Tag: Zo Nation

Zo Nails Ron Paul.

Zo Nails Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is on the hot seat now. Only because he’s actually been moving up in the polls. Many folks are “Flocking” to the Dr for various reasons. I’ve tried to have some civil discussions with the Paul supporters but as of yet, none of them can explain to me WHY a person like Paul should “Occupy” the White house.

Listen to ZO’s take on it:

When you’re supporters are Stormfront, 9-11 truthers and Code Pink, you gotta ask yourself a few questions don’t you? Well unless you’re so brainwashed by the sound of Ron Paul’s voice that you refuse to see the problem with this…

Ron Paul’s got a lot of explaining to do, not the least of which is his leadership abilities. You can say “Liberty” and “Defense of our liberties” and use “liberty” in every sentence only so much then folks begin to ask questions… Hitler and Obama both started with a very loud, obnoxious supporting cast that included some very extreme elements. do we want to swap one for another? I think not.

I do know that a Ron Paul presidency wouldn’t be confiscating my guns or allowing any federal laws that would have them taken away. But that’s about as far as I can support the man. I’m one who is not interested in living with my head in the sand.