster that the Democrats have brought on us?

Nope we’re worried about this arbitrary debt limit, this “Ceiling” that has been raised 70 times, this “Oh MY GOD We’re all gonna die” crisis that is entirely the Democrats meme… But whatever happens in 6 days, our unemployment rate will continue to be over 9% and it very likely will go UP in the near future. There is NO discussion as to WHY we are at 9% unemployment. No plans on getting Government OUT OF THE WAY so our jobs can start materializing…Lets spend every waking moment talking about debt limits and who spend who into this mess. Lets use vitriol to demonize the opposition. Lets not do the obvious thing. Which is this:

The house past a bill in bi-partisan fashion that would raise the ceiling. Crisis solved. Harry Reid blocked it. No Vote. The house should go into other business until that CC&B bill gets a vote. PERIOD.

The house should be working on repealing Obamacare, that would help in job creation almost immediately. OBAMACARE must be repealed and replaced with something workable for all…


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Harry Reid finally puts up a plan…

Harry Reid finally puts up a plan…

Funny how it took this long isn’t it?


Rough notes from FNC producer Trish Turner about the Senator Harry Reid proposal:

•$1.2t – discretionary cuts – defense and non-defense. *Notes Boehner agreed to $1.2t before broke off talks w/ WH.

•$100b mandatory savings. Negotiated by Biden grp. Won’t impact Medicare, Medicaid, or SS benefits.

*Breaking this down-

*$40b in waste, fraud, abuse

*$30b in Fannie/Freddie reforms

*$15b in spectrum sales and Universal Service Fund Reforms

*$10-15b in agriculture reforms

*Higher education prog reform whose savings go to sustain the Pell Grant Program. (No dollar on this)

•$1t in savings from winding down the wars in Afgh and Iraq.

•$400b in interest savings.

Establishes 12-member joint Congressional Cmte to find future savings. To find additional savings.

Cmte’s recommendations will be guaranteed up/down vote in Senate, without amendment, by the end of 2011.

(Emphasis mine)

Let’s start with “40B in waste fraud and abuse” where have we heard that before? Oh yeah the health care debates, and the budget debates and the every debate regarding money since the 80’s. There shouldn’t be too much left in the pot should it?

Then lets talk about the “1t in savings from winding down the wars in Afgh and Iraq” Okay, this has already been done too right? I mean we have left Iraq according to the libbers, there’s no more fighting going on there so how does that contribute? Well our guys are still dying there but I guess that doesn’t count. And the Afghan war “Winding down?” is it really? Obama is pulling some troops out prior to election but is it really winding down? What happens if Afghanistan all of the sudden erupts into chaos (More than now) and you have to act on a”humanitarian” basis? That savings is cut down too… Or Iraq for that matter?… Where does 1 TRILLION dollars come from? Oh and lets not forget about the NOT war we’re in with Libya…

And the last really good typical Democrat ploy “Establishes 12-member joint Congressional Cmte to find future savings. To find additional saving” There ya have it folks, create a “COMMITTEE” and it solves everything… Well if you actually listen to the committee and if your committee isn’t full of idiots it might help… but never in the history of this administrations seat fillers has it been true. This is a typical “Don’t worry guys, we have people working on it” that’s enough to get us to the next election… DON’T FALL FOR THIS SHIT!

The last thing I want to bring up is this: We’ve been doing the debt dance for a month now. The Republicans have put fourth a couple plans. One plan, the CC&B plan has overwhelming support in America it was blocked in the senate. BY HARRY REID. Now, in a “CRISIS” we must pass HARRY’S plan… Um. NO. This is the typical Democrat tactic of “You can get stupid shit through the congress if the people believe it will be MORE stupid NOT TO.” This has got to stop. Boehner if you fold to this obvious bluff then you will lose your gavel in 2012.


The American Tea Party… Kudos to ALL.

The American Tea Party… Kudos to ALL.

Have you noticed the switch in DC? Did you notice anything? Before the election in November of 2010. The conversation switched from “Bush did everything wrong, and us Democrats are going to fix it” to “We screwed up the economy and we want to continue spending to get out of this mess”… FAIL

We have a very large movement that’s growing bigger every day. We have the American tea party. The unorganized, leaderless and active AMERICANS that have changed the game in DC. Did you notice?

