Tag: Stand

Line in the Sand.. Where Do you stand?

Line in the Sand.. Where Do you stand?

I need to vent a bit so boot up, strap up and get ready.

We are in a war. A war for our way of life, to decide what direction our country should move. We are moving. Our nation is slowly moving in a direction guided by the policies and ideologies of our elected officials. In 2001 we decided that the “Clinton-Gore” direction was NOT the way we wanted to move. In 2004 we were generally okay with the direction we were headed. The Economy was growing, unemployment was very low, housing market was booming etc… We weren’t exactly thrilled with SOME of the policies of GWB but for the most part we were willing to allow that direction to continue.

In 2006 however; the direction of this nation wasn’t really the question. The question then was “blood for oil” or some other deranged left wing slogans. Our direction as a nation was put on hold and actually stopped or reversed. In 2007, signs of economic disaster began appearing. Most of us on the right knew that when Congress went LEFT, our economic prowess was going to take a hit. It did almost as soon as the new congress was sworn in.

Then we doubled down on our anger at the Bush administration and elected Obama in 2008. Hope and Change…. We gave Obama FULL and TOTAL control for 2 years. Both houses of Congress. We got a NEW direction… sigh..

Three years later, we are standing on the same ground we were on in 2009. Nothing better has happened for the average Joe American. We have a new Health Care plan ran by Government and that’s it. It’s not likely to pass the court system and the vast majority of Americans DON’T WANT IT. But that’s the signature legislation that describes what Barack Obama has done in his 3 years in office.

We made the left pay for that in 2010. They lost ONE house of congress and we SLOWED the demise of our nation.

Now we have the line in the sand. We have a decision to make. Will you stand? Will you stop the madness? Will you RISE and be heard? Will you continue to complain without doing anything?

In 2012 our very lives are on one side of that line. The other side has been tried before. It involves the socialists/marxist/communist idealogical view of our current POTUS and his cronies. Can you imagine the unabated destruction to a once great nation should he be re-elected?

In three years, Obama’s policies have not helped the nation or the world as a whole. More people have died under Obama’s “Reaching out” policies than in the entire 8 years of GWB. More people have LOST ground than gained it under Obama. More debt in our grand-children’s wallets. And that is NOT THE END. Let me educate some of you real quick.

California has been in DEBT for several years. Massive crushing debt. The only way the left knows to get out of debt is to raise taxes. There is NO OTHER WAY in their mind. They have been doing it here since just after Reagan…. Look at us now. IF CA was a country alone. We’d be Kenya. Our monetary system and inflation would be astronomical. BUT we have “Big daddy” Federal Government to back us… Think about this for a minute. When “Big daddy” is 16 TRILLION in debt, who is backing them?

The line in the sand is clear. Stand on the side you believe is the right direction and get FED UP, get ready to do battle head to head with everyone you know. Show them their vote counts and it matters. Get two or three people you know to get involved every week. Stay informed and don’t let the STATE RUN MEDIA have a free reign on the minds of Americans. Stand with people like Allen West, Ted Nugent, Marco Rubio.. Stand with Mitt Romney at the polls. Stand and be heard. And then DON’T STOP!