Category: Crime and Punishment

Trayvon Martin: The Saga Continues

Trayvon Martin: The Saga Continues

New details are emerging almost daily. Some of the information is actually true. Most of it appears to elicit a shoulder shrug from folks who are on the fence about the entire issue.

Call me cynical but I don’t see this turning out well for anyone other than the race pimps. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be fine no matter which way the issue is decided.

IF Zimmerman is found to be innocent of any charges and a grand jury sees the information and rules it shouldn’t be brought to trial. Al and Jesse will continue to use Trayvon in every possible way until they are dead and buried…

IF Zimmerman is found by the grand jury as POSSIBLY committing a crime. Then the fun will begin. Because when it goes to trial, there’s a chance he will be found INNOCENT. Then all hell will break loose and Al and Jesse can continue the race fight. IF he’s found guilty then the race pimps will be emboldened to cry racism more often.

It’s a win win for Al and Jesse, not much else is a plus for the nation or state or even the parents of Trayvon. It’s a NO WIN for Zimmerman. He can’t win this fight the most he can hope for is a draw.

There’s an excellent piece of investigative journalism from NEW MEDIA at “Just one minute” Too bad the MAINSTREAM Journalists can’t seem to shake their agenda long enough to give us truth.

There’s a new video of Zimmerman arriving at the Police station after the incident. The “Jump to Conclusion” crowd sees this as a smoking gun. Most of us who live the real world understand a couple things. One, the video clearly shows an officer looking at the back of Zimmerman’s head. Two the video clearly shows a “Mark” of some sort on his head prior to being led into the station. Also notice Zimmerman was handcuffed….

Either way, the reason for this post is not to try an convince people of guilt or innocence. It is to ALERT all of my readers and their families to the dangers of this time.

The last time I remember such a volatile racial divide is during the Rodney King trial. And afterwards. The issue then was cops beating the hell out of a criminal. Yep Rodney was a criminal. He initiated the ass whooping he got by not pulling over when he was told to do so. But the trial was a media frenzy and the media played a big part in the city going up in flames. During that time, white people were on edge. There were a lot of threats and assaults did go up across the state.

Please inform your family, especially teenagers if they are not painted white, don’t worry. IF they are white, you should advise them to be extra alert and cautious when they are out and about. It’s not paranoia, it’s remembering. It’s being proactive. Keep you’re head on a swivel in the mall, in parking lots, in anywhere that large crowds gather. I’m not going to tell you to avoid places that have a large “Black” customer base. But beware of the possibility that a confrontation can take place just because of your color.

Words of warning from someone who has been through this crap before.

Trayvon Martin and the Useful Idiots.

Trayvon Martin and the Useful Idiots.

Regardless of what you think of the shooting or the person who shot the kid, the useful idiots are making waves for one reason. Look at who is participating in the protests and the selective “Outrage” going on. There is a reason, can you tell what it is?

Election year, black POTUS, White opponent… assembly required.

This entire thing is an attempt at spring boarding the narrative of RACE into the general election. The catalyst of PERCEIVED RACIAL inequality to stoke the “White Guilt” emotions that propelled “Duh Won” to POTUS in 08 being tried again…. Not going to work this time I’m afraid…

I’m betting this is not going to end well for the race baiters. Here’s my reason:

IF you believe the cops/DA are all white and racist. If you believe ALL involved are also members of the KKK and burn crosses every Saturday night. Then what I’m about to say will fall on deaf ears.

There’s a reason no charges have been filed. There’s a reason there is pause for arresting this Zimmerman guy. There’s a big reason and it’s called FACTS. There’s probable cause that Zimmerman acted out of self defense. There’s probable cause that Treyvon Martin was not the class valedictorian who volunteers at the senior citizen home and attends boy scout meetings after church…

There’s enough reason in the FACTS to WAIT before a rush to judgement. I suggest we wait for those before hanging the guy. Evidently THOSE with most of the facts haven’t acted yet so maybe they know something we don’t.

Unless ALL in that city are racist KKK members then disregard the last paragraph.

Why is it a big deal? Election year and a SWING STATE… FLA is in play every election and what works for the Democrats? VICTIMS!!!!


