Tag: Screw the Democrats in the house and senate

Divided WE ARE! Language alert!

Divided WE ARE! Language alert!

I was reading around the blogs and I have come to the conclusion that we are MORE divided than we ever were. While the Libtards are talking about “Hope and Change and Bi-partisan co-operation” the Republicans (RINO’S) are talking about “Unity and Working together”


I am not ready nor will I ever be ready to be nice until the “Media Darling Obama” is voted out of office, or Impeached what ever comes first.


Since 2001, we have been inundated with morons from the left, we have been listening to “STOLEN ELECTION” “FRAUD” “CHIMP” “WAR MONGER” and worse.

IN 2006, we voted for change in congress, we did it more or less as a punishment for the Republicans move away from Conservatism and Republicans began being treated like lepers and the democrats spent most of their time trying to pin something on Bush that would stick, rather than making decisions that would avoid the economic collapse. The had their eyes on Bush while the economy was failing, it was ok though because it HELPED their guy get the votes he needed to win the whitehouse..See that’s the liberal way.. PARTY BEFORE COUNTRY!

Liberals/Democrats managed to insult, attack, deny and use the media to make Bush the most hated president since Carter. From 2001 to Jan 2008 the liberals/Democrats have made every waking moment of the Bush Presidency seem like the end of days. They called Bush every name in the book, they insulted his kids, his dog and his beliefs. They called him fascist, Nazi and baby killer. BUT they never mentioned the diversity of his cabinet, the most millionaires created, the most growth in jobs in war time ever and the lowest tax rate for ALL Americans since FDR.

NOW that their guy is in charge… They want “UNITY” They want all of us to “Work together”

Visit this web site to see the blatant bullshit

Let me be perfectly clear to all the liberals/Democrats that voted for Obama.. Let me clear my throat:


I will not now nor will I ever call YOUR PRESIDENT, MY PRESIDENT!

That’s what libtards did the whole time Bush was in office. Even in the media we were reminded that “BUSH WAS OUR PRESIDENT”  “Our President did this or that”… NOT THEIRS. So I feel it must be ok to NOT support anyone that doesn’t believe like me. Obama is a SOCIALIST and a RACIST and that gives me reason to NOT SUPPORT HIM.

Back in the days when honor and dignity were taught at home and values meant something it would be acceptable to support a president because of the will of fellow Americans. Since Clinton’s 8 years of Moral collapse the opposite is true, we do not reward honor, dignity or the will of the people, we are DIVIDED because if you don’t like something, there is a LAWYER somewhere that will take it to court.

I will also be watching the House and Senate Republicans to see how much co-operation they are giving to the “Messiah Obama”… IF they cave on their Conservative beliefs they need to be removed. TRUE RINO’S NEED TO BE VOTED OUT!

So in conclusion, let me say again FUCK YOU Democrats and Libtards…I am finding it a lot easier than the liberals had it, already Obama is giving up so much in the way of target material.. This should be alot of fun. Stay tuned.

Others blogging about this topic:

Big Dog
