Category: 2012 Election

Paul Ryan: The NEXT Vice President.

Paul Ryan: The NEXT Vice President.

Here is the next Potus/VPOTUS

Now let me tell you where I stand on this pick. Same place I was before Romney picked Ryan.  Firmly on the side of A.B.O. ANYBODY BUT OBAMA. I don’t care if he picked Mike Tyson or Rex Ryan. To me it’s all about removing the danger we know. We KNOW Eric Holder and Barack Obama are corrupt. We know their henchmen Pelosi and Reid, are just as bad. We don’t know how Romney will govern, we do know HE DOES LOVE THIS NATION. We knew Bill Clinton loved this nation. We KNEW George Bush loved this nation. What we’ve seen is Barack Obama LOVES HIMSELF.

We need a change and we need it now. I’ll be perfectly fine calling Mitt Romney my president. But that don’t mean I’ll be silent if he goes sideways and if he doesn’t CUT/CAP and BALANCE he’ll be Out/Unemployed and TEMPORARY.

The other thing I like about this pick. Biden vs Ryan in a debate. Should be EPIC!

Progressive Outrage and Obama Supporters

Progressive Outrage and Obama Supporters

At some point someone has to call bullshit on the entire Democrat party.

Lets look at the “Black Community” first:

The black community is notoriously Anti-gay. A very religious group of folks regardless of denomination. There is VERY little support for gay marriage in the black community. BUT a “Black POTUS” came out in favor it. Such a conundrum. The black Community will overlook it in the end because Obama is black. Color trumps values in the end. But that’s not racist.

Sticking with the Black community for a second. Have you ever heard Gay folks protesting Black Churches? Black Owned businesses who DON’T support gay marriage? Nope. Many Black owned businesses donate to “focus on the family” and other PRO-AMERICAN Value causes. While they also donate to Democrats. The brainwashing took years to get Democrats to be a Black supported party even though Republicans have done more for the black race than the democrats have even thought about doing. But that’s a history lesson that will never be popular I guess.

Now here’s another one: Hispanics are notoriously ANTI-Abortion. As most Hispanics are Catholic this doesn’t wash with their beliefs. Hispanics are only SLIGHTLY more accepting of Gays than Blacks are. Yet they are welcomed with open arms as long as they support the democrat party and they do. Think about this: In 2009 CA voted on gay marriage. Gays were confident it would pass because it was written as a trap and because they felt the Hispanics were on board. it failed by a LARGE margin because MOST hispanics and Blacks voted it down. No protests of hispanic churches or Hispanic owned businesses. Gays blamed the Mormons and White churches…

Lets look at the Muslim Religion who FORBIDS Homosexuality, even MODERATE muslims don’t support it. And they vote Democrat almost 100% Yet In Islamic nations they hang/flog gays and there is NO DISCUSSION of gay marriage.

The goal of these groups is simple. They are all striving to be victims of the “Right wing religious zealots” who are stomping on their rights. And I have to tell you the brainwashing is complete.

I met a sophomore in our local college the other day and they are as clueless as the day is long. “Obama is the best ever” why? “Gay marriage” I asked about fast and furious, “What’s that” I asked about economy at 8.2 % for 3 years almost “That’s congress’s fault” I asked about many details and every answer had another to blame. I asked “When did the democrats take over congress” Didn’t know the answer but knew that Republicans were in charge of congress now. I informed them the House was under R control but D’s owned the senate. “Oh”… This is what we’re dealing with…

As Reagan said “It’s not that liberals are ignorant, they just know so much that isn’t true”


What “Crisis” is Next for Obama and Democrats?

What “Crisis” is Next for Obama and Democrats?

Well, there’s so many to chose from. But I expect over the next 2 months we will be hearing a lot about “Crumbling infrastructure” in America and how “Congress should enact a spending plan to deal with the crisis”

Weather Extremes Leave Parts of U.S. Grid Buckling (NY SLIMES LINK)

WASHINGTON — From highways in Texas to nuclear power plants in Illinois, the concrete, steel and sophisticated engineering that undergird the nation’s infrastructure are being taxed to worrisome degrees by heat, drought and vicious storms.

