Month: January 2011

Homicide Bomber “Memorial” book found in Desert?

Homicide Bomber “Memorial” book found in Desert?

Well, this is just nonsense, there is no way that our borders are so open that terrorists could just walk in. And it’s completely false to the think that Iran who hates us with a passion would insert some of their “Splodey’s” in our nation. Move along, nothing to see here.

Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert

A book celebrating suicide bombers has been found in the Arizona desert just north of the U.S.- Mexican border, authorities tell Fox News.

The book, “In Memory of Our Martyrs,” was spotted Tuesday by a U.S. Border Patrol agent out of the Casa Grande substation who was patrolling a route known for smuggling illegal immigrants and drugs.

Published in Iran, it consists of short biographies of Islamic suicide bombers and other Islamic militants who died carrying out attacks.

So, that’s kind of odd aint it? I mean it’s only “hard working, struggling people that do the work our people won’t that cross the border” right? And “Our border is more secure than ever” right?

Let me tell you how this is going to play out just so you can grasp the seriousness of this type of BREACH. NO attack of great magnitude that can be traced back to an ISLAMIC nation will occur on our soil while Obama is in office. WHY? Well Obama is much more popular than Bush was in Islamic circles, and he is more popular than the next “R” will be too.

And why attack the nation that’s being destroyed from within?

This is just a sign that we already have cells in our midst that COULD potentially create problems for the next POTUS and our nation. They will stay dormant, they will stay peaceful and they won’t be doing anything UNLESS; They get a call from their “owners” that say it’s time. I’m betting it will happen shortly after the next R is elected. No matter who it is.

All sealing the border now would do is keep them from getting reinforcements. Good job idiots in DC for the last 20 years…

Obama’s State of the Nation or State of Denial

Obama’s State of the Nation or State of Denial

I think this sums it up pretty well:

My impression of what I saw is pretty much that. Obama lied, progressives cried, the nation as a whole saw through his B.S. and the Republicans lost some serious respect. WHY?

If you heard the opening of “Duh One’s” speech, you heard, Tuscon shooting was first on the list. And the camera panned to the “Congress folks” showing “unity” among the elected body….. Sickening to say the least. Again you may ask WHY?

Let me educate you on the finer workings of the progressive mind. I’ve been dealing with the idiots on the left for a long time so trust me when I tell you this: This will be portrayed as an admission of guilt. They didn’t sit together after Ft Hood, they didn’t call for unity after the underwear bomber, the Times Square incident, or any of the other murders or terrorist attacks. They sat together AFTER the Democrats accused the Republicans of inciting violence.

Democrats NEVER admitted their part in the violent rhetoric, it was up to Republicans to deny the charge. We spent the majority of the week showing the truth in the NEW media outlets but it didn’t get ANY play on the Obama Media. Many Obama voters don’t get the “New media” nor do they search out the truth, so this little stunt by the Democrats is what is seen in the hoods, the barrio’s and the inner cities of America.

What do you think they saw?

Well Played Democrats, Well Played…Well except for this:

The new mantra of the Democrat party was unleashed during the speech. It was said a couple of different times and it was the central theme of Obama’s speech. The new Slogan is.. Drum Role please…. “Win the Future” And the acronym is – WTF, another blunder by the idiot in chief…

If the Republicans that used this as “Date Night” didn’t see this coming, they are too stupid to represent me and mine.

Russian’s have their own Terrorists to deal with…

Russian’s have their own Terrorists to deal with…

I’d watch very carefully the next step by Putin’s boys….

Putin: Retribution ‘inevitable’ for airport attack

MOSCOW (AP) – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed “retribution is inevitable” for the suicide bombing that killed 35 people at Russia’s busiest airport, while President Dmitry Medvedev demanded robust checks at all transport hubs and lashed out at the airport for lax security.

Putin has built much of his reputation on harsh statements, but he did not elaborate on what kind of retribution he had planned or against whom in his comments Tuesday carried by Russian news agencies.

No claims of responsibility have been made for the attack Monday at Domodedovo Airport, which also left 180 people injured. Suspicion is likely to fall, however, on Islamist separatist insurgents from Chechnya or elsewhere in Russia’s restive Caucasus region who have been battling Russian authority for over 15 years.

Chechen insurgents have claimed responsibility for an array of attacks in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia, including a double suicide bombing on the capital’s subway system in March 2010 that killed 40 people. They also have hit Domodedovo Airport before, with two suicide bombers slipping through its security in 2004 to kill 90 people.

When the children of Beslan were slaughtered by MUSLIM terrorists, Russians didn’t worry too much about PCness did they? I’m expecting this second or third instance of Muslim homicide bombings to be met with some really good countermeasures.

