Tag: Tax and spend liberal asshat

Realization setting in.

Realization setting in.

Lets see what has happened in the last 3 years:
In 2006 we on the right were very tired of our elected officials spending like Democrats and lying like Liberals. So we tried to send the Government a message. We along with the left side of the aisle decided it was time for change, we elected a majority DEMOCRAT congress in 2006. Spending went even further while the REPUBLICAN president tried to become more LIBERAL. The Dow was over 10k.

Flash forward to today, We are now under control of the most liberal idiots ever to occupy powerful positions anywhere in the world. The Dow is almost in the 6’s, the job market is nill, the unemployment rates are headed to the 10% range and the leadership continues to talk about raising taxes on business and the wealthy.

The liberal mentality of punishing the successful is a reality now, so I wish, no I pray that all the rich businessmen, and those that hire folks like me, SHUT DOWN! Yep I said it, shut the mother fuckers down. Start moving your assets to other nations, start spending your profits in other nations. Start enjoying the life you EARNED with out being punished for making the right choices! It is time for a strike, not a labor strike of euro-trash decent, but an all out strike of businesses and businessmen as well as those that see this as dead wrong!It is time for a tax revolt a damn revolution is in order and until our unemployment rates get to 20% those that are sucking the Government tit won’t be bothered, when the tit runs dry because NO MONEY is coming in from US, then we can change the Government. Until then stay plugged in.

Raise your damn hand if you have ever worked for a poor person?

Buck Ofama and his sorry ass tax cheating libtard fucknozzles!