Tag: Voters issues

Gay’s targeting Mormons – Why not Compton?

Gay’s targeting Mormons – Why not Compton?

Activists Target Mormons for Gay-Marriage Ban’s Success in California

In the nearly four weeks since Election Day, gay activists and thousands of their supporters have rallied outside Mormon temples around the country, protesting the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ support for California’s Proposition 8, the ballot initiative to make same-sex marriage illegal in the Golden State.

There have been calls to boycott the annual Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah; some activists have called for a boycott of the entire state of Utah. Protesters have defaced some church buildings, and in Arapaho County, Colo., the Sheriff’s Office is investigating a possible hate crime — the torching of the Book of Mormon on a church’s doorstep.

Even the state of California itself has announced that it is investigating the church’s involvement in Proposition 8, which was approved by a vote of 52 percent to 48 percent and, barring a Supreme Court overturn, will ban gay marriage in the state.

But are the Mormons being singled out unfairly?

Other groups, notably African-Americans and other churches and religious denominations, voted in big numbers for Prop 8. But nobody has seen gay-marriage proponents knocking on the doors of black-oriented community centers or churches. No one has called for a boycott of black-owned businesses.

Turn away if you are offended by truth and logic…

Faggots are going after the ONLY people that are still TARGETS! -Religious WHITE Heterosexual Americans. The FAGGOTS won’t be protesting in South Central, They wont be protesting in Echo Park, They won’t be protesting anywhere near MY HOUSE, because they are COWARDS. They are in denial and they are LOSERS!.. They should be happy we are not burning them at the stake and they should be damn grateful that after AIDS, they are not banished to an Island somewhere.

These FAGGOTS and their SUPPORT crew are missing the undeniable fact that marriage is between a man and a woman, the parts are designed for CREATION of life and marriage is the tie that binds the love together, it is biblical, it is TRADITION and it is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

IF Prop 8 is overturned The FAGGOT community will be entirely responsible for the violent outbreak and lives lost as a result, not just because of this issue, but because of the feeling voters will have of  “NO VOICE” in our government. When you remove the VOTING American from the process, AFTER FAIR elections and say to that voter “Your vote doesn’t matter”, you open the nation to VIOLENT OUTBREAK! In the future. You will limit the number of voters because of that feeling, and that will cause MORE damage than the FAGGOT Marriage issue.

The faggots have got the same rights as Married people NOW, so why is this so important to them?

I’ll answer that: IT IS PROGRESS (At least in the BUTT PIRATES mind) The next step will be Churches sued for not performing FAGGOT Marriage. To those of you that think not?  look to history, this was the same argument that came up prior to same sex unions bill passing. We knew they would go after more, though they denied it at the time. We were nice, we COMPROMISED, WE VOTED to ALLOW Same sex partnerships as a capitulation, now look.. MORE, MORE.

The liberal elite will have you believe this is a RIGHTS issue, OK I have rights too mother fucker I have the right to vote. I voted TO BAN SAME SEX MARRIAGE!  and 52% of Californian’s agreed with me.

Faggots beware: We have voted and we expect our vote to be upheld. This fight is more than a Typical Gay Rights issue, it is a VOTE issue, it is a WE THE PEOPLE Issue. This will bring down the house if it is overturned, 52% of Californian’s voted to BAN Same Sex MARRIAGE, A very large MAJORITY of BLACKS voted to ban it, so you will tell BLACK voters that THEY DON’T count? Is that not RACIST? Does that apply to Obama too? I mean, if WE can say to the Black voter- the same 75% that voted to BAN SAME SEX MARRIAGE, also voted for Obama, so those votes should be removed as well.

I am already starting that argument in the streets of EVERYWHERE I can, I am talking to people, I am telling folks of ALL COLORS that IF they voted for Prop 8 -YOU are being silenced by the FAGGOTS, the issue is starting to be VERY personal…And “Like it or not” I am talking to a LOT of Black folks that had NO IDEA this was occurring..I usually start the discussion like “So how about Obama?” And then say, well your vote might be thrown out because it’s going to court, because some folks don’t agree with it.. Then I let them know about Prop 8… they are remarkably angry about that possibility. See one unifying factor between whites and blacks is religion. We mostly agree on a GOD, we agree on Biblical teachings…. Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve… Blacks and whites might carry pitchforks and torches together and make your FAGGOT protests look like a middle school rally.

The Gay Community is trying to silence African American VOTERS, the tolerant “Civil Rights” crowd? WOW the hypocrisy is mind blowing.

NOTE TO FAGGOTS: You are angry you lost a vote, WE did too.. We got Obama, The BLACK Community made that possible, WE did not nor will we “Protest in the streets” we will follow the law, we will challenge Obama’s right to be president (birth cert.), but NOT to discount the voters because we don’t agree with them.You FAGGOTS are trying to REMOVE the voters voice because YOU don’t AGREE with the results. That can not happen in the U.S of A, and then continue to call us a democracy. You can not impose your will in the courts and expect the “Peasants” to stay quiet. You need to remove the possibility of violence by removing any challenges in the California Court system. You can be pissed off, you can make a blog about all of us that don’t agree with your FAGGOT ass, but YOU CAN NOT DiSCOUNT OUR VOTES, based on your disagreement with us.

This issue is BIGGER than the FAGGOT MARRIAGE Issue, this is WE THE PEOPLE being subjigated by kings in robes, We fought for our independance from those thugs in England, and WE may be called to do it again.