A real eye opener.

A real eye opener.

About the SCOTUS decision DC v Heller

from Barking Moonbat Early Warning

“Petitioners and today’s dissenting Justices believe that it protects only the right to possess and carry a firearm in connection with militia service.”

That should send chills down your spine. Look how close we came to losing the right to bear arms. If you’re one of the many idiots who do not understand that a vote for a liberal President is a vote for judges who will destroy your rights, you need to have your face rubbed in this sentence over and over. And if you’re stupid enough to stay home as a protest or vote for Bob Barr, helping Obama get elected, you deserve to live in North Korea. All four far-left judges wanted to repeal the Second Amendment, and the only thing that saved us was the presence of that perpetual embarrassment, Kennedy.

Had Al Gore won the 2000 election, we would not have Alito or Roberts, and the individual right to bear arms would no longer exist, and every one of us would be facing the possibility of total gun confiscation, with no constitutional remedy. We would have to rely on the good judgment of our state and local governments to protect us.

Justice Stevens is 88, Ginsburg is 75, Kennedy is 72, Scalia is 72 and Breyer is 70. Souter is only 69. Remember this in November.

So, hold your nose, close your eyes, squeeze your butt cheeks nice and tight, and pull the lever for McCain. Don’t stay home as an infantile protest. Don’t waste a vote on Barr, even if he does have a few good qualities, because he stands no chance of winning. Because with McCain in office, the chance of him putting in one, two, or three proper justices is about 60%. With Obama, it’s 0%. And that’s a stone cold guarantee.

This little warning applies to all the lower Federal judges too. If for no other reason than that, we have to elect McCain and as many other Republicans representatives as possible. We have no choice really.

Well, I don’t like it at all, I think we need to send a message to the GOP I think they stuck us in the back with a pitch fork by sending fourth McCain to represent the “Rght” I find it ridiculous that he was the best they had.

McCain wasn’t the best in the field,  Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo or hell Allan Keyes would have been better, BUT the writer is correct…We are stuck and they know it, this is a zero sum game.

The older LIBERAL judges have held on this long waiting for a LIBERAL to get elected so they can retire. We are going to get the whole shaft or the or just the tip..might as well get ready for it.


11 Replies to “A real eye opener.”

  1. Yeah, let’s fix ALL of Americas ills, lets vote for the *other* liberal gun grabbing Democrat… 😕

    McCain is a *wild card*, there is NO guarantee that he will nominate Conservative judges, he has NO concept of what the word Conservative means…

  2. Well Fred, I think the odds are pretty much as stated. Obama will insert more liberal idiots, and McCain would at least appoint slightly less liberal idiots.

  3. I agree with Fred that there is no guarantee that McCain will appoint conservative judges, but I believe there is a 100% chance that Obama won’t.
    We’re in a fine mess Olly.

    O/T: Listening to Republican Congressman John Campbell this afternoon, I was surprised to hear that congress has been constantly discussing off shore drilling. Pelosi and company will not allow a vote, and all the GOP guys can do is try to get 19 dems to vote in favor of over ruling Pelosi; however, nary a word has been spoken in the media… not even on FOX. Me thinks the media is bias.

  4. @Gawfer: You were surprised Gawfer? now say it isn’t so. You honestly believe Pelosi would allow anything to go FORWARD during a “Republican” presidency? well other than defeat in the WOT… The fact of the matter is, the Demonrats have had control since 2006 and they have succeeded in dragging our economy down with their Morals.

  5. I think if Gore had won the 2000 election, like the lib-tards say, 9/11 would not have happened… The Hadjis would instead have launched a full-scale invasion of the US, and Gore would have given up even before the first gun fired.

    Obama will probably do the same.

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  7. Expect More Liberal Judges
    Under McCain Than Clinton

    John Gaver
    March 7, 2008

    John GaverAs most educated voters know, one of the most important issues in any presidential race has to do with the kind of judges each candidate will nominate. However, during the upcoming election, we have to adjust our thinking, on this issue.

    There is no doubt that all of the candidates left in the presidential race will nominate liberal judges. Even supporters of John McCain cannot deny this. After all, McCain was one of the founders of the “Gang of Fourteen,” which was created for the specific purpose of blocking Bush’s conservative judges. Furthermore, more than a few well respected people have reported that John McCain called Judge Alito, “too conservative.” That leaves no question as to what kind of judges will be nominated by John McCain. They will be just as liberal as those who might be nominated by either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama.

