Category: RINO’s

Congratulations Democrats You Win….

Congratulations Democrats You Win….

Which is really sad on it’s own. Why do I say they win? Very simple…

The democrats have succeeded in taking the entire discussion away from the real issues. Which is something Democrats do regularly. They have put all the talk on radio and TV about the Debt. The debate is over spending and who did what to whom and why… Is anyone paying attention to our JOBS data? Our economic disaster that the Democrats have brought on us?

Nope we’re worried about this arbitrary debt limit, this “Ceiling” that has been raised 70 times, this “Oh MY GOD We’re all gonna die” crisis that is entirely the Democrats meme… But whatever happens in 6 days, our unemployment rate will continue to be over 9% and it very likely will go UP in the near future. There is NO discussion as to WHY we are at 9% unemployment. No plans on getting Government OUT OF THE WAY so our jobs can start materializing…Lets spend every waking moment talking about debt limits and who spend who into this mess. Lets use vitriol to demonize the opposition. Lets not do the obvious thing. Which is this:

The house past a bill in bi-partisan fashion that would raise the ceiling. Crisis solved. Harry Reid blocked it. No Vote. The house should go into other business until that CC&B bill gets a vote. PERIOD.

The house should be working on repealing Obamacare, that would help in job creation almost immediately. OBAMACARE must be repealed and replaced with something workable for all…


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GOP starting the CAVE Process…

GOP starting the CAVE Process…

Here we go…

Kyl: Republicans Agree to Revenue Increases in Deficit Talks

A top-ranking GOP Senator said Wednesday that Republicans have agreed to revenue increases as part of a deficit-reduction measure.

“If you add up all of the revenues that we Republicans have agreed to, it’s between $150 billion and $200 billion,” said Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., during a speech on the Senate floor.

Kyl said two potential ways to bring that revenue to the government would be through increasing fees for government services or selling government property.

“If the government sells something and gets revenue from it, that’s revenue,” Kyl said. “If there is a user fee of some kind and we want to raise that to keep up with the times, that’s revenue.”

Let me help you folks out with some terms here. Since I live in California, I’m familiar with “Fee’s” vs “Tax”

Remember, I’m experienced in “Rino Taxin”

In California any state tax increase has to be voted in by 2/3 majority in the legislature. Or it has to be voted on by the citizens of CA. ( I think that’s accurate, if not someone point it out in comments) I do know that there’s some parameters placed on the ruling class before they can tax us more…Anyway:

Since in CA we have a “Revenue Problem” according to the state democrats, they raise fees on things like DMV, Parks and Rec, Parking lots and then they start doing things like adding charges to emergency responders. Like if you are in a car wreck or your house catches fire, you get a bill. Sounds fun huh?

Stay tuned this is going to be fun to watch. Kind of like a trainwreck. What’s happening here is, we are about to be sold down the river. The American people are being played like a fine piano. Just think folks, the minority is dictating the path for the majority. The Communists are running the asylum.

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Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Obama will focus on Jobs in his speech…. Um, yeah same thing he’s done every time he speaks, but the actions don’t match the written word. You can speak about how great you are and how you are christian, or how you were born here or whatever, but until some action is seen your words are uselss.

I’ve also heard that congress will be sitting next to each other rather than split by party. For me this is totally ridiculous. This all came about because of the shooting in Tuscon. Media and liberal elitists two minutes after the shooting blamed “Heated Rhetoric” for the shooting. Sitting side by side with the very same people that made that claim lends credibility to that claim. So unless you are going to sit with your party’s opposition so when they stand up to applause you can yank their ass back in their seat, keep your dumbass on YOUR SIDE OF THE AISLE.

There is a reason the party’s are separated, it’s called checks and balances. IF you are all going to sit together and sing happy songs, then one of you are unnecessary.

We on the “Extreme Right”  AKA “Unapologetic, truthful, unafraid AMERICANS” have become disenfranchised with the idiots in Congress. We have pretty much determined that the two parties are too closely matched. Which makes a lot of sense when you look at where we are now. NO CHECKS, NO BALANCES.

IF the R’s and D’s sit together in the SOTU address, I personally will consider it slap in the face of our founders. And I hope the D’s use this in their campaigns for 2012. And they will.

This sitting together shit is an admission of guilt by the Republicans, the democrats were not accused of “hate rhetoric” remember? It was the RIGHT SIDE of the aisle. And you will help them make their case by sitting next to the children of the corn….

Rant over.

Rep.-Elect Kristi Noem (R-eally HOT)

Rep.-Elect Kristi Noem (R-eally HOT)

Aside from her smokin hot appearance this is utter BULLSH*T!

She speaks of being “Humble” We don’t want the newly elected to be “Humble” we want them to do as they said they would do. STOP SPENDING, REPEAL OBAMACARE, and reel in a runaway liberal agenda. I don’t care if you do it with back slapping, or back flips just do it.

Mrs Noem gives a nice address all touchy feely and what-not, but lets be real for a minute. This “Compromise” is ridiculous on its face. NOW it borders on insanity with all the PORK added to it. The Republicans agreed to ONE compromise, NOT the PELOSI-fied version of additional welfare for pet projects. It’s time to pull out of this compromise and frame the discussion before it’s too late. IF the GOP allows the liberal/progressives to add to this travesty on America then I say they all need to go post-haste.


