Tag: War with union goons. Union slugs threaten America

Union Civility, War on.

Union Civility, War on.

A couple days after Trumka said “This is your army, take the sons a bitches out”….

This is pretty tame if ya ask me. This particular idiot couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. His stance in his aggression would lead to easy knock down/curb stomp with a side of piss on his remains. But alas he didn’t threaten me like that. Had he threatened someone who would call him on it, he’d be running into his hiding place.

But the bigger picture is why the aggression? You see, the union is just following orders from Obama and company. They feel they were wronged by an employer AKA Rich evil corporations. They decided to strike, the company said fine and got others to the job they wouldn’t do. Tough shit. You play poker and you lose, you don’t destroy the casino. You leave and find something else to do. You made the choice to play, you lost.

Pay very close attention to this video folks. It’s only a little glimpse into the future. The idiot star of the video is clearly suffering from Obama’s “Hope and Change” he’s obviously been subscribing to the class warfare script from the Obama administration. The evil rich corporation needs to pay me more for what I do and if not I’m walking out. Even though a corporation can hire someone else for less price to do the same job just as well. This is the reason Unions don’t work these days. The unions were GREAT in the early years. They got some great labor laws through congress that became law which protect WORKERS now. Unions have outlived their usefulness. Not all, but some.

I’m a fan of some public sector unions for the most part. I am for some PD/FD unions. Without those, the city council and mayors would make every incident/ Review political. Unions in those areas are needed to keep the Local GOVERNMENT honest. If you notice, the labor board laws don’t cover law enforcement incidents and reviews. That’s done by the idiots we elect.

Businesses are NOT ELECTED they  offer you a chance to get paid for your time and skill, you have the right to say no. You have the right to walk. You have the right to ask for raises you don’t have the right to be violent against an employer. You have the right to an ass whooping if you do. You have the right to be charged with a crime.

Just realize this video is just the very tip of the iceberg in what is about to be the most violent election cycle since Lincoln’s time. Arm up, stand up and be ready.

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