Tag: Tea Party loses

Romney wins Nevada…

Romney wins Nevada…

Shocker.. NOT.

Okay folks here’s the deal. Like it or not we are stuck with Romney. Romney will be the R on the general election ballot. Unless there’s a UNIFIED revolt within the republican voting public. We are stuck with Romney.

With that in mind, I’d like to set the record straight. I’ll be voting for Romney in November. While I will probably, leave the voter booth and throw up in the trash can on the way out, I will non the less vote for Mitt Romney. I have a couple of reasons for this:

The biggest reason is SCOTUS Appointments. Now, I know the senate must confirm the nomination and if we gained the majority in the senate we COULD block a bad appointment. Um, YES AND NO. We can fight it, we can attempt to stop it. BUT if a “Black POTUS” appoints a “Black, Gay, LIBERAL ACTIVIST” how much chance to you give the R’s of stopping it? Media frenzy over race/homophobia etc will force the hand of many “Moderate” R’s and we lose the court. Not worth the risk in my opinion.

There’s a few other reasons I’ll vote for him, but none of the reasons gives me any type of enthusiasm. I predict that Obama will get 4 more years because the difference between Obama and Romney is so minute.

We the People, the tea party patriots of America and all of us who hoped for real change got the shaft again. Thanks GOP you have proved yourself useless. But they are at the very least smart enough to know WE have little option.

A third party? That would be great if we had ONE man/woman we could all support. Unfortunately, one conservative’s perfection is another conservative’s evil.

Well, keep your powder dry and prepare for the worst example of democrat leadership to show it’s ugly head nation wide. CALIFORNIA Nationwide! Be prepared.