Category: Gun Laws

Is Feinstein’s Gun Ban Dead?

Is Feinstein’s Gun Ban Dead?

I allowed myself a moment of gratitude to the GOD of reason when I heard Harry Reid was going to kill Dianne Feinstein’s (D-IPSHITCUNT) bill.

Assault weapons ban now unlikely to pass. What happened?

Majority leader Reid says the assault weapons ban will not be included in the gun control legislation he’ll bring to the Senate floor, giving the other measures a better chance at passage.


But don’t think it’s over folks. Never forget that SCOTUS is now an even tie for the most part. Don’t think so? How’d Obamacare work out? Also you should remember the very same argument was made during the Obamacare debates. Yet that passed with a few added amendments… Or should we say GIVE AWAYS. Remember the cornhusker kickback etc.. What is our freedom worth to the seat fillers in congress?


You honestly believe that Dianne Feinstein won’t get anything? You really believe that the senate will do minimal damage to our freedom rather than long term crippling? Here’s my crystal ball readings for you all.

Harry Reid will bring fourth a gun control legislation very soon. It will happen about the same time as the economic news is very bad. It will serve to deflect attention from the economy. The Feinstein bill will be offered in amendments by a couple of different senators. The ASSAULT WEAPON BAN WILL BE IN IT and so will the Magazine size limit. The debate will feature “Leaked” pictures of Newtown and/or Aurora… The demonization of anyone opposed to the gun bill will continue and everyone will be focused on this while our economy crashes further….


Hope I’m wrong, but I haven’t been when it comes to these new demonrats.



And that issue is the 2nd Amendment. While we can disagree on Gay Marriage, ILLEGAL Immigration and a slew of other minor issues. WE SHOULD BE UNITED on this.

Lets look at a few things. The first is Obamacare. Nationalized health care is generally the first thing BIG GOVERNMENT advocates go after. The reason is its a HUGE gift from the state. It says the state will take care of you. Everyone likes to be taken care of right? The second thing is controlling the message through media. Big government advocates need to have their message plastered everywhere so that to think about the alternatives becomes extreme. You become a conspiracy theorist for questioning a message that’s so simple to understand. Even though it’s not the truth or even if its only part of the truth.

The third thing is to make you feel UNSAFE without the government. How best to do that? Well you could make laws against defending yourself. OR you can take the tools away that make defending yourself possible. Enter the 2nd Amendment debate.

Nobody in their right mind would try to eliminate the 2nd amendment outright. But, you can chip at away at its effectiveness. You can take the teeth out of the right. You can place labels on those who exercise that right. You can use terms like anarchist, extremist, Anti-Government militia. Or as we’ve heard lately, you can call people that support the 2nd amendment child killers.

You will also notice those who are for GUN CONTROL take the extreme path. Like Piers Morgan’s “So do you think you should be able to buy a tank?” debate points. But what Piers and all of these self righteous people are missing is the RIGHTS part of this debate.

Lets do this, lets put the same type parameters around every amendment based on some event that occurred.

1st Amendment: Under a new POTUS and a conservative super majority in 2016, It’s decided that protesting in the streets is now illegal due to safety concerns. You may still protest but to protect others, you must only protest in the fields outside of any city limits.

4th Amendment: Under the same ruling party as the above, beat cops can issue a warrant from their car using an ipad. No judge needs to be present as long as the search is on a university property or a starbucks.

I could go on an on with this and you would say.. Our government wouldn’t ever try that… I ask you to look back and think when you thought the same thing, yet here we are debating what kind of rifle and how many bullets I can have.

We are at a cross roads folks. There is some room for a compromise. It’s a simple one too. Background checks are not a bad idea. HOWEVER and this the BIG REASON I’M AGAINST THEM: What’s in it for me, a law abiding citizen?

Criminals don’t do background checks. Never have, never will. Criminals steal guns. Criminals buy guns that are stolen or transported from elsewhere in the world. Criminals don’t care about magazine limits either. So what in the background check legislation makes me want to continue to be a law abiding citizen? NOTHING. Matter of fact, if this is passed I’ll never buy another gun legally again. I’ll be a felon with a stroke of the pen.