Obama put up a budget proposal that NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted for in the senate. It would have continued the spending spree and actually destroyed our nations economy beyond repair. KUDOS to the Dems on avoiding that. Did ya notice that?

Now the TEA PARTY is the source of all anger when Democrats are talking about the house of reps. Did ya notice that?

The Tea party is the force for CHANGE. You don’t have to go to meetings, You don’t have to give money to any faction of the tea party. You don’t even have to associate with any leader of any faction of any state or city or towns tea party. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BE A TEA PARTY SUPPORTER! That’s me.

There are some idiots in the tea party. There are some HERO’S in the tea party. The most part of the tea party are AMERICAN ACTIVISTS. And I support them FULLY.

The tea party has kicked DC in the nuts for ALL of us. Regardless if you have an issue with anyone in the tea party or any chapter. The TEA PARTY AS A WHOLE HAS DONE MORE IN 3 YEARS THAN ANY LEFTY GROUP EVER!

We the supporters of the American Tea Party, the active members, those who have ever carried a sign at a rally, those who put signs in their yard, those who VOTE with a tea party principles in mind, ARE WINNING THIS FIGHT! Do not give up, keep the pressure on.

Now the caveat.

The tea party has a lot of seniors in it. This is why the POTUS said S.S checks wouldn’t be going out if a deal was not made. He knows SENIORS are the majority of Tea Party’rs. How did you seniors like that?

The real issue is for the seniors. Will you accept something that hits your pocketbook as a compromise? Will you accept NOTHING if it hits you? The seniors must be willing to take a hit and stand with those they help elect. The fact is the budget mess is going to hit seniors a bit. It’s going to cause some pain to some. Are you a hypocrite or an American? Do you believe we need to do it now to help our grand kids, and kids? IF the new Republicans want to reform medicare and medicaid and it costs you 20 bucks more a month will you drop support for those supporting that bill?

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Obama threatens VETO of House Bill.

Obama threatens VETO of House Bill.

Obama is threatening to veto the Cut-Cap and Balance bill that will be coming to a vote today in the house.

White House threatens veto of Cut, Cap, and Balance bill

(Obama sent this email to his media oops I mean the media…)

The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 2560, the “Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011.”  Neither setting arbitrary spending levels nor amending the Constitution is necessary to restore fiscal responsibility.  Increasing the Federal debt limit, which is needed to avoid a Federal government default on its obligations and a severe blow to the economy, should not be conditioned on taking these actions.  Instead of pursuing an empty political statement and unrealistic policy goals, it is necessary to move beyond politics as usual and find bipartisan common ground.

The bill would undercut the Federal Government’s ability to meet its core commitments to seniors, middle-class families and the most vulnerable, while reducing our ability to invest in our future.  H. R. 2560 would set unrealistic spending caps that could result in significant cuts to education, research and development, and other programs critical to growing our economy and winning the future.  It could also lead to severe cuts in Medicare and Social Security, which are growing to accommodate the retirement of the baby boomers, and put at risk the retirement security for tens of millions of Americans.


So living within your means is YOUR responsibility not our GOVERNMENTS. Get that? The elite have spoken now off to the fields with you.

Our wonderful president has decided once again that borrowing more money from China is good. Along with stopping space exploration, increasing abortions, regulating us into the poor house, not drilling our own oil and actually paying other countries to do it, forcing a job killing healthcare plan down our throats he has decided we must continue draining our children’s future so he can keep his minions employed.

The insane are truly running the asylum.

Uh oh,  I said insane, I’m sure soulstraw will find racism in that.. Uh oh, I said racism is that racist? oh man, I’m confused…

Here comes the racist charge… We only don’t want to raise the debt ceiling because Obama is black… I beg to differ, Obama’s white half is just as responsible for the idiocy.


