Category: 2012 Election

Right Wing Terrorists of OWS!

Right Wing Terrorists of OWS!

If you had any doubt about the ideology of the Southern Poverty Law Center, this should wake you up.

Southern Poverty Law Center Calls ‘Occupy’ Terrorists ‘The Radical Right’

Did you know that the Occupy Movement is actually a part of the “radical right”? The movement, which received favorable comments from the commanding heights of the American left — President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times, and MSNBC — has now shown itself to include very violent elements, including actual terrorists, who began a bomb plot in Cleveland, only to be apprehended before carrying out their program of terror.

The media has done its best to ignore the Occupy terrorists, but have now confessed. Perhaps drawing inspiration from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who can lie with an utterly straight face about reality (what she said on tape about the Israeli ambassador, what happened on the floor of the DNC when the words Jerusalem and God were excised and then restored to the platform), the Southern Poverty Law Center has stepped in to solve the problem for the left. Re-define the Occupy movement as “radical right.”

There you have it. The SPLC who designates certain groups as “Hate Groups” has tied the OWS idiots to the “RIGHT” Even though the FACTS show that the OWS idiots are the exact OPPOSITE of what the “RIGHT” believes.

For one you can look at them and notice they don’t resemble any TEA PARTY members. They tried to blow up something. NO TEA PARTY MEMBER was ever accused of vandalism much less blowing up anything. But hey, facts don’t matter when your goal is the destruction of the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

I hope I’m wrong here, but eventually this division will have to be solved. We had a civil war the last time our nation was this divided. Be aware of what the enemies of freedom will do silence you. Its coming.

Lies, Lies and more Lies…

Lies, Lies and more Lies…

It’s pretty funny that after the RNC, the MAINSTREAM media went above and beyond the call of duty to fact check every word of every person speaking. But at the DNC the fact checking was done by Fox and us “Just a bloggers”

There’s many sites out there that have disputed and put a light on the lies of the Democrat party from start to finish. I’m not about to go through them all here. Look them up, do your own research find out the facts vs the fairy tales you were told. Open your eyes.

Think about this: The head of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Shultz has been caught in no less than 5 lies in the last 2 weeks. Not just “Well, she stretched the truth” no, outright lies. Verified lies. And She stands on stage and expects Americans to believe her. Arrogance? Ignorance? Fantasy?

Then the DNC puts on Bill Clinton. Who was IMPEACHED for lying. To try to convince America to trust the Democrats.

Pretty funny if you think about it. Pretty damn sad if anyone truly believes them about anything.

Here Comes the DNC!

Here Comes the DNC!

Monday will kick off the Democratic National Convention. Here’s a few predictions.

1. You will be treated to heartfelt speeches involving a wide range of emotions. None of those emotions will be related to pride in country.

2. You will hear some really great speeches about victims of the man.

3. There will be emotional pleas to give more so the evil Republicans don’t kill puppies.

Basically, what you will hear is how evil the Republican party and the rich white man are to not want to continue driving the debt clock to new highs.

But wait, the final speech, Barack Hussein Obama’s will be epic. He will part the seas and raise the winds from the west with his oratory skills. Many of the weakest American minds will look at this speech as “Leadership Skill” Disregarding the FOUR years of his “Leadership” Record.

There will be drama, blame, victims, bad guys, good guys and special effects. It will be a movie script of epic proportions. I ask people to just look at the past 4 years and see if there’s anything they can tell you this week that fixes that. It can’t.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

Your favorite college team has had 4 miserable seasons. They have had a losing record every year, and haven’t gone to the playoffs since your new head coach started. It’s time to renew his contract. Is there anything that he could say to make you want him to stay on as coach? When you confront him he still blames his predecessor. Better?

Some numbers for you to keep in mind.

16 trillion (National Debt, 5 trillion more now than when Obama took office)

23 MILLION. (Unemployed Americans)

45 MILLION on (foodstamps)

861 (Military deaths in Afghanistan since Obama took office. 60% of all deaths in that war have occurred since the ROE’s were redone under Obama)

Think about that last one for a minute. I focus on that last one because it’s very telling of Obama’s leadership and his views. The VAST majority of Americans realized that putting a timetable on withdrawal and letting the enemy know it would cause MORE American deaths. Obama wouldn’t listen. His views over ride sense. 800 Americans paid the price for his failure. Think about that for a minute. The real VICTIMS are the families of the men who died fighting an enemy who Obama NOW gives BILLIONS to and invites to the White House.

