Category: RINO’s

Weekly Rant: Chattanooga

Weekly Rant: Chattanooga

Well, it happened again. But its really different this time, I mean it’s totally not connected to anything other than lack of gun control in America. That’s it, no other similarities to anything, we’re stumped.


Beware, this post will contain language not suitable for easily offended people. Warning issued. Click off if your vagina or mangina gets offended at words.

If you’ve read my posts or know me personally, you know my love, admiration and respect for the American military. So I am going to focus on my anger rather than my mourning.


My anger isn’t limited to Muslim goat fuckers. Its not limited to the liberals/progressives/democrats/Mainstream media who enable them. My anger, my disgust and my outright hatred is also for the Congress and POTUS of the USA right now. Here’s why:


In March of this year: ISIS made it perfectly clear they were going after US Military and their families. They sent tweets, they made video’s, they wrote articles in “Jihadi’s R US” for Christ sake!! And yet, NOBODY in Congress, the President, the generals of the US Military didn’t act to allow our military members the ability and tools to defend themselves OR even arrange security for them ON OUR OWN SOIL! So while we’re pointing fingers.. Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader McConnell, Senators McCain/Graham who are supposed to be “All about the Military” where was your action? Oh wait, too busy running for POTUS or maybe too busy trying to help your buddy Obama and removing “Wackobirds” “Crazies” from the political environment that may threaten the GOP establishment…


The lack of leadership in DC is at the heart of Chattanooga. Yes, A Muslims goat fucker was the murderer, But he had help from the leaders of the free world. So you who are in charge of making laws/ending laws/cherry picking laws you want to enforce YOU should be in jail for what you DIDN’T DO! While you were putting up bills to ban flags and monuments on federal cemetery’s, while you were worried about how the media would react to words you speak. YOU FAILED OUR SERVICE MEMBERS ON OUR SOIL!… While you were “Debating” sanctuary cities WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO DEBATE?  FEDERAL LAW IS UP FOR DEBATE? AWESOME!!! Lets play that shit out on other FEDERAL LAWS like taxes, like 2nd Amendment, like 100 other federal laws that Barack Obama refuses to enforce. ALL of DC is responsible for the murders in Chattanooga and for every MUSLIM or ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT MURDER IN THE USA!


Then just for the icing on the cake: The pretender to the throne, “dear leader” Obama, who runs to the podium every time a white cop shoots a black THUG CRIMINAL! OR when he is releasing MUSLIM MURDERERS from GITMO or when he’s trading ONE DESERTER for FIVE TERRORISTS, can’t be bothered to visit that same podium to mention the murders of these military men of HONOR! Let that shit sink in. Now you know who is running our nation.


Media doesn’t dare mention the “Common” theme in the Chattanooga attack. Nope, it’s a “Melee” it is “Under investigation to determine if there’s a connection” The motherfuckers name was MUHAMMAD assholes!! he was a MUSLIM.. MUSLIM… M-U-S-L-I-M you crayon eating son of a bitch. How fuckin hard is that? I bet if this was his facebook picture, Obama would hit that podium…



New Congress Sworn in…

New Congress Sworn in…

The headline of the day is: “New Congress off to rocky start” Yep, an understatement.


The reason the new congress is off to a rocky start is because of what the last congress did before this one took over. Cromnibus, Amnesty, Tea party bashing etc…

Speaker Boehner kept the gavel, 25 Members STOOD TALL and voted for his ouster. The rest stood for the status quo. The “Rocky Start” is now an avalanche.


There was another opportunity for Republicans to send a message that they were done playing patty cake with far left zealots like Obama, Reid, Pelosi. But they didn’t. they instead decided that the best way to get America to start trusting them again was to continue the way they’ve been operating. sigh.


Next up, house/senate will push forward some things that conservatives want done like Keystone and Obamacare repeals… They will get veto’d and the “RINO’s” in both houses will say “Look guys, we tried.. see we’re conservative, we love you guys” All while telling Obama behind close doors that its okay he veto’d them lets find common ground.

The thing the GOP needs to understand (But they won’t) is they only have 2 years to do the right thing. in 2016 there are A LOT OF REPUBLICAN SEATS up for grabs as well as the White House. We conservatives are a jaded bunch right now, we don’t trust the democrats at all and the Republicans have lost what little trust we had in them before this congress was sworn in. In 2016 there’s going to be a HUGE PUSH for a 3rd party. It is going to dilute the Republican party in such a manner that the 2014 “Records” for seat switching are going to fall to another WAVE but it will be a democrat wave.


