Tag: Violence on black friday

Thoughts on Black Friday

Thoughts on Black Friday

Lots of folks have been making fun of Black Friday shoppers. It varies between sarcasm and down right anger at the companies/stores for offering sales…

The violence during the sales aside, places like walmart and target are competitors. If one decides to open up a doughnut shop inside their stores, the other one will do it too if it is profitable. That’s called free market capitalism tactics.

Now, to the violence associated with those deals. Those who are rude, obnoxious and violent during these holiday sales need to be ejected from the nation. Preferably by catapult into the sea. My wife and my oldest son sat in a walmart for 5 hours. They witnessed several IDIOTS in the store acting like complete assholes. BUT the line they were in was cordial, friendly and very polite. They actually came out of that line with new friends. They even reconnected with some old friends while in the store.

As a perspective note, we only hear of the bad parts in this exercise in consumerism. There  are millions of stores in America, and there’s been a couple hundred dipshits getting all the headlines.

Black Friday use to denote the business community’s chance to get into the BLACK as in profit for the year. Now it denotes the hearts of the consumers.