Category: Gun Laws

Gun Violence in Gun Ban Zone

Gun Violence in Gun Ban Zone

If the gun control freaks were HONEST they’d see the FACTS. But honesty isn’t a strong suit for the “Feel Good” legislative crowd.

Mayhem in the city: 25 people shot in 48 hours

Three killed Sunday after three were killed Saturday. One of the wounded includes an 11-year-old girl who will never walk again.

That headline is from NEW YORK. Yep, that New York, the Nanny State city Bloomburg ran sewer that is only comparable to LA or Frisco.

As a pro Gun advocate, I see incidents like these in a real world view. I see the totality of the incidents not just the “Gun” part. I see the WHO did the shooting and WHO was shot. The 11 yr old girl is the saddest part of the story and no gun around her was likely to save her. BUT and this where MY GUN FREEDOM MENTALITY KICKS IN. Had the shooters been concerned about the potential for ARMED RESPONSE from the public, maybe they wouldn’t have been shooting in the first place. MAYBE.


But what isn’t MAYBE is that Mayor Bloomburg’s gun control vision ISN’T WORKING nor will it ever work. Criminals get guns, Criminals don’t do background checks, Criminals don’t obey laws. Making MORE LAWS for them to break isn’t and has never worked. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. AZ did and the entire state is experiencing ALL TIME LOW homicide by gun stats. How about give what does work a try?

Gun Control Legislation NOT DEAD.

Gun Control Legislation NOT DEAD.

Anyone who thought the gun grabbers would back off after the background check bill died in the senate is an idiot. Most Freedom loving Americans KNOW that the left is in an orgasmic state that it came within a couple of votes of INFRINGING.

The NRA show in Houston is happening now. The NRA is the last stand. The NRA and a few lesser known Gun Rights organizations are all that stands between US and THEM. Join one or all NOW. The misinformation and outright lies need to be challenged and corrected. NOW.


We have very few senators we can count on. We put a couple in place during the last election Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul. And we lost a few after dinner with the king. McCain and Graham.

This rant I’m about to go on isn’t about anything other than GUN CONTROL legislation. But I’ll tie it in to a few other bills up for votes.

We have Ted Cruz challenging Joe Biden to a debate. That would be great. Ted Cruz would bring FACTS, Joe Biden would bring EMOTIONS. Joe Biden and the media would set the ground rules that FACTS are not allowed.

armed vs disarmed

What we have here is a manipulation of data to the point of ridiculousness. You hear the lapdog media using the 90% number of Americans that wanted that gun control bill passed. IT IS BLATANTLY FALSE. 90% of LIBERALS/PROGRESSIVES want that bill passed. Which is bad if you think about it. It means 10% of even the FURTHEST LEFT idiots don’t want it.


There is ZERO doubt that the particular gun bill that McCain/Graham and other Republicans voted FOR, would have ANY CHANCE OF STOPPING THE NEXT SHOOTING SPREE. ZERO-ZIP-NADA, all it would do is make US the legal gun owners jump through more hoops to exercise our rights.

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Absurdity… Boston Response.

Absurdity… Boston Response.

I’ve seen a lot of folks around the net complaining about the response the DHS/FBI/BPD used when they were searching for the suspects.

LEO’s locked down an entire town. If you view it like this:



It does bring some questions into your mind. Military vehicles deployed in an American town used to be thought of as impossible. One one hand, I agree this is a severe breach of trust and protocol. But on the other hand, I have folks who I care about who wear the badge. I want them to have all the best firepower and gear they can get to keep them safe.

So the problem I have is balance.

I’m not angry that LEO’s felt they had to lock down a town and inspect houses to find suspects.

I’m angry we the people have had our rights eroded to the point that LEO’s have no choice but to lock a town down to find a suspect.

