Allen West- Star Power.

Allen West- Star Power.

Found this at the New York Slimes. Times…

Conservative Congressman’s Star Power Extends Beyond Florida District

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Often, the most interesting thing about a person is the characteristic that lies beneath, that hidden thing that bobs up along the waves of time.

But the most compelling part of Representative Allen B. West of Florida is his own biography, there for all to see: an African-American Tea Party activist Republican congressman and ally of hard-right Israelis who, after his beloved career in the Army ended under a cloud, defeated the sitting Democrat in a largely white, politically polarized district here and quickly became one of the right’s most visible spokesmen.

Mr. West’s fans in his district, which stretches over two counties along the east coast of Florida, are both numerous and loud; hundreds fill his town hall-style meetings, many of them favoring T-shirts bearing his image. At a recent Tea Party rally in Washington, supporters flocked to him like sea gulls to a crust of baguette. Among the 87 House Republican freshmen, he ranks third in the latest fund-raising period for his re-election campaign; his $433,551 haul came largely through individual donations.

You read that mess and while it’s not a hit piece it’s typical of liberal mentality. Notice the terms “African American” “White” “Tea Party.” See this is where we should not be. When I think of Allen West I don’t think “African American” I see American. When I think tea party, I don’t think WHITE, I think American. In the Liberal mind RACE is the most important thing of any issue. While Conservatives don’t give a damn if the person is polka dot from the world of orb, if he/she is an American and believes in the principles that founded this great nation, race is NOT an issue. It is also not an issue when we look at our opponents in our views. It is ALWAYS the left side of the debate that brings up Race. WHY?

The true racists have always been the DEMOCRATS. They opposed the civil rights legislation, they have always been the party knows best… Just gotta keep the black man down so they don’t get too powerful (Perhaps they were right now that we’ve seen Obama in action)

Anyway, Allen West is the American candidate. He’s the closest thing we have to a REAGAN resurgence and if he doesn’t decide to run in 2012. Obama gets 4 more years to finish his destruction. Your Choice America.

2 Replies to “Allen West- Star Power.”

  1. Excellent points. The Times is amazingly color focused, as are all supposed color-blind progressives. Don’t forget some other obvious inclusions in the snip, the jibe at people wearing T-shirts with his face on them, an obvious attempt to show a cult of personality (much like Obama presumably) and WTF is the writer talking about seagulls and crust of baguette? Must be an upper-West Side thing, down here in Virginia, we feed seagulls plain ole white sandwich bread, oh, and alka-seltzer. =)

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