Tag: Stop the liberal agenda

Questions to ask yourself:

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Am I more free than I was 5 years ago?

2. Are my employment opportunities better than they were 5 years ago?

3. Are my taxes higher than they were 5 years ago?

4. Do I think the  Government can run the health care industry better than the Private sector?

5. Is the United States better off on the world stage than it was 5 years ago?

6. Is the bailouts of banks and the takeover of GM the way I want the Government to interact with the capitalist ideals these United States were founded on?

7. Do I trust the congress as is to be transparent?

8. Do I believe card check is good for the nation and good for business as it pertains to employment?

9. Do I believe cap and trade should be law?

10. Do I believe the sitting president should have the right to shut down free speech, the internet, or any media outlet for any reason?

These questions should be a good guide in your vote. IF you believe the answer is yes to those questions you should vote Democrat. IF you answered NO to them, you need to vote Republican. And right now it doesn’t matter WHO the Republican is.

I’m having a tough time after the primaries finding one R that is worse than the D in the race. The lesser of 2 evils argument is valid in a lot of areas, however; right now we need R’s in seats to stall the liberal agenda. IF we fail to elect the “R” because he/she is not the ideal candidate in 2010, we can count on the liberal/progressive agenda to continue unabated.

There are some less than ideal Republicans in the field GRANTED. BUT the fact is NONE of them are FOR the liberal issues that are on the table. Which means they will be valuable in our effort to stop Obama from ruining our country (Any further)

Vote the R and then campaign to remove them if they stray! Give them a shot to make good on their “Pledge” and if they fail.. register at the daily Ko’s because there will only be one party left….

My rant. My Opinion, My view.

Meg, Fiorina, Calvert in my district. Those of you that believe none of your candidates are worthy… I feel your pain.