Tag: OWS

Terrorist Suspects in Chicago: Who claims them?

Terrorist Suspects in Chicago: Who claims them?

Let’s see. Occupy Chicago maybe?

3 charged in alleged terror-related plot in Chicago that included Obama campaign headquarters

CHICAGO – Three men face terrorism-related and explosives charges in connection with a plot that allegedly included an attack on President Obama’s campaign headquarters, police stations and squad cars, prosecutors said Saturday.
Officials said a raid of the South Side apartment in which the men were staying uncovered petroleum bombs known as Molotov cocktails, bows and arrows, throwing stars and gas masks.

Now look at the photo’s of the idiots:

And lets ask this question: Why isn’t this plastered across the nations main stream media? WHITE PEOPLE plotting to blow up Obama? There’s got to be a RACIST ELEMENT HERE! right?

Well, when you box yourself into a corner by supporting the Occupy movement, it’s difficult to play the victim to their extremism huh?

Now, the MSM could spin these clowns as Ron Paul supporters. Although I don’t believe it will stick, they could try. But the one thing they can’t do is claim “Tea party” affiliation. IF they do its a false flag event.

Waiting in anticipation for the Obama/Pelosi presser to call for a new tone… LOL

UC Davis PD vs OWS.. Who ya got?

UC Davis PD vs OWS.. Who ya got?

This is the feel good picture of the day..

The video this was taken from has gone viral, it’s got everything in it. Whining, screaming, victimhood, racism (Only white folks there) police action, hippies and chanting…BUT, the video that has everyone all turned sideways leaves out some vital information…Shocked are you? Yeah not me either.

Fast forward to around 4 min. if you don’t really care to hear the “F-the Police” chants..

Now (This little quote I found at Flopping Aces)

Charles J. Kelly, a former Baltimore Police Department lieutenant who wrote the department’s use of force guidelines, said pepper spray is a “compliance tool” that can be used on subjects who do not resist, and is preferable to simply lifting protesters.

“When you start picking up human bodies, you risk hurting them,” Kelly said. “Bodies don’t have handles on them.”

After reviewing the video, Kelly said he observed at least two cases of “active resistance” from protesters. In one instance, a woman pulls her arm back from an officer. In the second instance, a protester curls into a ball. Each of those actions could have warranted more force, including baton strikes and pressure-point techniques.

“What I’m looking at is fairly standard police procedure,” Kelly said.

So with this new information will you or won’t you agree that the UC Davis PD acted appropriately? I’m sure 99% of the readers here will agree, and 98.5% of those will say if the cops used their batons, flashlights and boots it would have made for a better video… I’m the 98.5%

Hippie idiots deserved the pepper spray, spoiled little rich pricks trying to claim “Victimhood” the morons on the “Quad” have never had it tough. You want tough? Put their ass in Iraq, Darfur, Hell, put them in Mexico and see how tough it is without daddy’s dough… Some folks just need killin I reckon.

Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, etc.

Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, etc.

Okay folks here’s a 10 minute video that encompasses everything that OWS is:

Let me be perfectly clear. Protesting what you feel is wrong is perfectly acceptable to me. I admire the courage it takes to go out and stand for something. I’ve done it. My best friends have done it. The tea party was a great movement and we have a great start on change. The OWS movement had some valid arguments. However; their targets are wrong. These folks on the video are exactly the reason the tea party was formed. WE the People are NOT those people.

Are you ready for war? It’s coming. This country is divided. This country is about to go through a generational shift of ideals. This country is about to fall into full blown civil war because of ONE MAN. Obama’s policies have failed miserably. And that was the only hope the left had. They put all their eggs in Obama’s basket and he dropped it. NOW we’re seeing what happens when liberal policies fail to produce the utopian dream. Temper tantrum.

We’ve had 2 months of this crap. People are waking up.

I’m hoping business leaders in areas that these protests are occurring close their shops. IF the leadership in your city/town allowed this to go unabated. YOU SHOULD CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS and take your business elsewhere. Especially the banks. Remove all ATM’s, remove ALL bank branches, remove all foot prints of banks in Oakland. That should make for some really fun times out there….


Occupy Wall Street..Major FAIL…

Occupy Wall Street..Major FAIL…

You gotta love the OWS folks, they keep providing fodder for our enjoyment. But this post is is more about the Republicans in office during this temper tantrum.

Peter King and a few other R’s have decided to comment on the OWS morons in the street. I have a message to the Republicans:

To ALL Republicans in DC and elsewhere: SHUT UP about OWS!. Don’t mention OWS, don’t comment on them, don’t even acknowledge their temper tantrum in anyway. That sets you apart from the DEMOCRATS during the Tea party rallies. It also will set you up as the adult in the room. Let us, the new media, the FAIR media and the State run media fight out the actions. Let us handle it, you stay away from it. GOT IT?

What a ZERO COMMENT by Republicans does is; It sets you up as the parent. Parents (Good parents) when their kids throw a temper tantrum, they don’t feed it, they don’t give in, they IGNORE IT. Try it and believe me, it will help in the long run.

The Tea party is firmly on the high ground and the longer the OWS idiots protests, the more people are seeing what leftist ideologies breed. MORE and MORE people are moving away from the OWS street fair and moving back to American ideals. Maybe there’s a use for OWS, alternatives are great ways to move people. Right now we have OWS vs Tea Party… The battle is on.. Oooops it’s already over. Tea Party wins in a KO first round…

Occupy Everything…

Occupy Everything…

Lets see. The same folks that are “occupying” streets in America are against “Occupying” streets elsewhere… Uh Oh.

That’s just some wacked stuff there aint it? How about this:

The folks “Occupying” mostly have no jobs. Mostly are college students. Mostly disgusted with everything except the quality of weed, coke, or meth they have been getting. I’m sure they’re a bit pissed at the availability of the drugs though. YET MOST of them have ipads, iphones, internet connection across the board. They seem to LOVE Michael Moore and JZ but hate capitalist pigs and the Jooos…

Whew I’m just getting warmed up here…

They all hate the banks but most have accounts with banks. They made a statement when they were closing accounts at Bank of America then opened up accounts at credit UNIONS. Then OWS “leadership” opened an account with Wells fargo…huh?

They claim there’s no job for the 99%ers. Yet their protest have cost more jobs than they have created. NOW the small business owners have had enough near Zuccati park and will have their own protest..

The 99% Trespassed at blog con and were roundly verbally beaten to a pulp. Dana Laesh (I can’t ever spell her name right) looked like a damn super model in the video I saw but I’m thinking it was more because of the competition. She’s extremely HOT don’t get me wrong, but the commie OWS idiots were really UGLY.

OWS has a very unified message and if you haven’t heard it, well it’s because you’re not stoned enough.

The OWS crowd has that whole “Rape” thing figured out now. Lock them women up! Funny how that is huh? Wasn’t it these same people who were doing the slut march? They blamed the cops for blaming the women for the rapes, now the OWS is putting women in their place. I hope there’s a kitchen and a vacuum cleaner in their so they can get some worthwhile training….

Truth be told in my youth I’d probably be right there in the park too. Where else can you get free weed, free sex, free food, and free healthcare? I mean, really the welfare state is in Zuccatti park and other encampments.

Once the R candidate is announced, the “OWS” will mean “Obama’s wonderful Students” and the DNC will have a tent on every corner for their vote drive.