Betrayed by Obama?

Betrayed by Obama?

So the catholic church is all in a tizzy over this “Contraception” issue being forced down their throats… My opinion on this is going to be less than kind:

Quit your bitching. YOU the Catholic’s, who in large part are also “Hispanic” here in my neck of the woods are “Outraged” at the betrayal… Poor babies. deal with it. YOU voted for the bastard. YOU who placed Obama on a pedestal, said he was going to fix this “Illegal Immigration” issue and grant amnesty to the “Poor hard working Illegal alien”…. He hasn’t helped a lot in that area. As a matter of fact Obama has been pretty good for us on the side of LEGAL ONLY IMMIGRATION, except the wrong way. See my friends, the illegal problem is going away slowly because there is NO JOBS HERE!.

But back to the Catholic outrage. Just shut up and take it, we told you. Many told you, you were warned MANY times that Obama was NOT the savior. YOU and your “Catholic” members in so many areas in this nation backed the man. You guys did everything but anoint him king and NOW you want sympathy?

I think, you of the cloth should beg forgiveness from the American people. And perhaps the American people will show some sympathy for this latest “Betrayal” of “The Won”.

We have a very large “Catholic” population in my neck of the woods. And I’m betting more than 90% voted for Obama. They also voted for Jerry Moonbeam Brown, so forgive me if I sound bitter. Just get in line there Catholic’s. We’ve been on the receiving end of the obama disaster for 3 years, you just got here. Wait your turn….

3 Replies to “Betrayed by Obama?”

  1. Want to thank all of you, for your Powerfull stand against Oboma & His Corrupted political partners.

    But there is so much more we can do. Being aggressive and focusing on the facts and truth is only the first step.

    We musT follow Up with more details standing by our convictions and dont back down.

    Oboma has NOT brought CHANGE, In fact ~! ~ THE ONLY real THING needing CHANGE !….Was Barack Hussein Obama II.


    Barack Hussein Obama II (

    Who hates American Values ) who is A ” SELF PROCLAIMED Enemy” ~of responsible, Morally Conscious HARD WORKING Americans.

    oBOMAS Irresponsible & DRUG MAFIA and reckless supporters KNOW~ that Barack Hussein Obama II, WILL FORCE YOU to paY THEM, out of your PockeT .{ FOR all of their UNCHECKED Vices and THRILLS/

    { All on YOU

    | / At your COST & Sacrifice.\

    …This UN~CHANGABLE fraud, has done His VERY BEST to Inspire VIOLENCE.

    THESE ARE OBAMAS OWN WORDS.. saying ……To his supporters.Saying “Get ready for hand-to-hand combat with your Fellow Americans” – Obama has ALSO DECLARED to his Supporters. “I want all Americans to get in each others faces!– Obama Demands !

    “You bring a knife to a fight pal, we’ll bring a gun” –

    THESE ARE OBAMAS OWN WORDS.. ANGER VIOLENCE And more taxes….. THIS IS OBAMAS Change for america /“Hit Back Twice As Hard”. He commands ! *Obama on the private sector: ~~ “We talk To these folks…~ / so I know whose a*$ to KICK.“ OBOMA wants to KICK your a*$ /“`

    Shouting THAT Republican victory would mean ~ “hand to hand combat” and HE IS EXPECTING people to be on Edge and ON BORDERLINE killing MODE, “ VIOLENT / and STAND and STOMP and MOB for their immoral CAUSES and THIS IS WHAT HE LIVES FOR ./ ./ ./ THESE ARE OBAMAS OWN WORDS.. !* Obama Tells democrats: “ I’m itching for a fight.” !

    ….PLEASE…. go to reXes NEW WebsiTe ~ ! Oboma *( Just like Adolf Hitler~~\oBOMA~~~ Demands ! — [ THE FINAL SOLUTION – for Un~Wanted Children

    Barak Obama is A MURDERER .~Torturing UNWANTED babys on DEATH ROE.


    OBAMA TAKES a little NEW BORN innocent child, BORN ALIVE sTabS it iN the head and SUCKs ITS BRAINS OUT.

    This is just too wrong and horrible. Please stand for Loving Children and the USA.

    Respectfully and Thankfully Thank you ALL for your Time.

    To see HORRIBLE HONOR Killings~` HATE CRIMES ]`~ ! eXecuted by the CLINTON,RENO and ATF Media WHO COMMITTED H0NOR KILLINGs [

    SLAUGHTERING }] 21 LITTLE Helpless Children at Waco.

    Click Here

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