A TRAVESTY! Sgt Evan Vela still locked up.

A TRAVESTY! Sgt Evan Vela still locked up.

This is what’s wrong with our nation. Sgt Evan Vela is in prison while Iraqi and Taliban insurgents who have killed Americans are pardoned. WTF?

Why Is Sgt. Evan Vela Still in Prison?

This is a T-R-A-V-E-S-T-Y.

Evan’s father, Curtis Carnahan, recaps the whole outrageous story here.

I’ve been tracking this case since receiving a letter from Curtis Carnahan back in early 2008. He had noticed a column called “Death by Rules of Engagement” that I’d written in 2007 about Marcus Luttrell,  the Navy SEAL who, with his three comrades, on being discovered in their “hide” while on a secret mission to assassinate a Taliban kingpin deep in Taliban territory in 2005, faced a terrible decision. There was no way to hold the Afghans, so they had to choose between killing them and completing their mission, or releasing them and aborting their mission — and taking their chances against the Taliban as they attempted to exit their remote location deep inside enemy territory. They took the latter route, preferring to face a Taliban force that would outnumber them by at least 35 to 1 than the probable “murder” charges, military trials, and prison sentences back home. (Luttrell tells his story in the best-selling book Lone Survivor.) The epic firefight that followed when, presumably, the spared Afghans sounded the alarm killed three out of the four SEALs as well as 16 more special forces whose rescue mission was shot down by a Taliban RPG, killing everyone on board.

Curtis Carnahan noticed the obvious parallels between his son Evan’s case and the horrible SEAL fiasco. The original predicament was exactly the same. In brief, an Iraqi man and boy discovered Evan’s team’s “hide” in the pre-”surge” Sunni Triangle. (Esquire magazine extensive report on the case, focusing on Evan’s team leader, is  here.) What to do? Here’s where things go differently. Evan, a sniper assigned to this team’s surveillance and support mission, was ordered to shoot the Iraqi man (later revealed as a member of the “insurgent” Jenabi tribe which was closely linked to al Qaeda) who had  compromised the team’s position — and continued to compromise its position while captured. And here’s where things really go differently: Every American on Evan’s mission came home alive.

I think folks should understand the timing of this: “Pre-Surge” Meaning Iraq was not going well at the time this happened. The media was looking harder for our guys doing things wrong than they were the bad guys. Typical of the American media and it hasn’t changed much. Under Obama and his loyal puppets the liberpuke lefties America is the bad guy. This soldier has been in prison for a long time for doing what it takes to get the job done and save his squad. He would get a medal from any other nation, in America we put him in prison.

Make no mistake, I’m sure there are American soldiers that are “Outside” the acceptable range when it comes to conduct. But if this is all they had on this guy, it’s a TRAVESTY!

Support Evan by telling him you support him:

Evan Vela 84486

1300 N Warehouse Rd

Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027

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