Barack Obama is poison for the Democrat party, but in 2016 the results of the majority congress will be the focus. IF Obamacare isn’t repealed, if Amnesty isn’t thwarted. If any of the feel good, stompyfooters tantrum throwing democrat party policies get enacted during these next 2 years, 2016 will be the worst year ever for the GOP.

Let the fun begin.

The V.A. Scandal at a glance…

The V.A. Scandal at a glance…

A few quotes from the campaign Trail:


“As President, I won’t stand for hundreds of thousands of veterans waiting for benefits. We’ll hire additional claims workers. We’ll bring together veterans groups and the VA to work out a claims process that is fair and fast. And instead of shutting veterans out, we’ll make sure that our disabled vets receive the benefits they deserve, and we’ll allow all veterans back into the VA health care system. . . . We will stand with veterans in their hour of need, . .” Barack Obama 2007


“When 400,000 veterans are stuck on a waiting list for claims, we need a new sense of urgency,” said Sen Obama in 07

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting. (Source)

Flash forward 6 years:


“I’m mad as hell” “I read about the VA issue reading the papers” “I always take responsibility, but this was an issue under my predecessor”

Then we get:

Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is gone, but the VA scandal isn’t going anywhere.

Basically its the same democrat/Obama doctrine. Deny knowledge, Blame others, Appear Mad, accept a retirement/resignation/administrative leave of someone and let media point to something else within a day or two.


National Debt- INCREASED, Credit Rating-DOWNGRADED, Benghazi-LIES, IRS Targeting-LIES, DOJ-LIES, EPA-LIES, NLRB-LIES, Fast and Furious-LIES, Economic data-LIES, Unemployment number-LIES, Obamacare-LIES, Syria-Egypt-Ukraine-Iran-Russia-Afghanistan-Iraq-POLICY FAILURES, Marine held in Mexico-INACTION, Illegal Immigration-IGNORING LAWS and SUING STATES THAT ENFORCE LAW, Over reaching-Executive orders, Veterans Memorials Shut down, V.A SCANDAL …etc…

But hey, Obama is the best POTUS ever because He ignored DOMA and eliminated DADT!!!!…

But here’s the kicker, I don’t fault Barack Obama for this, I knew what he was and who he was before he became president. How did I know, you ask? Well, I’m an INFORMED VOTER. I did my research and I found something odd, Obama never ran anything and voted present or didn’t vote when he was a senator on every tough vote. So how is he to run a nation? That requires the ability to see all sides of an issue and make a decision. The VA is the best example of how Obama and his defenders view America.

images (1)

Obama is far from the first President to have a government shut down. He is the first to deny veterans entrance to memorials in their honor. That should tell you how really feels about veterans. Then throw in the VA scandal now and it should be evident what kind of man he is.

I fault the mainstream media, I fault the Press corps in the white house. I fault the CBS/NBC/ABC and CNN’s I fault the racist people who insist that Barack Obama get a pass because of his skin color. I fault those democrat elites who refuse to hold Barack Obama to the same standards as they held every other president in the history of this nation.


The media has took it upon itself to provide cover for their poster child for affirmative action. If Barack Obama were a white democrat, the press would be relentless in holding him accountable for everything mentioned above. They would do it in a very polite manner compared how they treat a Republican in office, but they’d be much more alive in investigation.


CNN actually broke this VA scandal wide open, but only after they prefaced most of their stories with “This was an issue under George Bush” which takes away from the sting that should be felt by dear leader. Obama had 6 years to fix what he campaigned about being broken. He never has mentioned it since.

My feeling is that Obama is shielded from information so he has deniability, he is not told what is really happening because all he sees in MSNBC newscasts..


The VA scandal is bad, but a resigning General isn’t the problem, the problem is from Obama and the democrat/RINO party to the media elites…

GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS, because its obvious our leadership doesn’t.

Did Christie Know?

Did Christie Know?

Yeah I’m trying to control my give a shit impulse. Fact is, Christie is a RINO and he spent a lot of time with Barack Obama before the 2012 election. Remember that election, the one where the Mainstream Media hid, deflected, lied and basically failed in their duty to report Benghazi? Yeah, FOUR Americans died, Obama partied in Vegas… BUT Hey, Christie knew about a bridge closure? Or did he?