Still voting for Obama?



Hurricane Romney vs Juan Williams

Hurricane Romney vs Juan Williams

I’ve heard a lot of the progressive Communists on the MSM talk about how it’s “Insensitive for the Republicans to be having a party when a natural disaster is happening” Okay.. Um… WOW.

Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Niki Haley, Artur Davis etc are not in charge of ANYTHING to do with hurricane response, federal assistance and have NO SAY in how it’s being done. Matter of fact, if history is any indication, Obama wouldn’t listen anyway.

Barack Hussein Obama is on the campaign trail again today, as the hurricane is hitting land. If this was a republican POTUS would the MSM give him a pass? Yeah me neither.

Juan Williams made a comment last night about Ann Romney being a “Corporate wife” That was pretty funny coming from Juan. But it got better this morning. Juan said; “It would have been better if Ann would have talked about what they’ve done for other people” I had to laugh because it’s so stupid it should hurt. Here ya go Juan my rebut to your assholerry.

Mitt Romney has released several years of tax returns. You see that part that says “Charitable giving” yeah, that’s the part that is about 15 times the amount your 1%er in Chief gave. It’s about equal to the big three in the DNC combined for “Helping others”  Did you also happen to hear that Mitt and Ann Romney didn’t “Inherit” their millions, they were POOR, they WORKED through schooling, They suffered failures and made it. Why is that a bad thing?

I understand the talking points Juan, I understand why you must “Hate the rich” to make your points. But the RICH didn’t cause this mess. Politicians did. Mitt Romney didn’t cause this mess and I’m willing to give him a chance to try and fix it. It won’t be easy with your stupidity on display and the sheep who believe you will make it hard. But you know what Juan, We will drag them kicking and screaming into happiness and prosperity with or without you. Sit back, complain and lie all you want. It will only help our cause.


Middle Class Destroyed…

Middle Class Destroyed…

But how can this be, Obama/Biden came into office proclaiming to be “Hero’s for the middle class” What have they done? Shrunk the Upper/Middle classes and grew the lower class. But that’s the plan folks.

Study: Middle Class Having ‘Worst Decade In Modern History’

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) – According to a study released earlier this week by the Pew Research Center, the middle class is receiving less of America’s total income, declining to its smallest share since the end of World War II.

The middle class is defined by a household whose income ranges from $39,000 to $118,000. The survey described this group as its “worst decade in modern history.”

The recession technically ended three years ago, but the middle class is still feeling economic woes.

Think about this: Who initiated a class war? Who is pitting one group of Americans against another based on their wallets? Who is stoking the fire of division all in the name of “Fairness?” Now ask yourself, if that’s the Democrat view, why are there MORE POOR PEOPLE in America NOW than there were prior to Obama’s election? There’s LESS Rich now too. The number of Millionaires has shrunk to it’s lowest level in years too. Did they go all the way down to poor? Nope they became middle class, the middle has become poor. IS this a good thing Obama supporters?

The more poor people in our nation the better the democrat party like it. It ensures a very good talking point and a growing voting block for their checks. But it comes crashing down as soon as there is no more “Rich” to pay for the “Poor” then you become California or Greece. Utopia for Democrats is I guess Detroit. Sad.


Will Joe Biden be a Scapegoat?

Will Joe Biden be a Scapegoat?

Just using what we know of Obama as a barometer here, but think about this:

Barack Obama has taken NO BLAME for anything. The past 4 years have been an epic failure by all measures and he’s blamed everyone else. Specifically, he’s blamed George Bush, the Republicans (Except the RINO’s) he’s blamed the rich, the Europeans, the arabs, the weather and the list goes on.

In November 2012, our nation will undergo a severe shift. Either we will go further LEFT into the abyss that so many other great nations have gone, or we will start the treck back to greatness. IF it’s the latter, the excuse for Obama’s defeat will be laid at the feet of Joe Biden. Mark my words.