I’m angry that in a FREE town the LEO’s would only have to stay on the outer limits and wait for a call telling them where to pick up the body. I’m angry that people in America have elected so many idiots to power that the 2nd amendment is now debatable rather than a STAND ALONE RIGHT! I’m angry that we the people don’t have the ability to possess the same gear/firepower that LEO’s possess in order to enforce laws that the IDIOTS we have elected dreamed up.

To be angry at LEO’s for being as ready for battle as possible is wasted anger. Instead I’d rather be angry that the good people of that town weren’t allowed to be as ready for battle.

The good old days I guess. When an alert would go out in a community and the folks of that community would arm up and hog tie a suspect rather than the community being held hostage and treated like the suspect.

Lets put the effort into repealing these draconian gun laws that keep us from being prepared. Lets get these asshats like Obama/Biden/Feinstein/Pelosi and the rest out of the law making business.

Question: What are American’s Doing?

Question: What are American’s Doing?

In 2008 thru 2010 gun and ammo sales went through the roof. American’s have always been fond of their firearms. But the election of a full majority Democrat ruling party in DC tweaked half of America. We were concerned that the elite Democrat view of America would include bans on our freedoms to bear arms.

Then in 2010, some form of sanity regained a foothold in America and the House turned from Democrat to Republican and that kind of put the fear on hold for the next couple years. But gun sales were still very strong for the next two years.

In 2012, with the re-election of Barack Obama gun sales picked up again from high to higher. Then after the Newtown tragedy and the typical kneejerk reaction by our child leader, Gun/ammo sales went from higher to through the roof… And as of right now, guns/ammo prices have skyrocketed, the availability of popular brands is way down.

America went from hoarding because the democrats might ban our firearms to preparing for war.

That’s the question I posed yesterday on several social media outlets.

Is America hoarding ammo and firepower to beat the ban or are we preparing for all out civil war?  

Personally, I’m preparing for war. That pretty much covers both of them. If its war then I’ll be as prepared as possible. If it’s to beat the ban, then I’ll do that at the same time.

Stabbing-Slicing at Texas College

Stabbing-Slicing at Texas College

So I wake up today and hear that a razor knife went nuts on a college campus.

14 injured in knife attack on Lone Star College campus, suspect arrested

Over 12 people were stabbed Tuesday on the campus of Lone Star Community College campus in Cypress, Texas, after a male suspect reportedly used a small knife, ran from building to building and randomly attacked individuals along the way.

Harris Country Sheriff Adrian Garcia says the suspect, described as a young white male, has been taken into custody. No further information about the suspect or about the weapon has been released as the investigation is still active and ongoing.

President Obama has immediately reacted with an executive order that will require all students to have background checks before buying razor knives. There will be a 10 day waiting period before any razor knife leaves the hobby store. It’s all for the kids… oh wait, no he didn’t.

I find it funny that Razor knives have been responsible for more death in America than AR-15’s but our wonderful legislature is going to try and ban those…

Stabbings, car wrecks, drunk drivers and doctors mistakes are all more likely to kill you than an AR15 in the hands of some lunatic. BUT BAN THEM BECAUSE THEY’RE SCARY LOOKIN!!!

I’m so sick of the downward spiral our nation is headed in. And the leaders of this nation seem to think that’s “Forward”

Oh and Senator McCain and Graham. Fuck you both, you miserable rino’s.

Here They Come

Here They Come

New gun laws are coming from the typical states. Which is FINE. Leave it up to the states if that’s okay, then leave gay marriage up to the states too. Leave it all UP TO THE STATES. Then the wonderful citizens of those nanny states can vote with their feet. Like CA..

Think about it. Texas is about to have a windfall surplus and CA is 127 BILLION in debt. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see why the difference. Many many many jobs left CA and went to Texas. Not only the taxes drove them away, the freedom in Texas is a tough drug to kick. The Nanny state offers prozac and valium, the state of Texas offers freedom.. Easy choice.