Now there’s a compromise that can be had here. Lets say, I buy a gun and go through the wait period, background check, safety test, whatever.. I should be able to carry my firearm in any state in the nation. I should be able to carry it concealed or open because I HAVE BEEN VETTED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Right?

If background checks are truly what they say they are, to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. IF I PASS THAT, THEN I SHOULD HAVE ZERO INFRINGEMENT TO MY RIGHTS!

We should unite behind the 2nd amendment folks. Democrats/Republicans/Conservatives alike. Because Obama will not be POTUS for ever and this is going to set another very bad precedent.


Senate Poised to INFRINGE

Senate Poised to INFRINGE

“Shall not be Infringed” is more of a suggestion than a law I guess…

Senate committee poised to approve assault weapons ban

WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats are poised to pass a renewed and strengthened assault-weapons ban out of committee Thursday as part of a package of measures advancing to the floor, but are appealing to President Obama to help battle opposition from Republicans and gun-rights supporters.

So, we had John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, John Brennan confirmed for leadership positions. We had about the same make up of the senate and got Keagan and Sotomayor confirmed to the SCOTUS. Um, tell me again how the senate is not going to ban my rifles?

Dianne Feinstein and crew are about to make MILLIONS of us felons with the stroke of a pen. I’d expect a couple thousand of us are stupid enough to capitulate to this new law… THE VAST MAJORITY of us will NOT.

I live in CA, surprisingly its the same state that Feinstein was re-elected to the senate, shocking I know… Funny thing about that is, NOW some of the very folks who don’t know who Elizabeth Emkin is voted for Feinstein and now are pissed because “Banstein” is taking their rights… Awe aint that cute.

We, the brand new “felons” of America by act of pen rather than act of self will not turn in our guns. We the “Felons by Pen” rather than our own actions will be the best “felons” ever. Just wait to see what kind of business opportunities open up the minute the king signs this law.

If you the elected officials can make me a felon by the stroke of your pen, I’ll do my best to be the best felon I can be. Freedom from tyranny is not breaking the law, tyranny by law is breaking the oath of office. Treason is a word that has lost its bite. Treason is what is happening from Washington DC. NO LESS.

Democrats Looking out for YOU!

Democrats Looking out for YOU!

So you folks think the Democrat party is the party of caring and nurturing? Ask yourself this question: IF the Democrats are truly only concerned with your well being, why are they releasing criminals at the same time they are disarming you?

As these criminals are released, crime rates will climb. VICTIMS will be silenced because the real reason will be “Those nasty Republicans wouldn’t raise taxes again”


Look folks, the fact is the democrat party NOW is NOT your fathers democrats. On the other hand, the Republican party is FIGHTING hard NOT to become your fathers Republicans. The Republican party is now JFK Democrats at best.

IF any gun legislation is passed and signed by this pretender in chief. The Republican party will go the way of California Republican party.. Look it up, check out the structure of California’s legislature now.

The only way Democrats can govern is with pulls of the heart strings. They can’t debate facts, cause and results. All the Democrat party can do is create fear and victims. IF you refuse to be a victim and see yourself as independent and self sustaining, you are the enemy to the democrat party. The democrat party absolutely needs absolute control of you. Think I’m lying? Ask yourself, how many times have you heard democrats talk about criminals actions, crime and punishment? NOPE, they are more concerned with removing YOUR RIGHT TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOUR RIGHT TO OWN THE TOOLS THAT WOULD STOP YOU FROM BEING A VICTIM.


Fight this action with everything you have. If we lose this fight, we’re all felons the moment this asshat signs the bill into law. IF I must be a felon because of the liberal elite establishment, I’ll be the best damn felon ever. I have chosen the path of law abiding citizenry, I’ve raised my kids to be the same way, at the moment our leaders decide I have “Illegal firearms” I will make it my mission to arm up, stock up and make sure ALL people in my circle are VERY WELL ARMED.

Baby Steps of Gun Control…

Baby Steps of Gun Control…

California used to have the worst gun laws in the nation. New York has taken the top spot now. But it’s early.

In California, 30 round mags are illegal, so are certain firearms. These mags and firearms are readily available in neighboring Arizona. A piece of land in AZ is pretty cheap in the desert and having a piece of land in AZ means I can claim residence in AZ. This will allow me to do some very important things around state laws.

In New York, they are making 7 round magazines the max capacity. So we went from high cap to 10 rounds to 7 rounds. What will California do now since they have a democrat Super Majority? Let me guess:

They will go to 5 round mag capacity, they will also add another one or two “Assault weapon” indicators and ban the sale/manufacture/transportation of said firearms. Baby steps.

California will be the top anti-gun state in the nation. Now if you pay attention, you will also notice that the gang members and murderers as well as the criminals will not abide by those laws… I will not be abiding by ANY state or federal law that infringes on my right to bear arms. FACT.

Any LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER either federal or state who follows and abides by any law that infringes on the 2nd amendment rights is an enemy of the people. Any liberal gun grabber is an enemy of the American people. It’s very important that the line be clear. The 2nd amendment is NOT DEBATABLE. IF you are of the mind that “Some bans of firearms is okay” and you believe the current laws banning machine guns and several other arms is not enough. YOU ARE THE ENEMY. IF you are willing to vote for additional bans and you fill a seat in government, you are the enemy. IF you are a member of my family and believe we need more gun laws, you are the enemy.

If the shooting starts you need to know where you stand. I know where I stand.

I stand with this prayer:

Dear GOD, since we are too stupid to prevent the disaster that is coming, please allow the fight to come soon so that I am still young enough to fight. Let the disaster occur now while I can be effective in defense and offense rather than leaving it for my kids and grandkids. Amen.


Beware of the Other Hand.

Beware of the Other Hand.

As the nation is debating the 2nd amendment. (EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE!) Every news channel across the nation is focused like a laser beam on the gun issue. What are the President and his henchmen up to on the down low?

molon labe

I’m old enough to remember the days when our government wasn’t as hated. When our government had at the very least, a small amount of trust left. That TRUST has diminished to this point over time. The point we are at now is ZERO TRUST in our government.

Think about this: When George Walker Bush was in office, there was a small percentage of Americans who believed he ordered the 9-11-2001 attacks on our nation. How have we got to that point? From Carter to Clinton we’ve been lied to and the lies have been illuminated. The lies are denied almost in unison from the time it’s found out until the liars question the words within the charge. “What is the definition of IS? “My phone was hacked” etc…


Now after the sandy hook tragedy, people are questioning if Obama ordered that hit to enact his gun control agenda. I don’t trust Obama any further than I can throw his wife. But I don’t believe even this moron would do something this heinous. However; in the life of a radical the more heinous the action the easier it is to pull off. The ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS is the Saul Alinsky play book.

What we have here and now is a nation focused on one issue, while the radicals are playing with the rule books. We have a fiscal disaster looming, We have inflation climbing, we have prisons closings, states going bankrupt, a world on edge.. We’re one more disaster in the nation away from martial law. The DHS/EPA purchased MILLIONS of rounds of ammo and are moving FEMA trailers all over the place. Do we need to know more?

We have a congress that is basically just a speed bump for a radical agenda that Obama and his cronies want. We have NO HOPE OF SAVING THE NATION at the ballot box at this moment. There is going to be a reckoning in 2014 but I’m not sure if it will be too late.

There’s about 100 issues that have an ideological play. From abortion to Zoo keepers, there’s legislation coming. The lawyers must have more laws.


We need a set number of bloggers/new media folks to watch the other hand. I don’t know if we can unite around that but we damn sure better or we will be surprised.

I think this 2nd Amendment fight we are in right now will be a catalyst for a massive protest. The protests I’m talking about will DWARF the Tea party and OWS rallies we saw during Obama’s last term. Unfortunately, I believe they will be just as effective. OBAMA Doesn’t give a damn, he knows best.. He is KING now, he’s “Duh Won” all of us must just allow his will and we will see paradise… NOT.

A reckoning is coming. There’s a chance to stop it but it’s becoming slim.

