Month: January 2011

Texas Needs Ted Nugent!

Texas Needs Ted Nugent!

Right NOW. I need everyone, regardless of where you live to send a message to the Texas Governor Rick Perry. Let him know you would like Ted Nugent appointed to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Directors post.

I can’t think of a better person in the world for that job and since Texas is in AMERICA we need Good conservative leadership in all posts, but this one in particular. If you are a hunter, a trapper, a fisherman, or an outdoors lover this post should be very important to you.

Ted Nugent will do ALL Texans proud in this spot. And by extension, show the rest of the nation what TRUE leadership looks like.

Please do us all a favor and ask Rick Perry to make this appointment.

Contact Rick Perry


Sign the Petition

Thanks everyone for your activism and effort in this action.

Jerry Brown to take Reigns of California today.

Jerry Brown to take Reigns of California today.

So the wonderful morons of the state I reside in saw fit to RE-ELECT this P.O.S.

Brown’s success could depend on his first 100 days

As Jerry Brown takes the oath of office Monday for his third term as California governor, he will begin a 100-day sprint that could determine the future success of his administration.

The first 100 days for a governor — often described as the honeymoon period — can set the tone for his entire tenure. It will be particularly true for Brown, who has been clear that he wants to leverage the political capital he has as a relatively new governor — he first served from 1975 to 1983 — into decisive action on the state’s fiscal crisis.

Brown’s predecessor, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who came into office with a mandate for radical change, made some early missteps that haunted his administration. He agreed to a plan to paper over the deficit with borrowing to get through the first year. Critics say he squandered a huge opportunity to push sweeping budget remedies through the Legislature. When he was ready to take bolder action the following year, the mandate was gone and his proposals were rejected by voters.

Read the Rest Here

Jerry Brown came into office (Again) by proclaiming “Tough Times” are coming. My bet is the companies, the wealthy, the business owners and the hard working NON UNION people of California will have those tough times. His buddies in the Teachers, State and Nurses unions will be just fine..

Jerry Brown has “Carte-Blanche” just like Obama had for the last two years. There are very few CONSERVATIVE representatives in the state legislature to strike reason into the liberal mind that has destroyed this state. There is NO checks and balances in the law makers chambers.

My prediction for Jerry Browns first 100 days..

1. He’ll be raising taxes, he’ll be pushing through some very sweeping taxes that will be tied into the liberal mantra:

“Without these taxes our states children will die in the streets, the fires in the summer will consume Los Angeles, the crime rates will go up by 200% and our kids will lose their education”

This is the same thing we hear from the liberal/Progressives/Socialists in the state of California every year. And every year it gets worse. Businesses leave, unemployment goes UP and welfare slugs (Democrat voters) increase their numbers.

2. We will not hear anything about stopping the flood of parasites from south of the border, we will not hear of any cuts to services for the welfare is better than work crowd, and we certainly will not hear of any cuts to prison population by deportation or by actually USING the death penalty…

3. Jerry Brown is going to have a couple of years to turn this state into the North Korea of the west.

And I’m betting he succeeds.

New Year, Same Problem… ISLAM.

New Year, Same Problem… ISLAM.

The new year barely a day old and the Islamic religion strikes again. I wonder will we go another year fighting the same old MYTH that Islam is the Religion of Peace?

Christians are Being Massacred; 21 Now Dead in New Years Day Attack in Egypt

Alexandria (AsiaNews / Agencies) – A car bomb exploded last night outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt, just before Mass ended. The death toll from the bloody attack is, for now, 21 dead and 43 wounded. An eyewitness sport to reprters of a real “blood bath”, with dozens of mangled bodies lying on the ground. The explosion was followed by clashes with between Christians and Muslims in the streets adjacent to the church.

A local priest has said the toll could have been much worse if the car had exploded just a few minutes later. After the attack witnesses say that many of the faithful gathered outside the charred remains of the car singing “We offer our lives and our blood through the Cross.” The attack of last night brings to mind the October 31 massacre in Baghdad, in the Syrian Catholic cathedral, and the Al Qaeda threat against Christians in Egypt.

Another “I wonder” IF in the United States of America, Muslims started being massacred would the Islamic world be silent? Would their be outrage in our own media? Would our POTUS mention CHRISTIANS as the culprits?

