Category: Communism Socialism Ideology

Ed Shultz: “Better be Packing Iron”

Ed Shultz: “Better be Packing Iron”

Well, one of the most ignorant of MSNBC’s personalities since Olberdouche seems to be in favor of “Carry” laws now…

Here’s what Schultz opined after interviewing Democrat state senator David Schapira of Arizona about Republican state lawmakers pushing legislation that would end collective bargaining by public employee unions (audio) —

This is America being transformed right in front of our eyes. I don’t, you know what? I did that promo, I need two shows, I need my own network! And that’s not going to be enough! … Am I wrong? Am I overreacting? I’m not angry about it. I mean, well, yeah, I am. But I mean, I’m almost speechless after what I just heard. (referring to interview with Schapira) It’s in every back yard. This is why I went home to do my promos on MSNBC to illustrate, you don’t have to go very far to find empty containers. You don’t have to go very far to find your school district being gutted by the righties. You don’t have to go very far before you better be packing iron ’cause we ain’t got any cops left. (Source)

So, Ed (Moron, coward, blowhard) Shultz says “you better be packing iron” is that the “Legal” variety or is it the “Illegal” variety? I have to ask because the term “Illegal” is so frequently dropped in other discussions on that network. And since “Gun Control Measures” are in large part due to LIBERAL asshats like Ed Shultz’s ideology. Are we to assume that Ed is now for open carry or concealed carry for ALL, or just for progressive asshats who would only use their “Iron” for good and righteousness?…You know, like union thuggary, voter registration/intimidation/ OWS battles against the “Man”…. just curious…

The hypocrisy is strong in this one yoda…

Rewriting History…

Rewriting History…

The more I look around and see what we thought we knew.. The more I understand the truth is a mystical creature who hides and is hidden.

When progressives don’t like the facts, they love to change them. Not that it’s a solely “Progressive” trait, it’s just done a lot more often and more visible from them.

A lot of our history has been rewritten to fit a narrative. Look at our modern public school system, take a tour with your kids to school and look at the books they read and the teaching they’re getting. Look at History in public schools: Does it even come close to what YOU were taught? Nope it’s a lot more “Feelings and justifications” than it is the basics and real.

Case and point. The Red Tails movie (Tuskeegee airmen movie)

Give this a read Red tails and tall tails

It wasn’t until a dreaded Tuskegee Airmen Denier by the name of Dr. Daniel Haulman came along in 2007 and actually researched this story—started by black journalist Roi Ottley and quickly picked up by black newspaper The Chicago Defender in 1945—that the truth came to the surface.

Why not one of the members of the white bomber crew whose plane was shot down during escort by the 332d fighter group (the Red Tails) ever stepped forward and told the truth about the “never having a lost a bomber” myth is a testament to this fable’s relatively recent proliferation.

Though you couldn’t be thrown in jail for such an impolite inquiry to the veracity of the claims around the Red Tails as in Europe, Dr. Haulman did find intense pressure from entrenched academics, and the Tuskegee Airmen themselves, for daring to expose the truth behind the myth.

The rewrite of history is complete and it’s taken as fact because if you challenge it, you’re a damn Nazi/Racist/Neocon.. whatever. What ever happened to facts?

Global warming/Climate change/Guns kill people/Environmentalism/Gay Marriage/ etc…. There are opposing views on all of them, but question them in academia and you will be scorned and shunned.

I have come to the conclusion that facts no longer are needed. All you need is feelings. Facts are illusive these days and for some reason, they are also more available. The spin is what confuses facts and allows FEELINGS to rule the day.
Until we decide that facts are better than feelings and dealing with facts is EASIER than dealing with feelings, we’re destined to swim in the denial river for 40 years… Facts are NOT always going to be on our side, they are going to HURT your sensibilities sometimes, but embrace them, learn from them when you find them and double/triple check them to make sure they are facts and not “SPIN”


SOPA/PIPA protest over…

SOPA/PIPA protest over…

How’d we do?…

The more I looked into this legislation the more I don’t like it. The worst part? It was the “R’s” who designed it… One man who actually co-sponsored it, Marco Rubio (R-Fla) actually pulled his support after the outrage took. For that I give Marco Rubio high marks for his character and his commitment to listening to his people. He made an error and fixed it while accepting the blame for his error in judgement. Kudos. Now don’t let it happen again and keep up the fight.