I bet Russians in the airport won’t be going through invasive TSA type searches, I’m betting they’ll show Obama and Co how to deal with this problem. Most Americans KNOW we can deal with it better than we have been. Israel KNOWS, we had to learn the hard way and we still haven’t learned. The Russians? now this could get interesting.

You want to know what’s really sad and I never thought I’d say it… I have MORE respect for Vladimir Putin than I have for our current POTUS. I say that without an ounce of regret. I say that because Putin, unlike OUR POTUS is unapologetic, and you know he loves his nation. Putin for all of his faults is a man worthy of respect. Obama with all of his faults, does not elicit the confidence that he’s doing what is good for the nation. Obama elicits the “He’s doing what is best for his liberal friends” That is not always good for the nation.

Our condolences to the victims of murder at the Russian airport.

Problem Solving at A&P

Problem Solving at A&P

Been thinking a little bit lately and I think I have come up with a solution that will get a lot of support from the Liberal/Progressive/Communists/Marxists in our midst.

Anytime something bad happens or is found to be bad for you we on the right need to start posting “BAN IT” comments and Blogs.

The reason is simple, if we do perhaps the powers in the “Rectal Inversion” party will see the damage they do… So let me start.

There was a 10 car pile up on the Pacific Coast Highway the other day and one person was killed. I don’t think anyone NEEDS to be driving over 10 miles an hour on that stretch of road, it’s a scenic drive and people NEED to slow down and enjoy the ride. If we set the speed limit to 10 miles an hour on that highway, people will be more likely to enjoy their drive and it will save the environment because our gas mileage will go up. So lets ban higher than 10 miles per hour speeds on the Pacific Coast Highway to save lives and the environment….

See how easy that is?

What else should be banned? Eventually we will get around to banning internet, video games, religion, firearms, dogs, slurpees and doughnuts….Perhaps congress can make a ban committee, all they would do is BAN stuff that’s deemed bad for us… Obviously we can’t deal with it so we need big daddy…. C’m on guys help me out I’m scared of the dark so lets BAN night!!!

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Obama will focus on Jobs in his speech…. Um, yeah same thing he’s done every time he speaks, but the actions don’t match the written word. You can speak about how great you are and how you are christian, or how you were born here or whatever, but until some action is seen your words are uselss.

I’ve also heard that congress will be sitting next to each other rather than split by party. For me this is totally ridiculous. This all came about because of the shooting in Tuscon. Media and liberal elitists two minutes after the shooting blamed “Heated Rhetoric” for the shooting. Sitting side by side with the very same people that made that claim lends credibility to that claim. So unless you are going to sit with your party’s opposition so when they stand up to applause you can yank their ass back in their seat, keep your dumbass on YOUR SIDE OF THE AISLE.

There is a reason the party’s are separated, it’s called checks and balances. IF you are all going to sit together and sing happy songs, then one of you are unnecessary.

We on the “Extreme Right”  AKA “Unapologetic, truthful, unafraid AMERICANS” have become disenfranchised with the idiots in Congress. We have pretty much determined that the two parties are too closely matched. Which makes a lot of sense when you look at where we are now. NO CHECKS, NO BALANCES.

IF the R’s and D’s sit together in the SOTU address, I personally will consider it slap in the face of our founders. And I hope the D’s use this in their campaigns for 2012. And they will.

This sitting together shit is an admission of guilt by the Republicans, the democrats were not accused of “hate rhetoric” remember? It was the RIGHT SIDE of the aisle. And you will help them make their case by sitting next to the children of the corn….

Rant over.

Dick Cheney: “Maybe we should limit the size of Magazines”

Dick Cheney: “Maybe we should limit the size of Magazines”

Well if he was talking about reading material I’d agree (Unless it’s Playboy of course)

This is actually a pretty serious statement made by the Former VP.

Cheney: Maybe we should limit size of pistol magazines

To be fair, former VP Dick Cheney finally points out that the real proximate cause of the Tucson massacre was the insanity of the gunman, but that won’t be the takeaway for gun-control advocates. Cheney joins some critics in at least considering a size limitation on magazines for semi-automatic pistols. Jared Lee Loughner used a larger magazine of 33 rounds in the pistol, which has given rise to a call to impose limits on clips magazines for personal use:

However, Loughner had more magazines on him when arrested — including two standard 15-shot magazines:

Authorities in Tucson say the suspect in Saturday’s shooting had three more pistol magazines with him when he was tackled.

The Pima County sheriff’s office on Friday says an extended clip was found nearby and Jared Loughner had two more 15-round magazines in his pockets, though it doesn’t say if any of those were loaded.

