Tag: What if you’re wrong about Obama

What if you’re wrong?

What if you’re wrong?

Democrat voters appear to have it all figured out. It goes like this:

“We’re not happy with the economy or the world issues. We don’t like the division or the fact we’ve been downgraded, we don’t like the usurping of the constitution, we don’t like Obamacare, we don’t like a lot of things that Obama has done….BUT Romney will be worse, have you seen how much money he makes?”

Now forgive me if I’m being to blunt here, but you dumb fucks have set the American IQ back a hundred years with that logic.

Fact is Romney is a RICH man, He worked for it, he went to school, he made wise choices and he didn’t expect handouts nor did he accept failure as a permanent condition. He was governor of a state and he didn’t spend his entire term blaming the previous guy.

That alone is worth giving him a shot. I have no illusions that Romney will be the Barry Goldwater/Ronald Reagan savior of our nation, but he deserves a shot at it. He’s worked for it harder than Obama worked to get in office. His record is a thousand times better than Obama’s was prior to the “Entertainer” election of 08.

If you want to vote 3rd party, go for it. If you want to not vote, go for it. If you want to vote for Obama then you are voting for destruction of our nation at warp speed.

What if you’re wrong about Obama’s vision? What if his vision truly is destruction? Say he gets a 2nd term and his first couple actions restrict free speech. Then he executive orders some more of his “Visions” in order to set those like him up for 2016? What if you’re wrong? What if you’re wrong about Romney? What if Romney DOES take back our nation? What if Romney isn’t so conservative? What if? I’ll take Romney being less conservative than I’d like over Obama being MORE LEFTWING than he has been.

This election is about more than ideology, it’s about setting a foundation for recovery and that starts with SCOTUS appointments, reversing exec. orders, undoing the Obamacare debacle. That’s enough for me to vote Romney.