Tag: The Tea Party

Trainwreck Avoidence…Conservatism can save us.

Trainwreck Avoidence…Conservatism can save us.

You ever had a dream that was so vivid you woke up in a cold sweat screaming? It kind of feels like that is our world now. I feel like I’m watching a trainwreck about to happen and feel totally powerless to help…

Special note to liberal/progressive readers: IF you think all things are perfect and it’s only going to get better, you may as well click off and go visit the Daily KO’s or something…

I am seeing a train headed for a wall at a very high speed, packed with women and children, old and young, feeble and healthy, of all races and political ideologies. I see three men, two of them are really large guys and one is a rather small puny man. They are standing by a track switch gear handle that would switch tracks for the train and allow the train to miss the wall although the turn will cause a lot of damage to the train. If one of them would just pull the switch it would save 95% of the passengers on the train. I see the train coming closer and closer. I then see all of the men by the switch wrestling on the ground, punching and choking each other, I see one hand on the switch, as the train passes by the track directional rail and smashes head on to the wall killing all on board…. Then I see the three guys stop wrestling, long enough to point fingers of blame toward one another.

This scenario is reality to the USA. We the People are on that train and we’re seeing it play out from coast. We have gangs running over entire city’s, we have politicians using the economic collapse and human suffering as political tools. We have fraud and abuse of systems that would provide a hand up to those who tried and failed. We have people in our nation who hate our nation. We have an education system that is rewarding those who don’t try and fail while ignoring those who succeed and thrive. We have a political structure that sends men to war for others humanity while neglecting our own. We have so many things that could be fixed by some very simple means but nobody will pull the switch.

We the People are also near the switch. We’re the puny man between two huge guys with bad attitudes.

IF one person pulls that switch it’s going to inflict a lot of pain. It will hurt a lot of people in the short term. Those that have been dependent on Government will find themselves having to learn to work hard, maybe learn a new trade, maybe take jobs beneath their dignity…We may have to rely on churches and private organizations to feed the hungry and house the homeless.. We may have to suffer a little now to save the future of our nation. Are you willing?

Are you willing? If all of the bitching we do about the governments involvement and inaction got fixed and it hurts YOU are you willing to support that? Are you willing to put in the effort and time to save the passengers on the train?

There’s an underlying thing going on in our time and it’s the biggest challenge our nation has faced since the civil war. It’s the battle of our very survival. We have a chance to save OURSELVES by putting in power, a true conservatives who will inflict pain on us. Who by their very values and ideology, will cut services to the needy, reform medicare, medicaid and Social Security, they will reform how our welfare and education system works.

IF a person was to tell you that under their leadership you will go through some hard times, some tough decisions will be made and it will affect everyone will you support them? OR will you support the one that says: “All is good, I’m going to make it better by spending more, borrowing more, growing programs and continuing to do things as we always have.” Are you willing to see where the train is headed?

What is required is that YOU WE realize that all of these campaign promises you hear from either side mean NOTHING and have NO CHANCE of becoming reality… Unless they are promising to inflict pain upon us. I swear to all might GOD that if ONE of them was to take to the podium and say “IF you vote for me, you are voting to fix what is broken. You are voting for me so that WE can start  to fix what is broken and unsustainable. You are voting to inflict a large amount of pain in your life by cutting or reforming government spending, entitlements, education, welfare and the exact OPPOSITE of what you’ve seen over the last 10 years” I’d support that candidate with all my heart and every penny I could afford.

Are you willing to help the small guy pull the switch?