    Therefore, since Clinton, Obama and McCain will all nominate liberal judges, we have to look beyond simply, who they will nominate. We must ask another more specific question.
    Which candidate will be able to get the most of his/her liberal judges CONFIRMED?

    To answer this question, we need only look at the last two administrations. We watched, as Republican senators successfully fought off the worst of Clinton’s judicial nominations and liberal initiatives. They didn’t waver. It was like they were on a mission. Compare that to how many of them have bent over backwards to support Bush’s liberal initiatives.

    Does anyone really believe that congressional Republicans would have remained almost completely silent about Bush’s not-to-be-sufficiently-damned Security and Prosperity Partnership or the question of the legality of Bush’s wire taps, if either of those things had come from the Clinton Administration? Of course not. Republicans would have been fighting for time on news programs, to denounce them and authoring bills to block them. Would congressional Republicans have almost unanimously passed the Patriot Act, in its final form, if it had come from Bill Clinton’s Whitehouse? Not a chance!

    The problem is that congressmen and senators in both parties have demonstrated time and again, that they have no backbone for standing up to a president from their own party, whose initiatives violate every principle for which they stand. Oh, there are a few in both parties, who are not so easily swayed. But, it only takes a few Republicans, voting with the Democrats, to pass some liberal initiative into law and therein, lies the problem, when it comes to liberal judges.
    Same Judge – Different President

    A radical liberal judge, nominated by Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, would have no chance at all, of being confirmed, as long as the Republicans have anything close to a majority in the Senate. They will stand almost as one, to defeat such liberal judges. And, while there are some liberal Republican senators, like McCain, who will support those liberal judges, there are also a very small handful of conservative or moderate Democrat senators, who will offset the votes of those liberal Republican senators.

    However, that exact same radical liberal judge would see his nomination sail through confirmation, if John McCain were to be the president who nominated him. That’s because most of the Democrats would naturally support a liberal judge and McCain would use his influence, as the leader of the party, to intimidate enough Republican senators into voting with them.
    Presidential Intimidation

    A president can see to it that a given candidate, within his party, will not have a single major political figure endorse him, in the next election or show up for one of those $1000 a plate luncheons, if that candidate doesn’t vote his way. Such intimidation is not really possible, for the party that is out of power, in the Whitehouse. And remember, it only takes a few intimidated Republicans, switching to the other side, to make a difference in the outcome of a confirmation.

    You must also consider that Bush managed to push a lot of his liberal initiatives past congressional Republicans, without being too terribly forceful. After all, he’s a nice guy. On the other hand, it is widely known that John McCain’s personality is built upon a solid foundation of RAGE. His temper is renowned.

    Bush was unable to get his Amnesty program passed, largely because it just wasn’t in his personality to be capable of being enough of a jerk to apply enough pressure to his “friends” in Congress, to make that happen. John McCain suffers from no such gentlemanly compunction. In fact, as a Liberal Republican, he has few, if any real “friends” in the Republican Party.

    Let’s face facts. McCain will be relentless in intimidating Republican senators, to vote to confirm his Liberal judges. By contrast, as Democrats, both Clinton and Obama will act as lightening rods to congressional Republicans, who will fight any liberal judges that either one of them tries to push through the Senate.

    The only possible conclusion is that while all three of the candidates, who remain in the presidential race, will certainly nominate some very liberal judges, only John McCain will have the power and influence to get all of his LIBERAL judges confirmed.

    Conservatives need to think about this, when they go to the polls in November.

  8. @Think before you vote: I generally don’t let this type of comment through, but this poster brings up a good point… However there are a couple of errors. Bush didn’t appoint any liberals and he didn’t get amnesty passed. McCain does have some liberal tendencies but I think those are far RIGHT from Obama’s.

    McCain’s temper.. Who gives a shit? truthfully we need someone to get pissed off and actually get some stuff done. If he would only seal the border and stop the flood, and quit trying to take away gun ownership, he might actually have a chance at winning.

  9. What the hell!!

    Talk about a seminar comment…

    Clearly an Obamaphile attempting to dress in a coat of another color.

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