California Republican Party…Get a clue…

California Republican Party…Get a clue…

Okay so I just worked a 13 hour shift, get home and the wife has made me a nice dinner. I sit down and talk with her a bit about her day before she heads out for a bible study or something… After she leaves, I crack open an ice cold BUD Light and sit down to check my favorite blogs and the news of the day….The phone rings….

I notice the caller ID is anonymous. Usually I let it go to the answering machine, but today wasn’t a particularly bad day I decide to pick it up… The conversation went like this:

Caller: “Mr ____ This is so and so with the California Republican party.”

Me: “Who? I didn’t think there were any left in this FUCKED UP STATE”

Caller: Excuse me sir, would you like to help the California Repub…”

Me: “This must be a prank call, it’s obvious there are no Republicans left in California Brown is Governor”

Caller: “Sir would you please hear me out, I’d like to show you how you can help us defeat brown’s tax plan. Now you know that Gov…..”

Me : “Wait a minute, you are from the Republican party in California?”

Caller: “Yes, Now sir you…”

Me: “Hold on a sec, You mean YOU were the guys that offered up Meg Whitman to go against Brown as Governor?”

Caller: “Um, Huh?”

Me: ” You, from the California Republican party actually believed that a rich white woman who had a business background, who pandered to the illegal immigrants in SPANISH, and spoke in English about how bad the illegal immigrant problem is? The candidate you put up didn’t support AZ’s Illegal Immigration law and you guys wanted REAL conservatives to vote for her? And you expected moderate democrats to vote for her because of her stance on Illegal Immigration? that Republican party?”

Caller: ” I see you have some problems with the Republican party, Well this is about stopping taxes….”

Me (Getting really pissed about now) “You mean like the last tax increase we had from the REPUBLICAN Governor? You mean you want me to send YOU clowns some money so you can fight the latest moron in Sacramento?”

Caller: “Yes we are trying to get people to donate a little money to stop this increase in our taxes and to stop job losses”

Me: “Sir, I wouldn’t give you a nickle if I hit the California lotto tonight. I hope Jerry Brown gets everything he wants. I want the REPUBLICAN party in California to vote no on everything Brown tries. THAT’S all I want from you clowns. I want this state to fall off into the fucking sea. I want this state to hit rock fuckin bottom and the only way it happens is if we continue on this path.”

Caller: “Well some people think this state can be saved”

Me: “I’m helping to pull the plug, I’ll not donate another damn dime to any candidate in this state unless he/she comes out against any type of “Comprehensive AMNESTY” and unless they come out EXTREMELY PRO-GUN, and PRO-BUSINESS” There will be NO COMPROMISE on any of those three, furthermore I would suggest you lose this number and any in the immediate area, the people in my sphere of influence are of the same mind”

Bye Bye…

California can be saved?



8 Replies to “California Republican Party…Get a clue…”

  1. Can’t we all just get it out of the way and let China annex the whole Left coast? Let’s stop pretending like the peeps over there even want to still be Americans. Maybe they can create the Symbionese Republic or something?

  2. (psst – bushie – come on over here. plenty of cheap housing, and lots of places to make things go bang without having to explain or – heh – “get permission”. plus, we’re still mostly conservative, in spite of what the Misled Media sez …)

    1. Ya Jerk! I was wondering why my phone was ringing off the hook… Got another call from Bachman’s camp today… Same basic answer but if I was going to donate it would be to her.

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