I’m expecting that the democrats will pick this crisis as the “defining issue of our time” for Obama’s next round of “I didn’t do it” speeches. If anyone was paying attention, the trillion dollar STIMULUS package that was signed by Obama, was supposed to “Rebuild American infrastructure” remember? Oh wait “those shovel ready jobs weren’t really shovel ready”

Mark my words, the “Crisis” will either be this type or far WORSE before election day. Obama and his Democrat allies can’t manage unless it’s a crisis and then they mismanage but it’s overlooked because “It could have been a lot worse”… If you can’t see through this shit YOU are what’s wrong with America.

Randomness from A&P

Randomness from A&P

There’s so much going on these days it’s information overload. I wonder if it’s by design..

Lets start with Foreign uprisings and threats to our way of life..

Iran: We’ve sent ships into the straight of Hormuz. Yesterday one of those ships took out a dinghy that wouldn’t heed warnings. Was this a test of our Navy? Doubtful, the world knows our navy is the best in the world and if unleashed would clean the seas in short fashion. I think it was a test of our leadership. Iran wanted to know would Obama give the okay and risk an incident. Personally I don’t think Obama was notified until after the shots were fired and the persians were dunked.

Egypt: When an Iraqi threw his shoe at George Bush democrats loved it and thought it was funny. So I’m thinking the hundreds of shoes thrown at Hillary must have caused hysterical convulsions among the left. right? Nah, probably not.

Syria: Yeah still fighting. Russia and China helping the oppressive regime to kill the protesters. Personally, I give less than a crap. Let them all burn in hell for all I care, but what I do care about is consistency. IF you are going to tell us the reason we’re bombing Libya without consulting congress because civilians will be killed. Then why are you doing nothing in Syria? Either you’re a liar or a hypocrite or both.

Mexico: Yep still no information for Brian Terry’s family. I guess if Brian Terry looked like Obama’s son we’d get some closure.

Now to the election: Here’s the bottom line: I will happily vote for Romney/?? over Obama/Biden. I am NOT happy that I have only that choice. I have NO ILLUSIONS that Romney is going to be the conservative hero we need. My standards for Romney are very low. And in order for me to be somewhat happy with my vote for him, he must only do a few things:


2. He must DECREASE REGULATIONS so businesses can be profitable enough to hire people.


4. He must STOP THE SPENDING SPREE congress is on.


That’s it. IF he does those five things my vote and your vote will not be in vain. But also know that he will likely do things that will piss us off.

The other thing that bugs me about this election is the media and the Democrat party’s insistence on knowing every detail of Mitt Romney’s past. I guess the only way we’ll ever know about Obama’s past is if he switches party’s and runs as a Republican. Funny how that works huh?

Last but not least there’s a new Blog site that you should check out:

Not a NEW BLOGGER, a new site. BZ has moved away from Google’s “Blogger” and joined the WordPress universe. Please check out his new site and change your bookmarks accordingly.


Romney’s Taxes vs Obama’s Records…

Romney’s Taxes vs Obama’s Records…

So the cry of the left is now “Romney needs to release his taxes” Not to mention “He may be a felon” This is hilarious to people who pay attention to news from other sources than Colbert and the alphabet networks. To people who get their news from UNBIASED sources this comes off as petty and hypocritical.

Not to mention Obama’s backing of Eric Holder’s fast and furious scandal which is responsible for Brian Terry’s death, as well as 300+ Mexicans. But lets talk about ROMNEY’S TIME AT BAIN and his SWISS BANK ACCOUNT! LMAO.

Then news broke the other day showing that Nancy Pelosi/Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Obama himself profited from over seas investments/loopholes/tax breaks. The glass house is now just a frame.

If Romney loses this election or even if he wins and it’s close. It’s a direct result of the media’s failure to do its job. The STATE RUN MEDIA has been running cover for the democrat party for a long time and it must stop. Unbiased reporting is the cornerstone of our democracy. When PRIVATE citizens are doing the job of journalists it should be telling. It should signal that the media industry has been found to be unreliable at best and dangerous at worst. Credibility is missing in today’s media so look for other avenues for your news. All you have to do is apply the bullshit test. If it smells like Bullshit it is probably bullshit.

We the people will get our nation back on track this year. IF we fail at it this nation is destined to end up like Rome did.


