Tag: The Gays can Marry In New York

Gay Marriage is Now Legal in New York…

Gay Marriage is Now Legal in New York…

I guess this means all of the problems in New York have immediately ceased to be a problem. They have spent countless man hours determining that same sex marriage should be granted the same rights as traditional marriage. Okay, fine move on.

But I have to ask a few questions:

1. New York has the most stringent gun laws in the nation. They have one of the highest crime rates in the nation. Will Gay Marriage reduce the crime rate?

2. New York is the least free state in the nation. Will gay marriage make it more free?

3. New York is the most corrupt state in the nation. Will Gay Marriage make less corrupt?

4. New York has one of the highest tax rates in the nation. Will Gay Marriage lower taxes?

5. New York has more bans in place for more things than any other state. Will Gay Marriage fix that?

I guess what I’m saying is gay marriage is a special interest agenda. Most Americans don’t give a damn. We care about our freedoms, our rights and our future. Gay marriage is not a civil rights issue, it’s a choice issue. It’s an agenda driven reduction of moral values that fits New York to a T.

You have the right to have sex with anyone willing (not children) You are FREE to live with the same sex person of your choice. You even have the same rights as married people through civil unions but that wasn’t enough. What will the next step be of the gay agenda?

Remember the debates over the “Civil Union” legislation? there were celebrations in the street too. What’s next? It’s going to be the churches and the schools. Acceptance will never be granted fully because most Americans know it’s a choice to be gay not a birth defect. AND YES I SAID DEFECT.

I am not one of those folks who pander to the gay agenda. I don’t give a damn if you want to smoke pipes or eat peaches in the privacy of your own home.

Perhaps sharia law in New York may be a good thing huh? I mean can you imagine the wonderful Islamic culture’s take on the Homo’s?… Can’t wait for that culture clash. Just one little reminder to all you homosexuals.. Islam hates gays.. Islam kills gays. And if they started cleansing in New York I’d have a tough time mustering a GIVE A SHIT.