Now remember the NEW YORK TIMES reported “NEW FACTS” on Benghazi that proved Al Qaeda wasn’t involved in the attack on 9-11-11 in Benghazi? Which was disputed by the STATE DEPARTMENT less than 2 days after the NYT story came out? Yeah but we’re to believe this story without question? No.

Look, personally I don’t give a damn about Chris Christie. I’m not voting for him in 2016 anyway. I don’t care if he’s going against Sandra Fluke or Piers Morgan for POTUS. I’m done with the RINO brigade. But I do care about journalistic standards. I care about hypocrisy of media/Political party’s.

What I would suggest is this: IF Christie knew and he abused his power in this manner, then he should resign NOW. And since we KNOW Obama knew about the IRS, DOJ, NSA and Benghazi he should also RESIGN NOW. That’s consistency. So if you’re not a party hack, you should be for both of those resignations and push them both to hit the road.


GOP Establishment Declares War on Tea Party

GOP Establishment Declares War on Tea Party

Well, it didn’t take long to see the effects of RINOism. The disease is rather contagious I guess.

Speaker Rebukes Tea Party:

Read the full story if you need to, click the above link. One of the quotes that stuck in my head was this little gem:

“They’re misleading their followers,” Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters at the Capitol. “I just think that they’ve lost all credibility.”

“Misleading” Their followers? So, Congressmen and Women who were elected in 2010 based tea party principles, that swung the balance of power so that Mr Boehner could take the gavel from Nancy (Hag in the house) Pelosi are now misleading? The very people who gave you the power to RESTRAIN Obama’s Government are now not credible?

If it is a war we must have, then let it be in my time so that my kids do not have to fight.

This is the bottom line for me. You can stand with me, or you can continue down the status quo path. The path that we are STILL on is unsustainable and WE ALL KNOW IT. We demand a change of direction and we will not allow Democrat or Republicans to continue this dive into the abyss.

In 2014, I support every primary challenger to every Republican RINO who voted for this new “Deal” Everyone of the RINO’s who failed to stand with Senator Ted Cruz during the Government shut down battle. You remember Senator Ted Cruz right? The one who wanted to negotiate with Obama about Obamacare, who refused to vote to fund it when he was elected to fight it. You know that guy right? The one that was VINDICATED every day since October 1st. He was RIGHT and every RINO in DC knows it. They didn’t support him and now they fear they are out of their jobs in 2014. THEY ARE!

IF the RINO’s survive the Primary, then I will be abstaining from voting for the first time in my life. The reason is simple. IF the same RINO is sent back to congress to do the work of Democrats, might as well be a Democrat in the seat. I just can’t vote Democrat so, I’ll take myself out of the action.

I hope the message is sent in the primaries. If its not clear enough, then say hello to Madam President Hillary Clinton in 2016. Scary huh? Yep.

RINO’s Did it Again…

RINO’s Did it Again…

Okay it’s official: The Republican party was on life support, it has been since November. Today, the GOP pulled the plug on itself. RIP.

As of right now. There are only Democrats running this nation. The FEW “Conservative” senators/House Reps will still have my utmost respect. But they have lost the battle and the war. The war to save America from itself is lost. IF the 2nd amendement wasn’t the tie that bound even the most moderate “Republicans” then it truly is over.

We know that they sold us out. What we didn’t know was at what cost. Now we know. It was one dinner with the king and a Yacht trip with booze on Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) yacht. So they aren’t low price whores, they’re high priced hookers.

My pledge and I hope to have MANY REPUBLICANS FOLLOW THIS LEAD is, I will support every challenger of all 16 Republicans in the primaries, who voted to stab us in the back today. IF the traitors win anyway, I will urge ALL REPUBS IN THEIR DISTRICT TO STAY HOME ON GENERAL ELECTION DAY!


You may say: Well, you’ll just ensure that the democrats get a majority. To that I say, they have it now. It doesn’t matter the letter after the name it’s the actions they take. It’s time to give it up and arm up. Wait until SHTF and then maybe we can get our nation back. If not, it’s going to get real rough.

Your choice. Make them pay for their actions, or let the nation die slowly. ME, I like to pull the bandaid off fast.

You may also say, why are you not as upset with the democrats? Well, I EXPECT them to try and destroy our nation. They do it right in front of you. Republicans now are cowards they talk about conservatism during election time then pull this shit. Traitors are worse than the enemy.

