Tag: We are done

America is lost…

America is lost…

It is with a heavy heart that I post this.

America is lost. There is no more America for the world. We are not the UNITED STATES anymore, we are a divided people and we can not stand for much longer.

America is lost because what is RIGHT is now Wrong and what is WRONG has become right. We were a place for the law abiding and dreamers of better lives. We are now a place for whiners and takers.

When an American president can hang out with racist organizations, break the constitutions boundaries, attend a racist church, authorize tax payer money to businesses based on ideology not market research, authorize tax payer money to corporations to save them and let others collapse, when he can use the force of law to go after some businesses yet let others slide based on donations or political affiliations. America is lost.

When it’s no longer admired to be a working successful individual, rather it’s demonized by the powers in media and government. America is lost.

When being gay/transgendered/black/latino/asian/jew/muslim/ insert label here, is regarded as the victim and in need of government dollars and protection rather than the christian/hard working/AMERICAN of ANY color/sex/insert label here. America is lost.

When a presidents own words are declaring war on the very people he is supposed to lead. America is lost.

When protesters singing GOD BLESS AMERICA, protesting a government who is partaking in ANTI-American policies and bringing attention to what AMERICA is supposed to be, are demonized, while a protest about communistic ideals and dreams of a socialist America is heralded, America is lost.

When a presidential candidate who is black and a Republican is called racist and urged to kill himself. America is lost.

When a presidential candidate is called racist because 20 years ago someone wrote something on a rock, yet the current president can hang out with the most racist vile disgusting group in the nation and not a peep… America is lost.

When an entertainer can go on a news channel and make an analogy that involves hitler and Benjimin Netanyau and be fired, yet an entertainer can go on a news channel and talk about beheading people who make too much money and no action is leveled.. America is lost.

When a president can kill it’s citizens without trial because they said something or because they are deemed a threat without due process and it’s accepted, yet a cop killer who spent 14 years going through every court system in America is mourned/heralded because he was “innocent”. America is lost.

These and more are the reason I say America is lost. And the worst part is. YOUR kids are going to have to deal with it. Your grandkids are going to be the hardest hit because of the liberal influx in out nation. Your family will be doomed for a life of mediocre existence at best no matter how hard they work. In the new America success will be allowed or not based on your victim status and who you support.

There are two ways out of this mess. One involves a lot of bloodshed. It works but it’s very ugly and very time consuming. The other happens at the ballot box and it requires YOU to work very hard getting the word out about where we are headed.

I choose to work hard to the word out, but I reserve the right to put on my marchin shoes and die if need be to repair the many many years of decay we are seeing.

Please, Dear GOD get your ass off your chair and secure your station. Secure the means to survive and learn what it means to be an American. We don’t lie down for tyranny.