Mitt Romney goes into the NAACP Den

Mitt Romney goes into the NAACP Den

Now if you know me, you know I’m not a “Romney fan club” member. I think we got an “Electable” Republican rather than a “BEST Leader for our nation” That being said:

:clap:  :clap: For Romney’s speech at the NAACP.

Every politician since the NAACP has been an (cough, hack, cough) organization has pandered to them. Everyone of them have gone into the “Gimme more free stuff” caucus and offered them the world.

One of the things I wish he’d have said is “This is a sting, the officers in the back will be booking you into detention”…

The NAACP is the leading racist organization in the nation. They are hidden by the media but their actions have been by all measures RACIST. As far as I’m concerned as long as we have the Congressional black caucus, the NAACP, La Raza etc. There will never be racial unity.

Anyway Kudos to Mitt Romney for his truthfulness in the enemy’s camp. There’s no possible way ANY in that auditorium are going to vote for him anyway. He’s white, there’s a black guy as his opponent. So who is the racist again?

If Romney would have came in and promised them reparations, unemployment benefits for life even if you’ve never had a job and free healthcare they still wouldn’t be voting for the white guy. It would be different if it were two white or black guys duking it out for the nomination. It’s not. So paint job wins.

Debbie W Shultz wants Romney to release

Debbie W Shultz wants Romney to release

Romney needs to release all financial dealings and records because “We don’t know what he’s been doing, he may be doing everything legit but until he releases his records we just don’t know”… Mmm.

Barack Obama needs to take a drug test. We just don’t know if he actually quit cocaine. He very well may have, but we won’t know for sure unless he takes a drug test.

Debbie W Shultz needs to release all of her employees data. She could have illegal Aliens working for her which would be a violation of federal law. She may not have hired any, but we won’t know for sure until she releases her records.

Eric Holder needs to take a lie detector test and release all documents related to voter intimidation and the fast and furious scandal. He may not be lying and he may not of known about Brian Terry and 300 Mexicans being killed by his guns. We won’t know for sure until he releases the documents.

We can play this game all day Debbie only the idiots who vote for you and Allan Grayson take you seriously. And that’s a very small minority of people living in your state. You want fairness and truth? Start in your own party then you may have a leg to stand on. Until then you sound like an idiot. But please continue, it’s making our job to rid the nation of your kind easier.


California is Bankrupt and Doubles Down

California is Bankrupt and Doubles Down

California, the land of fruits and nuts has decided that since they are completely broke and going deeper in the financial ditch they will build a high speed rail system… Whoo Hoo…  🙄

Via Brietbart

California lawmakers approved billions of dollars Friday in construction financing for the initial segment of the nation’s first dedicated high-speed rail line connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The move marked a major political victory for Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown and the Obama administration. Both have promoted bullet trains as job generators and clean transportation alternatives.

“No economy can grow faster than its transportation network allows,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a statement applauding the legislative vote. “With highways between California cities congested and airspace at a premium, Californians desperately need an alternative.”

The bill authorizes the state to begin selling $4.5 billion in voter-approved bonds that includes $2.6 billion to build an initial 130-mile stretch of the high-speed rail line in the Central Valley. That will allow the state to collect another $3.2 billion in federal funding that could have been rescinded if lawmakers failed to act Friday.

You gotta love it. First part of the week some idiot liberal progressive legislator floats an “Anti AZ” Illegal Immigration amnesty bill and it’s gaining steam. Then at the end of the week this HSR crap passes. Perhaps Moonbeam and King Obama can smoke a blunt together and see what other stupid shit they can screw us with..

There’s more asshatery and dumbassery going on in DC and Sacramento than in the entire world combined. I seriously hope America wakes up soon and sees the damage the policies of CA do to this state so they don’t infect the nation too much more. Doubtful at best. How Obama is polling above 10% is beyond me. But then again, Moonbeam Brown was RE-ELECTED as Gov of CA. Good call idiots.

I guess this H.S.R will be real good for one way tickets. Businesses are already leaving this state at a record pace, when the taxes go up to pay for this “Train to Nowhere” and the seats are empty maybe the scrap metal will help recoup the costs.. Oh and to let you folks in America know this entire debacle is being financed supposedly by Chinese folks. How you like us now? “Financed by China” Paid back by whatever tax payers are left here. THEN the shocker.. Bail out from the federal government to add to the national debt.  Happy yet?