This is what I see happening should Obama/Biden lose to Romney/Ryan. The left in its infinite wisdom will bemoan not removing Biden from the ticket. Their “Push” to get back into power will include the line “This election was not a referendum on Obama, it was Joe Biden who sunk the party” I post this here and now in order to have this ON RECORD. And in late November I hope to dig it back up and repost it as a “See I told ya.”

The other thing folks need to understand is the strategy of the Romney campaign. Think about this. IF you attack ANYTHING related to Obama, you are classed as a racist. Biden? well he’s fair game. Why the difference? Same philosophy, same agenda, the only difference is a paint job. We can attack Biden all day long for parroting Obama’s policies and not be called racists, not become buried in defending ourselves against that label. Issues stay on the forefront because of it. So far I like that strategy a lot.

Israelis Opposed to Striking Iran

Israelis Opposed to Striking Iran

Here’s a bit of “You don’t say” news.

Polls show most Israelis oppose strike against Iran

JERUSALEM – Israel’s tough talk of military action against Iran’s nuclear program has unleashed a strong backlash at home, with a growing number of voices urging the government not to attack without the support of the United States.
Israeli leaders, who have long issued veiled threats against Iran, now appear to be preparing the country for war. New gas mask distribution centers have opened, a nationwide missile alert system has been tested and an official this week warned of hundreds of casualties if Israel unilaterally strikes Iran.

Ask Americans if they are opposed to striking China/Russia/Iran/Venezuela/Syria etc.. Same result. I would bet my ridiculously substandard pay check that “Most Americans oppose” it. But there is a difference. None of those country’s can wipe us out with one good nuke. None of those country’s have been waging shadow war with us since we were founded.

At some point Israel will have to act against Iran. There’s only one possible way that it doesn’t happen. That is if Iran all of the sudden became a moderate western style democracy. So with that possibility about as likely as Obama becoming a Tea Party leader, a strike on Iran is going to happen. The only question is when.

I’d bet that if Obama is re-elected Israel will strike within days of the election results. If Romney/Ryan win, Israel will hold off a little bit. Any takers?

Share your opinion in the comments section.


Progressive’s Heads EXPLODING!

Progressive’s Heads EXPLODING!

Paul Ryan has done exactly what Sarah Palin did in 2008. And that’s not where the comparison ends. Some folks hate Sarah Palin (My most bestest bud TexasFred can be counted in that camp) Some folks Lover her like a fat kid loves cake. I fall in between the two extremes.

In 08, Sarah energized the base and gave some of us some hope that Obama wouldn’t win. It was a fleeting emotion. Very soon after Palin’s RNC speech (Which by the way was absolutely AWESOME) The media went into full on attack mode. Not just the Democrat spin machine, but the “SUPPOSEDLY UNBIASED NEWS MEDIA.” as well.

Not objectifying at all…sigh.

This is about where the comparison ends.

While Sarah Palin was Governor of a state, she had limited exposure to DC and she was sheltered from media scrutiny until her launch in 08. Ryan on the other hand has been vilified, demonized, castigated and the victim of media’s BIAS for a very long time. He’s still standing in his position.

Sarah Palin was by all accounts raped by the media and left for dead out in the back of a bowling alley. Partly because of her responses to questions, partly because of the GOP’s lack of support for her, Partly because of us believing what we heard from a very biased media. Paul Ryan will not go out like Sarah Palin.

I say all that to get to the meat of the situation:

Romney is by all accounts a bit of a RINO. He’s NOT most conservatives first or last choice. He’s NOT the version of conservatism we would like to see. Of Course the version we’d like to see is a mixture of Ted Nugent, Joe Arpaio and Allen West with a dash of John Bolton, but that’s not going to happen. We are also realists and we know Romney is the last chance to remove the cancer the GOP let infest this country.

I say that to get to this:

I do think Romney is a bit better than McCain as far as conservatism goes. Not much, but better. I was very concerned about his 2nd Amendment stance. With the Paul Ryan pick, and Ted Nugent’s support, those worries are now gone. I’m all in with this ticket and happy about my vote going to a leadership team with real ideas and solutions not slogans and false promises.

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