Florida “Stand Your Ground” law under Attack.

Florida “Stand Your Ground” law under Attack.

I have stayed away from this story for a little while until the facts are out.

Gotta love the picture… Smiling victim good kid, scowling murderer of innocent black kids world wide, right next to him. Fair trial indeed…

‘Stand Your Ground Law’ at center of unarmed Florida teen shooting

MIAMI – Florida is among 21 U.S. states with a “Stand Your Ground Law,” which gives people wide latitude to use deadly force rather than retreat during a fight. The self-defense law helps explain why a neighborhood watch captain has not been arrested in the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager — a case that has caused widespread outrage.

First off, lets take a look at the media’s responsibility in this entire issue. They reported the shooter as a “WHITE Neighborhood watch captain” who shot an innocent black kid just going to the store… Now the story is Mr Zimmerman is of hispanic descent.

The race baiters are out in force for a perceived injustice because no arrest had been made right away. Well, lets see. IF it were a black shooter who shot a black kid would they be so quick to jump on the “Injustice” cry? They’d be waiting for the facts to come out I believe.

Do we know how many times this kid has used that way to go to the store in the past? Has that area been hit by crime recently? Was this Zimmerman a victim of that crime? Is there a chance this kid was casing? Just because his cell phone conversation with a girl didn’t mention he was casing or doing anything illegal means NOTHING. Very few folks during a crime would announce that’s what they were doing to their loved ones.

Now I’m not about to claim Zimmerman was innocent. He by all accounts didn’t follow standard neighborhood watch procedures. And he will face the judge and jury over it I’m sure. But my issue is with the “Stand your ground” law.

Zimmerman instigated the confrontation by all accounts. I don’t think this incident is encompassed by the stand your ground law so why is it even in play? The stand your ground law is for the stalked not the stalkee. Zimmerman should have made sure the kid was white so he had a chance at a fair trail. Now it’s over for him and if we allow this to drag a good law into the dirt it’s on us.

It won’t be long that the “Castle Doctrine” will come under fire for this incident. Even though it doesn’t apply either. We can defend those laws without defending the shooter in this case. And we damn sure better.


The Victimizing of America…

The Victimizing of America…

This is where I get very pissed off. I’m tired of hearing about:
I’m unemployed, I have bills, I can’t find a job, I have 6 kids, I have a college tuition loan I can’t pay for, I can’t do ___ fill in the blank… OWS is full of that crap.

How about getting off your ass, dusting yourself off and taking a job until you find one you want. How about taking your sorry ass back to school to learn a trade? How about not having 6 kids and no job? How about some personal responsibility you dumb SOB…

I’m also sick of hearing about “WHY” criminals are criminals. We’ve been told from the top down that you are equal in every way, you can compete with anyone for anything. Except when you get caught stealing/raping/murdering then it’s Oh well he was a good boy but he had a bad child hood. He couldn’t find a job, he couldn’t afford those Air Jordan’s so he stole them… BULLSHIT.

Our society is so screwed up now that there’s no way we can reverse this trend. We took accountability from ourselves. We throw these moron criminals in jail for a short period of time where they actually do LEARN. They learn to be stronger and better criminals. But they didn’t have the ability to learn in school? Funny aint it…

Right now our society is geared to protecting the victims UNLESS the criminal is made to be a victim too, in which case the REAL victim of the crime is granted less rights than the criminal.

How do we fix this? We fix it by electing SHERIFFS who are more like Joe Arpaio, we fix it locally by electing strong 2nd amendment supporting DA’s and judges. We fix it by electing strong CONSERVATIVE Governors and it’s high time to fight this “Regressive” type of judicial rule. We fix it by standing up and showing up in every meeting/townhall/council meeting in your area and busting their chops about the issues locally.

We’re so focused on the entire nation (Which is totally FUBAR right now) that we are missing the point that all politics are local and that’s where we have to start.

Criminals are not the victims. I don’t care if they are from a broken home or because they were abused… I don’t give a damn about that part my concern is with the victims of their crimes, they didn’t abuse the criminal or cause them a broken home… Why are they being held responsible for it?

Rant over.

Norway Shooting, Right Wing Terrorism…

Norway Shooting, Right Wing Terrorism…

Let me add a few more salient thoughts on the murder of 93+ people in Norway yesterday.

