A request of my friends

A request of my friends

There is a church program that is going to be instituted at a fairly large church in my area.

There was a question asked ” What are the major things our nation needs prayer for?”

Well, of course I was the first to raise my hand and respond; ” Pray for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama to burst into flames!” While this resulted in a lot of laughter and me being scorned (AGAIN) it was not the desired answer….

So I ask my friends on the interweb to offer up some serious answers to that question. Any thoughts?

4 Replies to “A request of my friends”

  1. Pray for a return to the values of our Fathers. A return to the time when our nation looked to God and self for it’s strength, not the Government. If we could return to a national faith and put strength back in the motto: “In God We Trust” then all other problems would come back under control.

  2. Pray for sound fiscal policy

    Pray for our elected representatives to have wisdom and discernment.

    Pray for our government enact laws that strengthen the family instead of tearing it apart.

    Pray for the safety of our soldiers, sailors, and airmen at home and abroad.

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