Tag: Scandals and decisions.

B. Hussien Obama scandals and decisions.

B. Hussien Obama scandals and decisions.

Here he goes again, Emission controls? Lets see; Obama was elected by a LOT of Union employees, Biden and Obama worked the blue collar crowd like sushi salesman in Japan. NOW what has mr “Chosen one” done? he has not only made the global warming SCAM the forefront of his new policies he has effectively put MORE people on the unemployment line in the auto industry. Mark my words there will be catastrophic consequences in libtard states like California. The auto industry is being hit from all sides, and taking money from US on a regular basis to stay afloat. NOW they get hit in the mouth by their own guy… I love it… Way to go Obama keep up the good work and you will be unemployed too…

Kind of a running tally so I’ll repost the original as well.

Well lets get the party started!

Welcome Barack Hussein Obama to the highest office in the free world.

IF you expect a cake walk, or  silence because you are HALF BLACK, ya better get a clue.

First day in office and you got a wonderful endorsement from Fidel Castro, your treasury guy has been caught NOT paying taxes

Good start there Messiah.

I will be following all the great mistakes that are “Transparent” But I would imagine media swooning will keep the good stuff down.

This is going to be fun guys, let us all enjoy the ride in this handbasket, we know the destination already so there is nothing left to do but check out the scenery.