Other than that the protest IMO was a huge failure. It was half assed poorly organized and ridiculously minimal in it’s point. I participated in solidarity with my fellow bloggers who went dark in protest and I have no regrets. From what I understand here’s how the protest turned Marco Rubio’s mind around:

Marco Rubio went to Wikipedia and it was dark, he was upset. He went to Reddit and he was annoyed, he went to a few high profile blogs who were dark and got angered. Then he tried to visit A&P and lost it!

Glad I could help.

(Disclaimer: I have no idea if the above paragraph is accurate but it’s my story until someone has absolute proof it didn’t happen)

A Look At: The Corruption of America

A Look At: The Corruption of America

I ran into an article posted at the “Stansburry’s Investment Advisory” titled “The Corruption of America” I urge ALL of you to read this piece. It’s a long article and it will take a few minutes of your time to get through it. But PLEASE, Dear readers give it the time to read.

Here’s a few excerpts of the article that struck me:

Very first paragraph sets the tone:

The numbers tell us America is in decline… if not outright collapse.

I say “the numbers tell us” because I’ve become very sensitive to the impact this kind of statement has on people. When I warned about the impending bankruptcy of General Motors in 2006 and 2007, readers actually blamed me for the company’s problems – as if my warnings to the public were the real problem, rather than GM’s $400 billion in debt.

That’s always been the case, if you alert the masses to the impending doom its the first response of “You’re crazy” that shows up.

Further down in the article comes this part.

The corruption of Politics:

I’ll start with one of the biggest factors in the decline of our civilization – the link between welfare, education, crime, and politics.

It is routinely alleged in national political debates that something is fundamentally unfair and un-American about the huge “wealth gap” between the poorest Americans and the wealthiest. Some politicians like to argue that the poor never have a real shot at the American dream, and as a nation, we owe them more and more of our resources to correct this injustice. Most important, it is alleged that only the government has the resources to correct this inequality.

This is a dangerous notion…

You really have to read this article. Please arm yourself with these facts from a person who studies trends for a living. Get the information you need to prepare.

Christmas with an Athiest, Progressive…

Christmas with an Athiest, Progressive…

We had a terrific Christmas and we hope you all did as well. At our family Christmas dinner we were joined by a relative (a by marriage relative) who is an atheist and a progressive. I was warned by my family that he was always itching to debate people over his views… I was also asked not to oblige him. Well that lasted about 20 minutes…

I’d like to recap a part of the discussion here to give you an idea of what America is up against.

First let me say the man is not stupid. He’s just misguided.

You remember the old joke “And that’s when the fight started?” Well, I was trying to avoid any topic of politics during our visit but the man made a statement regarding Barack Insane Obama that could not stand. He stated that “Obama was not a progressive, he is a republican” My response was as vague as I could be.. “Are you fuckin kidding me?” Now in most adult company that response would have been okay. But in the company of a preacher and a room full of kids it went over like a atom bomb.. Oh well.

So I stepped outside to calm myself before I jumped on this guy with both feet. the dumbass followed me…. Game on. I will refer to the guy in the recap as “DA”

DA“Evidently I hit a nerve, why? I thought it was obvious to everyone”

Me– “Okay DA, here goes nothing. I thought Obama was the dumbest son of a bitch to ever walk the face of the earth, until you opened your mouth. Saying Obama is not a progressive, proves you are uninformed, saying he’s a republican proves you’re an idiot”

DA– “Okay well, Obama is not a good President but I don’t think he’s progressive. He’s in the pockets of big business just like GWB was”

MeOkay, lets eat”…

Trying to not get my blood pressure up, strangling this guy in the backyard of my relative might not go over real well.

We headed back in to eat, sat down at the table and enjoyed a great meal with family… Then as we were just about done….

DA-What do you think about the OWS people?”

I heard my wife say… Uh Oh… all eyes went to me at that point.

Me- “Well, so much for a peaceful dinner, they are a bunch of spoiled, pot smoking unwashed, communists, spurned to action by a non-existent class war started by the democrat party to get the attention off of the disaster they have created” “Oh and I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire”

DA– “Oh I think they are right in protesting big business and they are doing good bringing attention to the corruption of big business”….

