Cali Politicians visit Cali businesses… In Texas.

Cali Politicians visit Cali businesses… In Texas.

This would be funny if it weren’t so damn true.

California politicians visit California jobs … in Texas

When California politicians want to visit California jobs, they increasingly have to leave California to do so.  That’s why Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom traveled with a small entourage of other Golden State politicians to Texas, the biggest beneficiary of California’s economic policies.  So many jobs have fled California to Texas, John Fund writes for the Wall Street Journal, that the governing class needed lessons from Texas Governor Rick Perry on how not to repel business:

“We came to learn why they would pick up their roots and move in order to grow their businesses,” says GOP Assemblyman Dan Logue, who organized the trip. “Why does Chief Executive magazine rate California the worst state for job and business growth and Texas the best state?”

The contrast is undeniable. Texas has added 165,000 jobs during the last three years while California has lost 1.2 million. California’s jobless rate is 12% compared to 8% in Texas.

“I don’t see this as a partisan issue,” Mr. Newsom told reporters before the group met with Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry. The former San Francisco mayor has many philosophical disagreements with Mr. Perry, but he admitted he was “sick and tired” of hearing about the governor’s success luring businesses to Texas.

Yes it is funny. What’s funny about it is, NOW the leading Democrats in the state are concerned with businesses leaving. We in California have seen it for many years. But our leaders kept taxing and regulating and businesses kept leaving… NOW Moonbeam is back in charge and here comes the “Bail out” card. How long do you think it will be before the Feds have to bail out this state? There’s a ballot measure coming soon here that will ask Californian’s to pay more taxes… Rumor has it, it will pass because “Moonbeam” is at the helm. IF it does, the exodus of businesses will be epic compared to recent moves.

And you know what? I’m voting to increase the taxes. I’m going to vote for whatever MOONBEAM wants, unless it involves my right to bear arms. My reasoning is simple. Let this state collapse PLEASE for the good of the nation, every business here needs to bail ASAP… These idiots here are too stupid for words and they are taking our nation down the drain with them. Perhaps the next POTUS can sell California to China to pay off our debts.

10 Replies to “Cali Politicians visit Cali businesses… In Texas.”

  1. That’s the same gavin newsome that turned san francisco into a sanctuary city? The same guy that defied the will of the people on gay marriage? He does exactly the opposite of what the citizens of the State demand and then wonder why business leaves in droves? Oh, and it’s not a democrat vs. Republican issue? Aren’t democrats running the State? Haven’t they been for about 50 years? Arnie, who is a rino at best. couldn’t get anything done because the democrats fought him on everything…

  2. It does not matter what the worthless politicians do. As Long as the illegal aliens continue to siphon money and contribute nothing this state is screwed. WE are are all doomed in this liberal “F”ed up state, The only solution is to get the hell out and pass it off as what could have been.

  3. Maybe I’m just young and dumb, but I still really have hope for California. I was born here. I’ve lived in Texas. I’ve lived in North Carolina. I always seem to come back to this place because there’s no place in the world quite like Southern California. My family came to this great country from Ireland many generations ago, and when there was no more cotton to pick in Lousania, we came here to pick grapes in Fresno. My poor family has been in the trenches with both the blacks and mexicans in jobs that supposedly Americans don’t want anymore. They came here, and for the first time in generations became land owners. My grandfather came back from the war and made a great living for Jorgansen steel, and provided well for his family.

    IMHO, the jobs California needs to lose are those of the liberal Hollywood machine. Maybe if they fill those empty places in Detroit, California can once again be the great frontier it was in Steinback’s time.

    1. CommonSense, Not dumb at all, you are somewhat correct. This place WAS a great place. But we got complacent. We let emotions run our policies now we can’t put the genie back in the bottle. We taxed everything to pay for programs to help others. IF someone was down we paid them, fed them and coddled them rather than showing them they have to work to live. In california the standard line is “For the children” we have done NOTHING for the children but make it easier for them to fail. NOW our kids are hitting the job market here with no skills, no drive, and no desire. They think if it’s hard, someone will make it easier. And they do. Except for businesses that are successful. They leave for less taxes, better work force and higher profits.

      IF California is ever to be a great place again, the education system needs to be reformed, the tax structure needs to be reformed and the leadership needs to be REMOVED and REPLACED. Until then Nope, California will be a place for tourists and service that’s it.

  4. The awful thing is, the people here went along with this. They fell for it hook, line and sinker. It saddens me to think I’m the only man left my age that, as a product of the schools here, living under this retarded government structure, is still a man enough to be the sole provider for my family in a house I bought at 24 years old making $13 an hour. The problem here starts and ends with the people. WE elected these bullshit politicians. WE passed these stupid taxes. WE allowed ourselves to become a wellfare nanny state, and the worst part is that WE isn’t ME. WE need YOU to keep beating us over the head, and not give up. If the RIGHT in this state takes a stand, maybe we can have our state back.

    1. The real problem is the “Right” has been silenced here for the most part. With some very telling exceptions. San Diego, Riverside, Some sections in the middle of the state are generally RED. As in have a clue. The inner cities of LA, Oakland, Frisco, San Bernadino are VERY BLUE. The reason they are blue is the best point. That’s where the “Socialist” mindset is strongest. The rich companies that moved into these cities before the plunge into socialism were there for the location, the education, the work force and the access to ports and services. NOW the inner cities are gang ridden, welfare states on their own. The biggest offices are occupied by LAWYERS now rather than Corporations. This state is a law suit state.

      What needs to happen is a giant earthquake hitting this state. It need to shake the foundation and show them that the “Government” will not take care of them. Sad to say but its true. This place has but two options left. Total destruction by nature or by government. That’s it. There is no way this state can be back on the right track with our current political leaning.

  5. I guess I’ll just keep stockpiling canned food, water, and ammunition. May God have mercy on those of us still here when SHTF.

    1. Been doing that for years my self. I got enough to make a stand for about 2 weeks, after that I’ll be leaving a trail of bodies as we put the evac plan into play. We can’t give up trying to educate people but as of now few are listening, they have food, water and starbucks. When that becomes hard to get or the price climbs so much it’s a problem then they may start to listen.

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