California Does it Again!

California Does it Again!

It’s NO secret I can’t stand this state. Let me correct that. I can’t stand the way this state is run, the idiots who infest this state and the policies these morons here have adopted. The state is a beautiful example of creation. The forests/beaches/deserts are absolutely awesome. The scenery is awe inspiring. It’s just screwed up by the idiots who vote here.

Now lets get to the title reason:

L.A. To Give Illegal Immigrants ID Cards

Los Angeles could soon be the latest of several cities across the nation to make life easier for illegal immigrants by offering them official photo identification cards to help them access taxpayer-funded services and open bank accounts.

It’s a necessary measure to help illegal aliens incorporate into civic life, according to lawmakers in the city of about 4 million. Nearly half of L.A. residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and a chunk are in the U.S. illegally. One L.A. councilman told a local newspaper that the ID cards will allow illegal aliens “who have been living in the shadows to be out in the day of light.”

To put this in perspective, we have about 50 ballot measures pending this election. 99% of them are requests to raise taxes or diminish the republican party from any form of say at all. Take prop 30

“Prop 30 has two main functions: generate new tax dollars that will allow the budget passed in 2012 to balance, and codify a 2011 deal to transfer control of various services from state to local governments.”

Think about that one paragraph. This tax increase is to allow the budget passed to balance. WHAT? Who is hit with the increase.. Those making over 250k a year… WOW, you would think Obama was running CA.. Then they tell you, if it doesn’t pass our kids will suffer in schools.. As in every year since I’ve been here, when taxes are hiked it’s to help the schools. 25 years here now, and I’ve watched the school system go from #5 in the nation to last. But every year we raise taxes to help schools.. We should be #1 in the world but NOPE. WHY? That goes full circle back to the title of this post.

San Francisco and LA are sanctuary cities. LA has a top 5 crime rate in the nation, the bay area (SF area) also has a very high crime rate. The schools are basically the prison minor leagues. The kids are separated by race, the kids are secondary to the teachers wants… The kids are 75% hispanic in the LA/Southland area. The illegal kids of illegals are soaking the system but instead of trying to stop the flood of money going out, we are going to soak the rich, the business owners here in CA to continue to pay for their voting base.

I will not be voting for anything that raises taxes on anything or anyone here in this state. But I’ll be in the minority again. IF these idiots here in CA vote to pass Prop 30, the state will see the French example played out right here, businesses who have left in droves will continue at warp speed. I actually hope my company decides to move it’s facility to AZ/Tex/Nev/ anywhere but here. Too bad too… Jerry Brown and this entire state needs to collapse before these leftists see where they are headed.

California is the living example of Obama’s 2nd term. Does any state in the nation want to become California? Look at the economy, look at the crime, look at the corruption, the bankruptcy’s the cost of living, the lack of jobs and the moral decay before you vote for Obama check out California to see what you will get.


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