The anti-gun zealots seem to be latching on to this incident as a reason to add more stringent gun control measures in the USA.

This is not new, they’ve been using every murder by gun as a reason for advancing their agenda of disarming American Citizens.

What I have a real problem with is them telling me I can not protect myself from those who wish to do me or my family harm. We have seen it time and time again, the victim was unarmed the assailant was armed.

In a criminal action: Those with the gun make the rules. Those with the gun have the choice between mercy or violence, death and life. I prefer to have that choice myself. I prefer to have the ability to vote on the choice. IF you don’t feel the need to participate in that scenario its entirely up to you. IF you have such faith in your fellow man that you are willing to put your life in his hands, knock yourself out. I am all for your choice to do just that.

In the incident in Norway, a lone gunman for whatever reason took 93+ lives because HE COULD. IF you dispute that simple truth you are an idiot. Had there been some basic security in place and followed HE wouldn’t have killed anyone or very few. Another truth that is indisputable. Now comes the fun part…

The attacker came upon the camp dressed as a cop. A police officer in uniform is immediately deemed non-threatening. Therefor, it’s understandable to some degree that he was able to kill many. IF an armed cop, gave commands to a captive obedient audience, telling them to get into a perfect range and alignment for “Head count.”  It would be the perfect kill position. I can buy that scenario. I can even understand them obeying the commands because they are not going to QUESTION AUTHORITY right off. Even though there should have been questions. “Why was a cop there, we didn’t call one” But then again there was the truck bomb. So the cop saying something like “There’s been an attack in Oslo and I need to count heads” could diffuse any “Questions”

Truth be told this scenario would probably play out better in a CONSERVATIVE gathering than a liberal gathering here in the states. WHY? Because by ideology alone we view cops as the good guys. Yes there is a libertarian streak that doesn’t like some of the cops duties or actions. But as a whole Conservatives are LAW ABIDING. You don’t see conservative rally’s where the cops are called and we’re throwing rocks. You don’t hear of Rightwing Anarchist rallies. You don’t see it here in the states YET.

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California debating Death Penalty

California debating Death Penalty

Here we go again… My question is why have it if you can’t/WON’T use it?

California Debates Whether to Abolish Nation’s Most Populous Death Row

Opponents of California’s death penalty are working on a bill to abolish capital punishment in the state, which if signed into law and approved by voters next year could help California save millions of dollars by taking hundreds of prisoners off Death Row.

The bill from state Democratic Sen. Loni Hancock of Berkeley would amend state law to require life in prison without parole for those convicted of what are now capital crimes, including people currently facing execution. If passed by the Legislature, the question would be put before voters on the November 2012 ballot.

The push comes as California continues to grapple with multi-billion dollar budget deficits that has led to deep spending cuts, a lower credit rating and the prospect of higher taxes.

Only 13 inmates have been executed since the death penalty was restored in the Golden State in 1978, but supporters of the death penalty say commuting the sentence of 714 condemned inmates to life in prison without parole would be a travesty of justice.

They argue that rather than abolish it, fix the capital punishment system so condemned prisoners don’t spend as much time on death row and cost taxpayers as much money.

I want you to look at these images… This is California’s version of the death Penalty.

Rather humane huh? Personally I think we could save the state MILLIONS by actually using the Death Penalty. And using it often. Sell all of this humane crap and get back to old sparky. OR better yet..

I will be happy to build the gallows. I’d even foot the bill for the ropes and wood. Matter of fact, I’ll volunteer to pull the lever. I’d be happy to do it on a volunteer basis. Just allow me to work as fast as I can and provide me an assistant to drive the dump truck that will be positioned under the platform.

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Rotweilers and Wood.. Simple Solutions.

Rotweilers and Wood.. Simple Solutions.

Gotta love it when folks wake up to reality. This man GETS IT!

Found at the Jawa Report


Yep. but in order to be truly a fix, you must fix the court system first. The crazy lady would sue the owners of the dog, the dog would be put down. Spank a kid in school get fired and sued. However; IF we fixed the court system, the Rotweiler and Wood theory would put our nation on a fast track to success.