Okay this is a gun grabbers wet dream. The former Republican VP calling for a gun law/restriction and he did it on MSNBC… I can see the tingle running up the legs of all of those idiots.

You would think someone that can mistake his friends face for a bird, would be smarter than to get involved in this discussion. Much less do it on the one channel in the nation that did more harm to him than the Iraq war. 😡

The real issue is your beliefs Mr Cheney and all Anti-Gun advocates. Let me ask a question of the braintrust:

IF you want to limit the magazine to 10 rounds, does that mean you are perfectly fine with only 10 deaths? And will you be limiting each American to only one magazine per household? Do you have any idea how quick a person of modest training can change magazines in a semi-auto pistol?

We all knew after the Tuscon shooting, we gun owners and lovers of our RIGHTS, would be under assault. We knew it was coming from the left. What we didn’t expect was Dick Cheney to carry the lefts water after all the left did to him during his time. Most of us thought very highly of Dick Cheney, and we defended him far more than we did GWB. I’m extremely disappointed in this stab in the back from one of our own.

What we have going on now is media blood lust. They can’t do anything to the shooter so lets jump on the guns. I wonder what would have happened if the guy didn’t have a gun and instead, decided to drive a full sized pickup truck full of cement bags into the crowd on purpose? What if 6 people were killed and 18 were wounded, would we be talking about limiting the sizes of trucks? Because you know a Prius would have only killed 3 people. Would we talk about limiting the amount of cement you can carry in your truck?

The real issue in Tuscon was a man bent on killing innocent people succeeded because NOBODY was there to stop him. The method he used is not the issue.

Had someone (or several people) in that area been taking advantage of their 2nd amendment rights and observing the AZ law allowing concealed carry, the guy wouldn’t have got off more than 2 shots. Then the 10 shot magazine limit wouldn’t be an issue. IF the shooter was killed after killing only one person, would the left be PRAISING the AZ law? Not likely.

Read More Read More

The Coming CIVIL WAR in America

The Coming CIVIL WAR in America

After a week of historic remembrance (M.L.K’s Birthday) and many discussions about the facts of the Civil War, (Robert E Lee’s Birthday) I came to the conclusion that history is repeating itself. I’d like to present you with my closing arguments that pretty much ended all debates on the real reasons why the states went to war.

A lot of folks are under the impression that slavery was the cause of the civil war and that position is backed by documents and books written. A lot of folks also believe slavery was not the issue and that is backed up by documents and books written. We have been hashing this out since reconstruction and it won’t end anytime soon.

I ask you to think back to the time of the civil war and understand the issues of the day.

The southern states for 20 years prior to the war were unhappy with the direction of the government. For various reasons, including transportation, taxes, failure to uphold the constitutional rule subscribed to after the Revolution, as well as industrial restraints put upon the south by the Federal Government and of course slavery played a part. In one declaration Texas actually mentions “Illegal Aliens” in their writing to the Feds.

Now look at today’s America: Several states are having serious issues with the federal government over many of those same issues. The nation is divided, The Government is taking businesses, the feds are telling us what we have to buy and what we can not have, our tax burden has grown, our economy is struggling, inflation is making it hard to feed our families, industry has basically been stagnant and our border is being crossed at will.

If a civil war was to break out now, and the states that had succeeded lost, what would historians say was the cause of this war?

I submit that the victor gets to write the history, so if the states that won the war wrote the reason, it would boil down to “The confederacy wanted to allow children to die” based on the biggest debates of the time being HEALTHCARE. The losing states would have the distinction of being Anti-Children health. All of the other issues such as over regulation, over taxation, illegal actions by our government, failure to protect our borders and others would get washed out of the history books.

While Obamacare would not be the only reason we went to war, it would be part of it…Same as Slavery in the civil war time. PART not ONLY…

I realize there are many  information sources NOW that would debunk that “Reason” pretty quick, but in the time of Lincoln, there was little information sharing. And what was shared was old news before it got to the population.

If you look at the condition of our United States NOW, you can understand the same angst they had prior to the attack on Ft Sumpter S.C.

I don’t hope to see a civil war ever again on our soil. But I don’t think there has ever been a time we were this close. We have 27 states suing the Federal Government, We have the Federal Government suing a state. We have a totally divided nation over a variety of issues and we have OUTSIDE influences that are putting pressure on all of us. Its the same basic recipe.

What is needed is a true leader that can unite 2/3 of the population. You do that by being a true American, placing our nation above your agenda and leading by example. You can not expect the public to be honest and sincere while you are lying and manipulating. What is happening now is the destruction of these once great UNITED STATES. And it’s all starting in DC by the same type folks that occupied power prior and during civil war 1.

God save the Republic.