A California adventure…

A California adventure…

Well, we made it back in one piece. We had an awesome time traveling the coast of California. We started our adventure from the town of Seaside. We spent a couple days exploring the Monterey area, then traveled from there down PCH in a very slow pace. We stopped in several places before we arrived at Big Sur. Then to Carmel, then to Cambria, then we headed south toward Solvang… Just an awesome mini-vacation.

What I noticed this week was shocking, it was shocking because it shows the status of the United States.

While in Monterey, we saw affluent homes, manicured lawns, shops and business’s boarded up and more homeless people asking for help/money/food than sea gulls. Along the pier, cannery row and pretty much everywhere we went we were greeted by people holding signs… On the other hand, there were many tourists. Mostly it seemed, Germans. There were the usual Asian’s.. Chinese not Japanese, that seemed odd from my history of touring America.

All along PCH the way south was peppered with business’s out of business or big signs saying they were. Every exit/entrance to PCH had at least one homeless/traveler hitchhiking or asking for a hand out.

So to recap, the world is coming here to view our country, enjoy our hospitality and purchase our wears. The world is seeing our citizens as uncleaned, unshaven, hungry and lazy.

Sad state of affairs…

But the beauty of this state is worth the effort to see it. If you’ve never had a chance to see it, put it on your bucket list. Its unbelievably scenic.

4 Replies to “A California adventure…”

  1. I’ve seen the northern portion of the state, and it is beautiful (or was). The effects of demorat programs have taken their toll, as evidenced by the businesses that have fled, the dramatic increase in homeless and destitute persons, and the inability of the average citizen to partake in basic pleasures (outside of a seemingly “once in a lifetime” vacation).

    The demorats’ plan seems to be based on letting more illegal invaders relocate their slums from south of the border to kalifornisan, and then complain about the conditions that result from that. The plan to fix that: more taxes. Liberal logic 101. The most frightening part of that plan is that the bulk of kalifornistan residents keep voting for the demorat idiots that are systematically destroying the once great state.

    I hope that you and yours can move from that cesspool in the not-too-distant future.

    1. Absolutely spot on Lewis. And we’ve been trying to escape for a while but there’s some strong fibers holding us here for now. Family, Work, etc…

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