Tag: Unemployment rate under both parties

Jobs under Democrat rule…

Jobs under Democrat rule…

Since Obama is “Re-focusing” on Jobs for the 7th time in 3 years…. Lets look at some hard facts:

Unemployment rates throughout the years…

Lets start in 2000 because that’s the liberal cry of Bush killed the economy:

Source ANYWHERE Google “Unemployment rate throughout the years” and you can get the same data as I use here. Not debatable these are FACTS.

2000-4.0 (Bush takes office, Republicans in control of all three power seats in DC, House Senate and WH)
2006-4.6 (Democrats take over House of Reps and Senate majority)
2008-5.8 (Democrat elected to WH-Obama. All three power seats controlled by Democrats- House, Senate and WH)
2009-9.3 (Recession hits between 08 and 09)
2011-9.2 (Expected to rise, 3 years at over 9%. Republicans take over house of reps failed to gain senate majority and Democrat in WH OBAMA.)

So let’s ask the real questions about jobs. From 2000 to to 2003 the unemployment rate rose, and then fell after 2003. It continued to fall until 2006-2007 it stayed put. The very next year we saw a rise again. Then in 2009 we saw a JUMP. (Debatable as to why, Fanny Freddie, wall street, whatever the reason the fact is it jumped and has not came down due to policies of leadership)

Obama has been in office since day 1 09, he’s been focused on Jobs since day one according to him, however he and his party shoved job killing legislation down our throats and drove companies to shut down or move.

California is a the goal for Democrats and if you can’t see that you are the problem.