Tag: What if a White President did

What if….

What if….

What if: A WHITE President railed against the previous president about debt ceiling raises in order to get elected, then raised it 4 times?

What if: A WHITE President complained about the previous president’s signing of the patriot act, then when he got elected increased the governments power under that act?

What if: A WHITE President got elected by promising to be more transparent and open to the public, but became the most opaque and closed president in the history of the nation?

What if: A WHITE President and a white Attorney General dismissed voter intimidation charges in a major election by the KKK?

What if: A WHITE President made statements about black racist people killing poor white people before the facts were out?

What if: A WHITE President blamed black cops for assaulting white professors in their own home?

What if: A WHITE President used the IRS to target community organizers, Planned parenthood, LaRaza etc?

What if: A WHITE President supported enemy’s of the nation while ignoring the nations allies?

What if: A WHITE President said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it? Even when he and the framers of his signature law knew that was a lie and said it to pass the bill?

What if: A WHITE President in either party did any of the stuff Barack Obama has done?

I’ll tell you what would happen. He/She would have been impeached or arrested is worst case, lost re-election is best case. But why hasn’t that happened to Barrack Obama? Who wants to be the first to impeach the nations first black POTUS?

The underlying issue is a double standard for performance and politically correctness. We have lowered the bar for successful performance for Barrack Obama because he’s outwardly BLACK in appearance. We refuse to acknowledge his failure because he’s BLACK and that in and of itself is RACISM at its core.

Journalists would be hounding any other administration with questions about performance. They’d be demanding results, answers for hypocrisy and the scandals. But Barack Obama is black on the outside… Had he been WHITE with Black mom or dad, journalists would be journalists instead of cheerleaders.

Its racist to say any of this now days right? Well, to not say it is racist. To treat Barack Obama different than you would a white POTUS is as racist.

Oh well, call me racist, call me uncaring, call me a neanderthal I don’t care. I don’t lie, I don’t sugar coat, I expect results from myself and from those who I vote for. IF Barack Obama’s policies were working, I’d be the first to say well done.

Think about this: Every bit of news that comes out about the economy, foreign policy, war on terror, obamacare or any thing else, it has to be deciphered and spun to good news. Example: Obamacare costing jobs=Good because you can decide to stay home. 7% unemployment=Dropping number means its good for recovery (Don’t mention out of workforce number) These things wouldn’t be accepted for any other POTUS in the history of the nation. BUT Barrack Obama is black so it’s okay… RACISTS.