Should Gun stores be held responsible?

Should Gun stores be held responsible?

I saw a poll at the Washington Post.

Please hit this poll.

Are Gun stores responsible for crime.

1. Should gun stores be held responsible for crimes committed with weapons that they have sold?

Yes or no?

Now when I took the poll, the thing that bothered me was 48% said yes. WTF?

So I guess:

A car dealership should be held accountable for wrecks and drunk drivers.

The pound should be held responsible for any dog bites.

7-11’s should be held accountable for any fires that were started by a bic lighter.

The hardware store should be held responsible for the robbery where a hammer was used to break in to the residence.

Add some of your own if you want but this is ruckin fidiculous. 😥

How is it that Americans are becoming DUMBER? What the hell is wrong with people? 48% of the people that took that poll just removed all doubt that idiocy is rampant in our nation. Anyone that would suggest that a gun store is responsible for the actions of a customer has no clue about the word “responsible:” Responsibility is a two way street. IF the gun store followed the “LAW” and sold the firearm LEGALLY, they have met the criteria to do business.

The customer is RESPONSIBLE after he/she purchases the firearm. IF he/she decides to commit a crime after he/she walks out of the store, how is the gun store responsible?

MY GAWD!!! Duct tape is needed to wrap the head…. :gun:

7 Replies to “Should Gun stores be held responsible?”

  1. Spoons are responsible for Rosie O’Donnell being fat…

    Pencils are responsible for spelling errors…

    LBCC is responsible for the BS that gets handed out in their Poli/Sci Dept…

    Wait… 😐

  2. Not only are the people of this Country becoming more and more stupid, but we are becoming more litigious. There is no longer any personal responsibility. Some one else is responsible for any idiotic thing we do.

    If we spill hot coffee while talking on the phone it is McDonald’s fault. If we don’t replace our worn out tires and crash our car it is Ford’s fault.

    So it’s only natural that if we shoot somebody while robbing a liquor store, it has to be the gun store’s fault.

    People need to man up and take responsibility for their own actions…

  3. Fred, You may be correct about the LBCC thing.. Maybe a law suit is needed?

    Jenn, Good point.

    Denny, Yes it was.

    BillyBob, The problem is someone is always telling them it’s NOT their fault. There is always some lawyer or politician that will come along and say “Oh you couldn’t have known the coffee was hot” or “You weren’t at fault for killing 10 people, you were abused as a kid”

    Lord please let me run this country for about a week… The herd needs to be culled.

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