Another Religion of Peace Attempted Mass Murder

Another Religion of Peace Attempted Mass Murder

Move along now, nothing to see here. The real danger is tea party’rs and them 3 yr olds with autism boarding planes..

Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore.

PORTLAND, Ore. –  Undercover agents in a sting operation stopped a Somali-born teenager from blowing up a van full of explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown Portland, federal authorities said.

The bomb was a dud supplied by the agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. Friday just after he dialed a cell phone that he thought would set off the blast but instead brought federal agents and police swooping down on him.

Yelling “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” — Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

“The threat was very real,” said Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon. “Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale,”

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This was a great job done by our federal officials. The FBI, CIA, HS and locals all working together to root out idiots. I am waiting for the ACLU to chime in though, was this profiling? Did they entrap the poor believer in Islam?

I would like you liberpuke progressive morons to check out the little part in the story where the RELIGIOUS FANATIC was yelling “Allahu Akbar!” Arabic for “God is great!” The reason I bring this up is: You clowns use “Tim McVeigh as a CHRISTIAN Terrorist” in your ridiculous arguments. Never was there a report of McVeigh using any religious statements prior to or during his capture…The allahpukes are always heard spouting Allahu Akbar. The same call you can hear in Mosques and madrassas around the world.

Wake up Liberals, progressives, and RINO’s, the war is coming here again. Political correctness is going to give it a nice fortress on our shores and YOU idiots are responsible for any damage done.

Michael Steele (R-idiot) needs to GO

Michael Steele (R-idiot) needs to GO

Everyone by now has heard the statement Steele made about the Afghan war. Let me say I don’t disagree with him for the most part.

I know people that will say “WHAT?” Let me explain.

Steele said “Afghanistan is a war of Obama’s choosing” and he’s absolutely right. Obama and the democrats made the Iraq war the bad war, and Afghanistan the good war. Democrats blocked every attempt to turn Iraq into a success story for GWB and they berated every General involved in Iraq. They beat the drums of surrender, and all of their top leaders were constantly calling for retreat. They said things like “This war is lost” or the ever popular “We are killing innocent people”

So the election cycle saw Iraq as a dividing factor and the democrats used it to its fullest. In 2006 the Dems took over both houses, in 2008 they took all three, USING the Iraq war as a backdrop for the Bush administrations failures. They did this while at the same time saying Afghanistan is where we need to be fighting. And that was basically true.

NOW, since the Iraq war was turned around prior to the Obama election, Democrats have tried to take credit for the success there, while prosecuting the “GOOD WAR” in Afghanistan. Obama sent additional troops there and now appointed the same General the Democrats berated to lead the way. Obama owns it, just like he owns the economy and the gulf oil spill.

Personally I don’t find anything wrong with what Steele said THIS time. Steele needs to go because he is not the man for the job. He was chosen (as I stated when he was placed in the position) because the Republicans needed to be able to say “We got one too”..That’s it. Deal with it.

The republicans were sent packing and instead of looking for the REAL reasons they lost power, they used the same excuse liberals use when we bash Obama. It’s his race. The reason Obama is in power had little to do with color, it had a lot to do with substance. the GOP turned Democrat lite and it drove independents away. But in typical GOP fashion they didn’t see it. They saw the issue as black and white.

Get rid of RINO’s like Steele, Graham, McCain, Snowe, and a host of others and the GOP may see power again. Until then they should be banished to the fields.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-ino) Says:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-ino) Says:

What’s wrong with the Republican party? Sen. Graham among others are at the root of the problem. They are pronouncing themselves as “Moderates” and blaming the “Fringe” for the ills of the nation.

Graham: Tea party will ‘die out’

Graham made the comments to The New York Times as part of a profile in Sunday’s magazine written by Robert Draper.

Graham argues throughout the story that the Republican Party will eventually move away from the fringe and join him closer to the political middle but that, for now, it has shifted too far to the right.

“Everything I’m doing now in terms of talking about climate, talking about immigration, talking about Gitmo is completely opposite of where the tea party movement’s at,” Graham says. “The problem with the tea party, I think, is it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with a coherent vision for governing the country. It will die out.”

Graham later says that the GOP has shifted so far that Ronald Reagan would have trouble getting elected in today’s party.

“We don’t have a lot of Reagan-type leaders in our party. Remember Ronald Reagan Democrats? I want a Republican that can attract Democrats,” Graham told the Times. “Ronald Reagan would have a hard time getting elected as a Republican today.”

Graham has had several run-ins with tea party activists in South Carolina, notably getting censured over his support for climate change legislation by the Lexington County Republican Party, whose leadership consists of several tea party activists.

Let me tell you something you RINO P.O.S, its you and those like you that have put us in the mess we are in. Lyndsey Graham has been in office since 2002. Since then, his spending spree (Along with many other RINO’s and the POTUS) led to the current state of affairs. They led to OBAMA. Lyndsey Graham has been as much to blame as John McCain. Mr Graham is another “INCUMBENT” that needs the boot. South Carolina when your time comes, do the rest of the nation a favor and show him the door.