Tag: Video

Obama Sends the Alamo to Mexico..

Obama Sends the Alamo to Mexico..

It would be funny if there wasn’t so much truth in it’s humor…

HT Weasel Zippers


Tell me this: If Obama was El Supremo like a Chavez or Castro where he could do whatever he wanted, do ya think this is too far fetched? Um NO. I submit that if Obama was running the nation as a dictator, these things may have already happened.

This my friends is exactly why the House, Senate and SCOTUS are SO Important.

Funny video, but to much truth in it for my liking.

Son of Hamas Leader speaks out.

Son of Hamas Leader speaks out.

Here is a dead man. I wish him all the luck in the world, but I think the religion of peace is not going to take kindly to being “Outed”:

I gotta say if more came out against Hamas and the rest of the “Extremists” perhaps there would be a possible peace. But since it won’t happen, it’s good to hear the truth from Muslims once in a while…

Class War part 2

Class War part 2

To go along with my previous post I thought I’d bring in the big guns:

From today on Neil Cavuto:

How ya like me now? Well said Mr Ramsey.

34 days until Independence Day

34 days until Independence Day

I sure hope they are right. Obama’s minions are on a full court press to sway the voters. With the same ol lies progressives/liberals/commies/marxist/socialists have been touting for over 70 years…It’s never been this close to a full on takeover of American values as it is right now.

Get out the vote…Matter of fact it may be a good idea to take a page out of the Democrat playbook and dig up a few voters, vote and vote often…

I will tell you this much, GOD help the “Voter Intimidation” SOB that shows up at my polling place. Game on.

NOVEMBER is Coming…What are you doing?

NOVEMBER is Coming…What are you doing?

Another great video: A feel good, WE will take back America in November…I gotta ask though, what are you doing to get “We the people” to make the commitment to VOTE in November?

HT Flopping Aces

It’s up to us individually to get our friends, our neighbors and our co-workers (If you are lucky enough to still have a job) to vote. You don’t do it by beating them into submission about their past votes that have elected these morons. You do it by showing them the choice. No spin, Nothing but facts….They will listen. Engage in the conversation but be prepared with answers.

I know for a fact that I’ve personally changed the minds of several “Obama” supporting Democrats all it takes is a breakdown of their paychecks…We must get the vote out. We must make sure those that normally vote democrat see why the choice is obvious.

Keep the fight going, don’t let up..