I say again, if I was in charge things would be a lot different. We have tried the “Extend our hands” we have tried to defuse the turmoil with appeasement. It doesn’t work and it hasn’t work since ISLAM was CREATED. The only thing the Muslim faithful understand is violence. OUR way of dealing with them is FAILING. Time for a crusade to cleanse this earth of the disease known as Islam. Oh I know that’s wrong huh? because Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul were Muslim….

Well folks here’s the deal.

Muslims as a whole seem to be fence sitters. They are scared that their BROTHERS in war will win and if they are seen colluding with the west, they will suffer the wrath. That’s the only explanation I can come up with as to why “Moderate” Muslims continue to sit out when attacks like this happen. The arguments of the liberal progressives are falling on deaf ears. We have tried to be tolerant we have tried to be understanding to no avail.

IF I were in charge…

An attack of this nature would cost Islam a Mosque. The perpetrators of this massacre worship in a mosque somewhere, and that place would be leveled within an hour of the attack. ANY terrorist attack would be countered with destruction of a mosque. Starting with those in the country of the perpetrators. At first, I’d be nice about it though, I’d make sure the building was empty. After about two attacks, the buildings would be full of ragheads in ass up position.

This is probably the reason I’d never get elected to office. I’d solve the Islamic idiot problem by either pushing it to all out war, in which case it ends when there is nobody left to fight. OR it ends when the Islamic moron cult realizes they can stand with freedom of religion or die. PERIOD.

Welcome to the new year same as the old year….

Happy Nanny State New Year!

Happy Nanny State New Year!

The new year brings in opportunity if you live in America. If you happen to live in “The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia” the new year brings more laws and regulations.

Californians will welcome 725 new laws on Jan. 1. Here’s a glance at some of the laws taking effect when you ring in the new year:

* AB 119 prevents insurance companies from charging different rates for men and women for identical coverage.
* SB 782 prevents landlords from evicting tenants who are victims of domestic or sexual abuse or stalking.
* AB 1844—informally known as Chelsea’s Law and authored by local Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher—will increase penalties, parole provisions and oversight of sex offenders, including a “one-strike, life-without-parole penalty” for some. 
* AB 1871 allows people to lease out their cars when they are not being used—alleviating the need to purchase additional insurance.
* AB 537 will make food stamps an acceptable form of payment at farmers markets through an EBT process.
* SB 1411 makes it a misdemeanor to maliciously impersonate someone via a social media outlet or through e-mails.
* SB 1317 allows the state to slap parents with a $2,000 fine if their K-8 child misses more than 10 percent of the school year without a valid excuse. It also allows the state to punish parents with up to a year in prison for the misdemeanor. * AB 715 makes a change to the California Green Building Standards code. The change will require new California buildings to be energy efficient.
* SB 1449 makes the possession of one ounce of marijuana an infraction with a penalty of a $100 fine.
* AB 12 allows foster youth to acquire state services until the age of 21.
* SB 1399 allows California to medically parole state prison inmates with physical incapacitating conditions and ultimately shifts some of the cost of care to the federal government.
* AB 97 bans the use of trans-fats in food facilities.

Now those are just a few of the wonderful new laws that took effect today. In February the one that pisses me off the most is this one:

Thumbprints, ID required for the sale of ammunition: Actually passed during 2009, Assembly Bill 962, the “Anti-Gang Neighborhood Protection Act of 2009,” takes effect February 1, 2011. The new law requires handgun ammunition sellers to record a buyer’s thumbprint along with other valid identification and make the records available to law enforcement for five years.

So basically in February I start driving to Arizona for all of my ammo needs.

Anyway I seriously hope you guys have a great new year, I’m preparing my evacuation plan.

Pretty soon in California, when you come in you will be provided with a nurse, a teacher and police officer. The nurse will be there to spoon feed you and wipe your ass, the teacher to help you understand this is the way the world should be, and the Police officer will be there to arrest you if decline any of those services…

Some of us are fighting to change this state, others have given up. I’m just trying to survive until I can get the hell out of here.

One thing I’d like y’all to notice. Not one law passed is going to help curb the illegal infestation. Not one law passed will deter more illegal invaders from making California a home. I do however have a solution:

The Illegal Alien Wink: