Category: Gay Agenda

Gay Nazi/Mafia/Unicorn Warriors strike again

Gay Nazi/Mafia/Unicorn Warriors strike again

And almost like a bell goes off in the big city Starbucks and university yoga parks that says “One of ours is offended, we must go”….

A bakery somewhere refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding, predictable outrage ensues. A pizza place made a comment in support of a bakery and said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding, predictable outrage ensues.


The gay mafia/nazi brigade saddles up their unicorns, readies their 9″ dildo swords and heads to the first media outlet that will carry their hurt feelings into battle! Enter CBS/NBC/MSNBC/ABC/CNN to do battle with the evil Christians who dare own a business and dare to stand on their beliefs as much as those rainbow warriors!!!

What we have here is a simple issue: Indiana and Arkansas decided that since the gay Nazi’s/Mafia had become a powerful feelings driven group and have amassed such a powerful cult against Christians. It was time to sign a bill very similar to the one Barack Obama and Bill Clinton both signed to protect religious freedom too.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the gay mafia/Nazi brigade would let the free market decide if that bakery/Pizza place deserved to stay in business? If the gay brigade protested/boycotted/stompyfoot’d and got the word out, maybe people would stop frequenting those establishments or maybe they’d get about 500K in donations because America is sick of the gay nazi brigade… AND THAT IS THE SITUATION…


The gay nazi/mafia brigade doesn’t win the gay marriage debate, They lost every time it was up on a ballot until they LOST the vote in CA, then got it overturned by a court. That showed the rest of the nation that their vote doesn’t matter anymore. So they now have government doing their wet work. They have elected officials making their bones (so to speak) with the LBGT community OR they are labeled haters, extremists, homophobes etc. Which is why the INDIANA and ARKANSAS laws are NEEDED!

Christians and Catholics have been attacked before, but from the time Obama took office until he leaves, his time will be known as the SURGE in the war on Christians. You don’t hear about the Muslim’s not baking cakes for gay weddings do you? Nope, that would require some serious head scratching for liberals..

Phil Robertson gets the Gays upset

Phil Robertson gets the Gays upset

I’m really not too interested in debating social issues anymore. I’m just sick of diluting the water. But today’s revelation that the Gay-Lesbian-Transgendered etc community are upset at something Phil Robertson said pissed me off.

Here’s the backstory:

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star: A Vagina Is ‘More Desirable Than A Man’s Anus’

WEST MONROE, La. (CBS Houston) — One “Duck Dynasty” star called homosexuality illogical.

Phil Robertson, one of the stars of the A&E reality show and founder of Duck Commander, made the comments in a recent interview with GQ.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Now what is wrong with that? Well, if you are with GLAAD, the militant gay army then its an attack on their lifestyle.. If you are a NORMAL THINKING, Clear headed, logical American, Phil Robertson spoke his opinion. And in MY OPINION he’s 100% right.


What GLAAD needs to do is stifle any differing opinions. They need to attack with their standard “Homophobic” name calling and throw in their hate of Christianity… So here they come.. Marching in their rainbow onesies and screaming about equality…

Every last one of them can kiss my ass (Although they’d like it I hear)

Chick-Fil-A Controversy?

Chick-Fil-A Controversy?

Gotta love the tolerant, all inclusive, everyone hold hands and sing kum-by-ya of the Gay community.

Evidently all the “Outrage” started because the owner of Chick-Fil-A said “We support traditional family values” OH MY GOD!!! Hide your kids!!!!

The “Outrage” is a tactic. The outrage by these militant gay San Francisco dwelling slugs is designed for one thing. SILENCE any type of support for traditional marriage and/or traditional American values. A “Family unit” consisting of a man and a woman is okay as long as you don’t say YOU SUPPORT it out loud. IF you say you support that version of America you obviously HATE GAY PEOPLE! right?

Has there ever been a law suit or civil suit against Chick-Fil-A for refusing service to gays? Have they not hired gays because they are gay? Do they have separate restrooms for gays? Do they have a “Gay section in their business?” Nope. The owner simply stated he supports the AMERICA that was the greatest nation on earth before we allowed liberalism/Progressivism/Communism to infest our shores.

To be clear I am NOT for gay marriage at all. Never have been, never will be. I support the traditional family unit/family values and American exceptionalism. PERIOD.

I do have a great idea though. Since I hate the UN and the Gay militant agenda driven slugs in our nation. I say KICK THE UN Out of America, Raze the building and put up a giant Chick-Fil-A in it’s place!

Did Obama Step in a trap?

Did Obama Step in a trap?

Obama played his base perfectly. He bilked the democrat faithful like a professional snake oil salesman. Just check this out:

Obama said this in his ABC interview that the LBGT freaks are happy about:

“At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told ABC News’ Robin Roberts

Now, what else did he say?

“The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states’ [sic] deciding the issue on their own,” reported ABC, which has aired excerpts of the interview but has yet to release it in full.”

So that gives dear leader an out doesn’t it?

Time for a couple of questions:

1. IF NC voted down Amendment 1 and opened up Gay Marriage in NC. Would “Dear Leader” have come out in support of gay marriage or would he be a “STATES RIGHTS” Proponent first?

2. Since he came out PRO Gay marriage BUT Pro-States rights at the same time, will he give a shout out to NC for voting on it at all?

3. Will the African-American Black community see Obama for what he is? A Pandering SCFOAMF.

4. Did Obama step in a trap? He cancelled a trip to NC because of the vote (Prior to the vote) He made no statement prior in support of those in NC who opposed Amendment 1. He waited to see the political winds before he weighed in. He has constantly done exactly this as a leader and it’s being viewed by the world. IS this a trap he is about to be snared in? IF Romney plays it like McCain did in 08 he’ll lose. IF he goes on OFFENSE this could drop Obama like a rock in the polls.


Gay Marriage is Now Legal in New York…

Gay Marriage is Now Legal in New York…

I guess this means all of the problems in New York have immediately ceased to be a problem. They have spent countless man hours determining that same sex marriage should be granted the same rights as traditional marriage. Okay, fine move on.

But I have to ask a few questions:

1. New York has the most stringent gun laws in the nation. They have one of the highest crime rates in the nation. Will Gay Marriage reduce the crime rate?

2. New York is the least free state in the nation. Will gay marriage make it more free?

3. New York is the most corrupt state in the nation. Will Gay Marriage make less corrupt?

4. New York has one of the highest tax rates in the nation. Will Gay Marriage lower taxes?

5. New York has more bans in place for more things than any other state. Will Gay Marriage fix that?

I guess what I’m saying is gay marriage is a special interest agenda. Most Americans don’t give a damn. We care about our freedoms, our rights and our future. Gay marriage is not a civil rights issue, it’s a choice issue. It’s an agenda driven reduction of moral values that fits New York to a T.

You have the right to have sex with anyone willing (not children) You are FREE to live with the same sex person of your choice. You even have the same rights as married people through civil unions but that wasn’t enough. What will the next step be of the gay agenda?

Remember the debates over the “Civil Union” legislation? there were celebrations in the street too. What’s next? It’s going to be the churches and the schools. Acceptance will never be granted fully because most Americans know it’s a choice to be gay not a birth defect. AND YES I SAID DEFECT.

I am not one of those folks who pander to the gay agenda. I don’t give a damn if you want to smoke pipes or eat peaches in the privacy of your own home.

Perhaps sharia law in New York may be a good thing huh? I mean can you imagine the wonderful Islamic culture’s take on the Homo’s?… Can’t wait for that culture clash. Just one little reminder to all you homosexuals.. Islam hates gays.. Islam kills gays. And if they started cleansing in New York I’d have a tough time mustering a GIVE A SHIT.