Saved by Boehner

Saved by Boehner

Evidently I missed something in school. I was misled I guess.

In today’s America ONE DOLLAR of tax revenue for every 41 dollars of spending is a balanced way to reduce the debt. I know what you’re thinking, that math doesn’t work. Let me tell you that YES IT DOES. In today’s world, that 1 dollar of tax revenue will magically increase in value the minute it gets to Washington, it will turn into super dollar and multiply within itself to tackle the debt, I hear congress will give that dollar an Obama phone too!  But wait there’s more.

According to Obama “Increasing taxes in a down economy is bad” “The Bush Tax cuts need to expire” “Taxing only the rich like me, will help us solve our debt problem” “Millionaires and Billionaires need to pay their fair share” And this is what he’s done… Well, except the millionaires are now just 400k’rs and taxes go up for everyone who pays taxes…ooops.

Now lets look at the bill OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS voted for. 77% of Americans will see over a 2% increase in their taxes. I am wondering is that 77% of the 47% who actually PAY TAXES? What exactly is the fair share of those who don’t pay taxes? Mmm. But that ONE DOLLAR WILL SAVE THE DAY!

Okay, seriously we have ONE positive that came of all of this: Here it is:

Obama has masterfully pulled the curtain back on the Republicans. He gave them a test of their convictions. THEY FAILED THAT TEST. At least we do know exactly WHO FAILED and we can remove them. NO REPUBLICAN WHO VOTED FOR THIS “DEAL” SHOULD BE RE-ELECTED. Which is precisely what Obama wants.. Or thinks he does.

I’ve stated before that the nation is being governed exactly like the state of CA is. And for the last 30 years CA has been in decline. There’s NO UPSIDE in CA. There’s no “Light at the end of the tunnel” here. But the democrats don’t see it.. Their Agenda is like a blinder.

What is needed now is a PURGE. What should have been done on this so-called “Deal” is rather than vote for it, Republicans should have abstained from the vote all together. They should have allowed the passage of the bill totally on the democrat side. That would make them own it. Instead, now we have a dual partnership in the collapse. In CA democrats can’t govern without an enemy. The excuse is “IF the republicans would get out of the way, we could fix it” We know it’s bullshit. But we keep fighting. It’s over. Let them have it. Let them “Govern” without blame. Let them OWN this debacle. But we didn’t.

What we need to do know is simple. The American Conservative needs to BE ABSENT in 2014. Stay home. Let the RINO’s/Libercrats have the entire thing. This will hasten the collapse and we’ll stop the bleeding when the patient is empty. I’m done with the GOP.

For the Record Ken Calvert (R-Riverside) Voted FOR this shit sandwich and I will not be voting for him again. I will actively push others in my circle to vote against him.

USA Government is INEPT!

USA Government is INEPT!

Most of us realize our Government IS the problem we face today. We are being ruled by morons who are “Acting” like they care about the nation and it’s citizens yet pass the dumbest laws, institute the most ignorant regulations and turn blind eye’s to injustice from the laws/regs they created.


This was Found at Sad Hill and it sums it up nicely:

Tribal Wisdom of the Dakota Indians (passed down for generations)

“When you discover you’re riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.”


Today however, U.S. government, our education system and parts of corporate America are utilizing more ‘advanced’ strategies, such as:

“When you discover you’re riding a dead horse…”

1. Buy a stronger whip.

2. Change riders.

3. Appoint a committee to study the horse.

4. Arrange to visit other countries to see how other cultures ride dead horses.

5. Lower the standards so that dead horses can be included.

6. Reclassify the dead horse as ‘living-impaired’.

7. Hire outside contractors to ride the dead horse.

8. Harness several dead horses together to increase speed.

9. Provide additional funding and/or training to increase the performance of dead horses.

10. Do a productivity study to see if lighter riders would improve the dead horse’s performance.

11. Declare that as the dead horse does not have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overhead and therefore contributes substantially more to the bottom line of the economy than do some other horses.

12. Rewrite the expected performance requirements for all horses.

13. Promote the dead horse to a supervisory position.


Unfortunately this is all too accurate in today’s Government. And we wonder why we are where we are. I’m not wondering at all. I know exactly WHY we are screwed I also know how to fix it. Most of us know. The only difference is how long it’s going to take and what paths we take before we get to it.