Companies FLEEING California

Companies FLEEING California

Staying on the economic topic for a while since the United States Government is following the California model of success. 😯

California companies fleeing the Golden State

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Buffeted by high taxes, strict regulations and uncertain state budgets, a growing number of California companies are seeking friendlier business environments outside of the Golden State.

And governors around the country, smelling blood in the water, have stepped up their courtship of California companies. Officials in states like Florida, Texas, Arizona and Utah are telling California firms how business-friendly they are in comparison.

Companies are “disinvesting” in California at a rate five times greater than just two years ago, said Joseph Vranich, a business relocation expert based in Irvine. This includes leaving altogether, establishing divisions elsewhere or opting not to set up shop in California.

“There is a feeling that the state is not stable,” Vranich said. “Sacramento can’t get its act together…and that includes the governor, legislators and regulatory agencies that are running wild.”

The article doesn’t say that one of the biggest problems is the population. The remaining population is unqualified to work in a successful company. There are plenty of fast food, cashiers, sales folks, and yard workers. But there are very few industrial experienced people. Not to mention there are very few that are worth taking a chance on. The “Diversity” experiment has failed miserably. WHY?

The fact is we didn’t expect those that come here to become AMERICANS. We allowed them to continue and enforce their own country’s failures on us. California is an example of liberal leadership.

I stated in 2006 when Pelosi took over the speaker gavel that the nation will now experience California leadership… Was I right?

The last part in the article Gavin Newsome (Lt GOV, former SF mayor.. You may remember his “So goes the nation” statement on gay marriage) Says:

“Later this year, California will set up a new agency that will serve as a focal point for economic development and job creation, he said. Among its goals will be to reverse the perception that California is business-unfriendly.

“We’re going to start pounding away at this and begin to slowly turn this around,” he said”

Which is part of the problem. Obama set up agencies, commissions and panels to fix the economy. IF you don’t follow the advice, your pissing into the wind. I expect the agency Newsome sets up to be about as useful as tits on a bull.

Hang in there Texas, you’re our only hope. Demand that people when coming to Texas become TEXANS. Don’t allow them to bring their dumbassery to Texas and infest a good thing…

Boehner Responds to Obama

Boehner Responds to Obama

I don’t have a warm fuzzy feeling about Speaker Boehner not caving to the pressure from the bully pulpit. He’s caved once already and got NOTHING for it.

What is different this time? Well, it seems our congress critters (The Freshmen) are united in their stance of NO TAXES. However; We’ve all seen that a “Fee” isn’t a tax (At least in California) so what do you think happens next?

Let me help, this will be the media’s reporting of the debt negotiations:

You, the right wing extremists want old people to die in the streets, you want the mentally challenged to be wandering in the desert, you want kids to be uneducated, you want the poor to be homeless, you want the homeless to die…. It’s YOU the evil republicans that are heartless heathens.

Now, hearing that when you are in control of the debate is not helpful. When the media pounds that down the throats of Americans it brings out the mother instinct in many. I challenge ALL of you to fight that urge. I challenge all of you to look at the truth not the spin.

The truth is the Republicans want JOBS for Americans. WE want EVERYONE ABLE to contribute to this nation. We EXPECT every able bodied American to contribute to our economy and our nation. We want people that have paid into the system to have a system they paid into when they need it. We expect responsible government and we expect our leaders to make decisions based on facts not on spin.

We the PEOPLE want to care for those who CAN NOT care for themselves. We don’t want to create nor support ANYONE that by their choices have become a drain on our nation. WE want Americans to WORK for a better future, NOT depend on a government for that future. We have NO Responsibility to care for welfare for life families, illegal immigrants, drug users, criminals or any other slug in our society. WE the people demand a change from “Dependence” to INDEPENDENCE!

We want our nation to thrive because of our work ethic, abilities, drive and desire for better. Not to be held back by our “Desire for free stuff”

The biggest drain on our debt is about to be the latest FREE STUFF Obama has put on us. OBAMACARE! Not one mention in either press conference about this ridiculous program that is killing jobs on an epic scale.

9.2% unemployment is draining our debt. Those are TAXPAYERS that are not contributing because of DEMOCRAT POLICIES. IF those people were working our revenues would be up. PERIOD.