Illegal Immigrants Passing Through…

Illegal Immigrants Passing Through…

This is a good story to get out. Put it in the context of the Washington DC elites push on Gun Control.

Interceptions of immigrants stubbornly low Border security efforts have a long way to go


Despite massive increases in manpower, the U.S. Border Patrol is still intercepting only about 61 percent of would-be illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to an audit that the investigative arm of Congress released Wednesday.

The findings, which for the first time show a broad estimate of how many illegal immigrants the Border Patrol fails to catch each year, emerge as pressure builds on Congress to move past border security and begin to grant legal status to the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S

For the context, think about this: We don’t know WHO is coming in the nation through our southern borders. We KNOW there’s a lot of drug cartel activity, we THINK there’s some terrorist potential, we ASSUME there are people from the south running from the law in their lands. AND WE KNOW our prisons are full of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR OFFSPRING… At the same time, our elected officials are attempting to disarm LEGAL CITIZENS of America.


You will also notice in the very near future that prisons are cutting down the time criminals serve to reduce the over crowding problem.

The GUN CONTROL debate in context: Our elected officials believe that LEGAL gun owners should be limited in their ability to protect themselves because of the action of ILLEGAL GUN USERS. This is a severely FLAWED argument that only works with people who LOVE MORE GOVERNMENT.

Let’s dig a bit deeper into this Illegal Immigration issue:

Our wonderful Democrats have determined that MOST illegal immigrants are just looking for a better life and we shouldn’t punish them for the actions of the criminals that come across. However, in a Democrats mind: MOST legal gun owners are just looking to have the ability to protect themselves and WE SHOULD punish them for the actions of criminals who use guns…Think about that for a minute.

The MOMENT any new gun law comes down from mount Olympus, we need to prepare for a lot of law suits. ANY murder committed by an Illegal Immigrant on an American citizen should result in a law suit against the United States Government for conspiracy to commit murder. They have disarmed you and therefore assumed responsibility for your safety. They failed in their duty due to negligence and it should clog the courts up.


Molon Labe. Deo Vindice.



The Gun is at fault

The Gun is at fault

I’m totally in awe of our liberal friends. Nobody can possibly be as hypocritical or as anti-constitutional rule as the liberals in CA. I have to believe they are just kidding…

In California, the people I interact with on a day to day basis seem to understand common sense. Even if some have a liberal bend to their ideology. In California the education system must be broken to a point of non-repairable. The kids that our schools are producing are brainwashed to the extent that breathing requires super human thought.


The thoughts behind gun control in California are pretty simple. Less guns=less crime. And let me tell you it’s an incomplete solution. Less CRIMINALS WITH GUNS=Less Crime. The complete problem is too hard for most liberals to understand. The complete problem is simple for Conservatives.

To discuss the REAL problem means the liberals have to blame a person. A person has excuses. For example: When killers go to court they plead insanity, they blame their parents, abuse, drug use, drinking, mental illness etc… Liberals would have to deal with those issues and rather than use the TOUGH LOVE those issues require, blame the gun.


The gun has no excuse, no face, no feelings. It’s EASY to blame. It’s non-confrontational so the target of the liberals is the inanimate object. Liberals don’t blame the cars for drunk driving accidents, nor do they blame the person: “Alcoholism is a disease” so they have absolved the person from fault by placing a reason in front of them.

Now this is where it gets really funny to me: In CA liberals are all up in arms over DUI check points. They successfully got Los Angeles to quit taking illegal immigrants cars at check points. Now they have to give the ILLEGAL DRIVER a chance to call a friend to come get it before impound. What? Yep.

Basically, the liberal thought is NOBODY can be at fault for an action, there’s another reason and as long as they can find an excuse to play on the feelings of other like minded idiots that’s the direction we go.



Dianne Feinstein’s plan for gun control takes the complete liberal view that 10 round mags and scary looking rifles are at fault for any shootings. We as a nation are DOOMED to fall if this thinking is normal. I suggest people wake up and see what their senators are up to. Mine is pushing this bullshit. And I have never cast a vote for this skank in my life.

Fight it folks, at the phones and on the internet first. If we fail there it will be on the fields.