My wife at this point was a little worried I think… Maybe it was because I turned the grip on my steak knife from the meat cutting position to the, psycho stabbing position.

Me- “Tell me what big business has done that was illegal” “Tell me exactly how goldman sachs, or any of these big businesses who OWS are protesting did an illegal act and got away with it?  You can’t, let me help… They did NOTHING illegal, they took advantage of a system. You want to fix it, blame DC and protest the WH/Congress. Not shitting on PD cars, camping in the mud smoking pot and raping women. You support that shit? ever been to a tea party rally?”

DA- The tea party? Oh that was all the Koch brothers”…

Me- “And OWS was all Sorros and Van Jones, I went to several tea party rallies and I never seen any “Support” signs from Koch brothers, or unions, or any organizations. I also never saw anyone shitting on cop cars, raping women, or signs saying “FUCK AMERICA” at tea party rallies. We changed DC, we removed the Pelosi skank and took over the house. What is OWS doing? What are their goals? Do you expect to see an OWS candidate?.. Not likely.

DAThey all do it”

Me- “They all do what?” “You support the OWS idiots? You ever go to an OWS rally? You ever done anything but complain? You sit on your fat ass acting intellectual but you haven’t done shit. You complain, argue and whine about the way things are but haven’t done shit. You put your ass out there for something, stand for something ANYTHING, get off your ass and do something about the problems you see, you pick a fucking side and stand. I have, I’ve put my ass out there several times. You? Not a fucking thing…. It’s all about what you read, and assume accurate. You’re the reason this nation is in a fucking collapse pattern, you are SHEEP, you are moved by emotions rather than facts. You should be out there in a tent with your brethren who want everything handed to them”…

DA“I guess I hit a nerve”…

At this point I think my wife stabbed my leg with a fork and I took my gaze off DA to see the rest of the family sitting with their jaws open…. Awkward….

Anyway, the rest of the night the guy kept his distance from me for some reason. It might have been the blood dripping from my eyeballs….

We have folks in this world who believe Obama is not left enough, There is no GOD, and OWS are legitimate. 3 topics, 3 failures and if I had DA in a room for a day or two I’d be able to get some sense in him. It may be in the form of a .45 cal slug…

Some Random Thoughts from A&P

Some Random Thoughts from A&P

The tea party is RACIST because:

Signs displaying Obama as Hitler were seen at rally’s and some folks made humorous signs about Obama’s birth status.

Very few of those signs were seen at thousands of rallies encompassing millions of people, but the left said those signs were proof that the tea party was ALL RACIST.

No Arrests, no vandalism, no rapes, no violence in ANY tea party protest.

The Occupy Wall street is mainstream America because:

All of the violence, racism, antisemitism, offensive signs are “just a group of anarchists that do not represent the whole of the OWS movement”

3000 people arrested is the new normal.

WTF is wrong with this picture?

The democrats have tied their wagon to the OWS babies so the choice is perfectly clear:

The tea party vs OWS.

I’ll take the tea party for a thousand Alex.



Obama: “With or Without Congress”… Mmmmm.

Obama: “With or Without Congress”… Mmmmm.

Okay if this doesn’t bother you, you are not an American.

Obama has gone around congress several times already. He’s picked and chosen which laws he’s going to follow and which he will ignore. He’s took our boys to war without congress (A not war, or “kinetic military action” ) When he had TOTAL control of congress he signed a bill that is keeping our economy at anorexic levels.

Now he says “He’s not waiting for Congress to act.” He’s going to pander to the OWS crowd by forgiving or “restructuring” student loans… WOW.

So since DEMOCRATS in the senate haven’t passed a budget in like 900 days, they killed the jobs bill (3 democrats voted with 100% of the republicans) because the JOBS BILL SUCKED! it’s their fault… Oh Not the Democrats, the Republicans….WOW

Obama the SCFOAMF is either inept, or purposely trying to start a civil war in America. He’s got a lot of young folks buying his bullshit. He’s got the support of 90% of blacks because of course Obama is BLACK. He’s lost everyone else.

In 2012 we have one chance to fix this nation and start on the path to TRUE RECOVERY. Not the “Recovery” of debt ridden lies we’ve been told by the SCFOAMF and his cronies.

Lets hope the Republicans don’t step on their johnson again.