The new gun laws that are sweeping states like Colorado/CT are going to be a minor glitch compared to what’s coming in CA. CA is a fully liberal ran state now. They are about to pass the most stringent gun regulations in the nation. New York will look like the epitome of freedom after the morons in Sacramento are done.

Beware folks, our rights are under attack and if the GOP can’t put up a successful defense there’s only one way left to keep our rights.


Oh and BTW, the post below is an April Fools joke..

Common Ground on Gun Control…

Common Ground on Gun Control…

Now I am NO FAN at all of bargaining for my rights. But here lately I’ve been swamped with people who don’t see a problem with “Universal Background checks”… So let it begin.


Universal background checks are the dream of the ruling elite. The feeling is, if we force ALL Americans to go through a federal background check before purchasing a firearm, every crime where a gun is used can be traced back to an owner. There are MANY problems with this logic but I’ll just hit the top two.

Problem 1. Criminals, those who KNOW they won’t pass a background check won’t be trying to purchase guns from dealers. They will obtain them through other means. Robbery/smuggling/buying from smugglers etc.

Problem 2. Once your name is ran through a database, YOUR history is now in control of our government. You don’t have to be a Alex Jones type conspiracy nut to understand this is a bad idea. For example, you and your wife have some trouble and decide to seek counseling to save your marriage. Are you good with your counselor telling the feds your attitude was aggressive? Or your wife seemed to be a bit unstable? Think if it this way.. Some of the biggest proponents of gun control are hollywood elites. Lets say, Alex Baldwin decided he wanted to buy a gun, but his outburst at a paparazzi shows him to be a bit angry and there’s no way he should have a gun… Can’t happen right?… 

Okay, lets get to the meat of the issue. Compromising on the background checks. I’m really getting sick of hearing “We need to compromise” when is it the gun grabbers turn to “Compromise?”


I’ve come up with a framework for a compromise. I doubt it will please everyone, I doubt any politician has the balls to put it in the bill up for debate. But here it is:

Federal Universal Background check = Right to OPEN carry anywhere in the United States the minute you pass the universal background check. Right to CONCEAL CARRY with completion of the same types of requirement that Texas requires.

I’ve heard NO from several liberal gun grabbers, but they can’t tell me why not with any logic. The logic works simply. IF Universal Background checks are going to keep guns out of the hands of mass murderers and criminals, then passing that check should clear you as NOT A MASS MURDERER or CRIMINAL and it should grant you ALL THE FREEDOMS of the 2nd amendment.

That’s the ONLY COMPROMISE I’d support with the universal background checks. As far as ammunition magazine limits- NO COMPROMISE ON THAT AT ALL!

NOTE: This is not a post to debate the “Open/Concealed” issue. I submit that any MOVEMENT getting our RIGHTS BACK is a step in the right direction. ANYONE worth their salt who passed a background check AND KNEW all they had to do was get the training to be able to carry concealed, 90% would do so ASAP.


Right now, ONLY in America proper (AZ/TEX/AK/WY/MONT Etc) do you have actual rights to bear arms. IF a FEDERAL LAW is to INFRINGE on those rights, I submit that an equal benefit be given to LAW ABIDING GUN OWNERS.

My thoughts. Feel free to drop yours in the comment section.

The Timing is Wonderful…

The Timing is Wonderful…

The Nanny Staters are taking freedoms left and right, but at the same time they are seen as “Giving rights” to gays…

The “Narrative” the media is pushing now is a combination of gay agenda issues and the gun grab. The liberal democrats are wanting to be seen as the party of tolerance and care givers. The Republicans are murderers of children and hate gays and old people and we’re racist and intolerant… And if you ask the average uninformed voter that’s what they’ll tell you.

Fact is the party that is trying to protect/preserve and grant MORE freedoms IS ONLY ONE PARTY, the party of the Republicans have in history proven their beliefs. While they’ve been candy ass’d and weak knee’d history doesn’t lie. LIBERALS DO!

Do not get distracted with the bullshit keep our focus and stand firm.